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Saint Georges Day

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sorry i cant make this meet. i will be in london with my son, stuart and his fiancee. stuart is running the london marathon on the sunday so we are going for the weekend to support him. :thumbsup:

rather him than me! :rolleyes: hes running for "help for heros" so a good cause :)

hope you all have a good time though (as i know you will)
Saint Georges Day meet:georgecrossflag:
:georgecrossflag:Stags Head Summer Lane
Saturday 24th April 12.30:georgecrossflag:

There will be a Buffet on at this meet.
For only £1 per head. YES A £1
I cannot persuade Prof to charge more.
Anyone who came last time will know what a great Buffet it is.
So I will be passing the hat round for Prof and his staff :)

Froth and Cath
Dave M...
Mike-G and Maureen
Pollypops... Maybe
David Fowler...
Postie and Hilary...
Maggie and Otherhalf...
ironman plus Mom and Nan
Robert the late........
Angela and Linda.....
Dek Carr...
TerryB18 and Pat
Shortie and Friend...
Dereklcg plus 2 maybe...
Lynne and Daughter...
Lindev maybe....
Barry... definitely Maybe lol

Can I have more names on the list please.
Not only do I want this to be the best meet ever and the last one is going to take some beating. Remember Prof needs all the help he can get to keep the Stags Head profitable:)
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My little friend Barry said he would like to come, but he change's his mind more often than the wind. I think i will be able to entice him with the lure of chicken broth for a quid (He's from up north). so put him down for a definate maybe Chris.
Saint Georges Day meet:georgecrossflag:
:georgecrossflag:Stags Head Summer Lane
Saturday 24th April 12.30:georgecrossflag:

There will be a Buffet on at this meet.
For only £1 per head. YES A £1
I cannot persuade Prof to charge more.
Anyone who came last time will know what a great Buffet it is.
So I will be passing the hat round for Prof and his staff :)

Froth alias St. George and Cath
Dave M...
Mike-G and Maureen
Pollypops... Maybe
David Fowler...
Postie and Hilary...
Maggie and Otherhalf...
ironman plus Mom and Nan
Robert the late........
Angela and Linda.....
Dek Carr...
TerryB18 and Pat
Shortie and Friend...
Dereklcg plus 2 maybe...
Lynne and Daughter...
Lindev maybe....
Barry... definitely Maybe lol
Astoness and Steve....Possible
Snygyst and Dragon... Hopefully

Can I have more names on the list please.
Not only do I want this to be the best meet ever and the last one is going to take some beating. Remember Prof needs all the help he can get to keep the Stags Head profitable:)
Stop press this maybe the last meet at the Stag:(
So if you've always fancied the idea of going to the Stag this is the time to do it:)
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OK peeps, lets make this a gud un, we all moan about the old pubs closing down, now we have a chance to do something about it, lets give it some wellie.:taste:thumbsup:
Why could it be the last meet at the stag Frothy ? Max
Why could it be the last meet at the stag Frothy ? Max

Well Max. For want of a better phrase, the Brewery have got Prof over a Barrel over Beer prices.So he is taking over the Unity club up the road from the Stag. He think he'll be leaving around about September time:(
Well at the end of the day he has to look after his livelihood. It will be a sad day but a lot can happen between now and September. Lets all look forward to the meet and make it massssiveee:):):)
evening all...:) well now you all know that prof will be leaving the stag most likely by september all the more reason for lending support to this meet up as it could be our last chance to have a pint in a pub in summer lane:( as most of you know its the only serving pub left and if no one else takes over the running of the stag and it closes its doors forever it will surely be the end of the pub history of the lane....:cry: a most upsetting thought...so as postie has said....lets give it some brummie wellie:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks for the info Frothy, once again the greedy conglomerate brewers have forced out, due to job security i guess, a bloody good gaffer.
It will be nice for the forum members to go and have a good un, but unfortunately 1 swallow dont make a summer !!! , one can see what has happened around Summer Lane as in other parts of Birmingham, indeed the uk, that the none drinking communities that live in these areas, far from bringing to the communities they live in,help to destroy the very culture of what was once our Old Ends. Max
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Froth didnt know the Unity was still open..fair play to Prof..i wish him all the luck in the world..ps would ya believe the Tally is still not being used
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well put max...hi maggie typical about the tally:rolleyes: the unity has been closed for some months now and like you i wish prof and marie all the best.....

Spot on Max,I ,and everyone I know, agree's with you entirely...what must remain unsaid.:rolleyes:As for The Stag,The Unity Club,and Prof...who knows....it ain't over till the fat lady sings.:)
I been thinking. It would be good to have a Christmas do ( Sorry to mention Christmas so early ) but I could never think of a place to have it. Now the Unity club come to mind:)
Can we have Christmas early then , lets face it the way places are closing down, it may not be there by Christmas. Max
PLENTY OF TIME TO PUT YOUR NAME DOWN FOLKS FOR THIS MEET UP...EVERYONE IS WELCOME ESPECIALLY NEW MEMBERS:):) well now you all know that prof will be leaving the stag most likely by september all the more reason for lending support to this meet up as it could be our last chance to have a pint in a pub in summer lane:( as most of you know its the only serving pub left and if no one else takes over the running of the stag and it closes its doors forever it will surely be the end of the pub history of the lane....[/COLOR][/SIZE]:cry: a most upsetting thought...so as postie has said....lets give it some brummie wellie:thumbsup::thumbsup:

i am a new member, i am coming along with my mom, lynne webb, and she said that i cant go through life without going to a pub in summer lane
I pass the Tally once every 10 days or so to visit an Aunt and Uncle in a home in Church Rd. As I told you Maggie, it looks very sad, all padlocked up with NO sign of any work starting soon. Bloody landlords!!!!
hi vikki...your mom is quite right..im sure you will both have a good time....ps...dont forget yer flag:):)

I'll try and make it for a while. Are dragons allowed in or do I have to leave mine outside?

:Dancedance04::Dancedance04::Dancedance04::Dancedance04::Dancedance04::Dancedance04::Dancedance04::Dancedance04: Bringing my own Morris Side as well !
hi syngyst....that would be great if you could drop in...:) and yes of course your dragon is allowed....the more the merrier:D:D look forward to seeing yer little morris men too...:thumbsup::thumbsup:.

Saint Georges Day meet:georgecrossflag:
:georgecrossflag:Stags Head Summer Lane
Saturday 24th April 12.30:georgecrossflag:

There will be a Buffet on at this meet.
For only £1 per head. YES A £1
I cannot persuade Prof to charge more.
Anyone who came last time will know what a great Buffet it is.
So I will be passing the hat round for Prof and his staff :)

Froth alias St. George and Cath
Dave M...
Mike-G and Maureen
Pollypops... Maybe
David Fowler...
Postie and Hilary...
Maggie and Otherhalf...
ironman plus Mom and Nan
Robert the late........
Angela and Linda.....
Dek Carr...
TerryB18 and Pat
Shortie and Friend...
Dereklcg plus 2 maybe...
Lynne and Daughter...
Lindev maybe....
Barry... definitely Maybe lol
Astoness and Steve....Possible
Snygyst and Dragon... Hopefully

Can I have more names on the list please.
Not only do I want this to be the best meet ever and the last one is going to take some beating. Remember Prof needs all the help he can get to keep the Stags Head profitable:)
Stop press this maybe the last meet at the Stag:(
So if you've always fancied the idea of going to the Stag this is the time to do it:)
That's just brilliant Frothy the buffet last time was excellent! Now more to look forward to!!
Saint Georges Day meet:georgecrossflag:
:georgecrossflag:Stags Head Summer Lane
Saturday 24th April 12.30:georgecrossflag:

There will be a Buffet on at this meet.
For only £1 per head. YES A £1
I cannot persuade Prof to charge more.
Anyone who came last time will know what a great Buffet it is.
So I will be passing the hat round for Prof and his staff :)

Froth alias St. George and Cath
Dave M...
Mike-G and Maureen
Pollypops... Maybe
David Fowler...
Postie and Hilary...
Maggie and Otherhalf...
ironman plus Mom and Nan
Robert the late........
Angela and Linda.....
Dek Carr...
TerryB18 and Pat
Shortie and Friend...
Dereklcg plus 2 maybe...
Lynne and Daughter...
Lindev maybe....
Barry... definitely Maybe lol
Snygyst and Dragon... Hopefully

Can I have more names on the list please.
Not only do I want this to be the best meet ever and the last one is going to take some beating. Remember Prof needs all the help he can get to keep the Stags Head profitable:)
Stop press this maybe the last meet at the Stag:(
So if you've always fancied the idea of going to the Stag this is the time to do it:)
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