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Where is this 2007- 2008 queries

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To Me That Looks like
Benson Road Or Baccuss Rd Off Lodge Road
Hockley === Winson Green --------Handsworh New Road ,
Yes it looks like Station Road Erdington. But I don't think its wide enough

Stratford Road
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The trouble with the people on this site is, its too hard to trip them up. I will just have to make things harder, but this next one should be easy enough.


As I said the people on this site are just too smart, I should have cropped Broadbents (sack & bags) out all together they are much too well known. That what I get for giving you a fighting chance, next time it will be no holds barred. Keep watching this space.;)

PMC this spot is for me one of the most historic places in Brum and there is the photo before it all dissappeared. The old mill was on Mill Lane...below the Manor Mill on Upper Mill Lane which was fed by the Moat I think that these must be the beginnings surely but I don't have access to research material.
Well done Rupert I don't know how good you would be if you were still living over here, best try you get you while you sleep:D
...and it's late 1952 or early 1953. The tram overhead is still in place (for trams running to Kyotts Lake road works) but the trolleybus negative wire (always nearest the pavement) has been removed, so it's after the Coventry Rd trolleybus replacement on 1st July 1952.
Thanks Lloyd. I could never reconcile the bend in the main road with Bradford Street. Then again I was thrown off by the 1890 survey map that did not show tram lines at the Digbeth end. Now it is clear. The tram lines at the Digbeth end, must have been added after 1890. I should have paid more attention to the comment below the Phylis Nicklin photo.
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you are of course correct, but I understood from the Phylis Nicklin photo and the reference to Mill Lane that Rupert had a correct understanding of the location. After all its only a little fun.

Lets see what you make of this next one. As a hint I will tell you it is not so quiet now, as when this was taken in 1923.

Hmm, I thought at first it was Slade Rd, but unless the bridge has been rebuilt it doesn't compare to this...

I don't remember buses or trams ever using this road, but it was of main road stature and very busy. There was another form of transport at hand close by.


No sorry mate its not the Radleys or Mackadown Lane by my old mate John's scrap yard. Although I can see why you might think it so.

Rupert, no to Aston Station

Dave P, no to Eastfield Rd

Rupert, no to Witton St

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