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Where is this 2007- 2008 queries

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I dont think it Steelehouse Lane because the building accross the road would have to be the General Hospital and it looks nothing like it!
I'm 99% sure it is a Police Station, I will go for Rea st, where the police horses were kept, I think it was Rea St.
Yes, Aston I'm sure your right that was my thinking too, I was born not 200 yards from Big Brum, in Newhall st, which also leads me to think this is not Steelehouse lane otherwise you would not be able to see Big Brum, it would be behind you!
I would think its a main police station and its definately not Digbeth. Its not looking up at Big Brum from Summerhill side, the roads would be going up not down.
To be honest I cant really remember where Rea st is now! So I'm in the dark on this one! Lol, Rea St was just a guess!
I give you one your side of town, and you are stumbling about like blind people.

Well done Charlie,

Yes it is Kenyon Street, Hockley and the building on the right is the police station.

Headquarters of C Division of Birmingham City Police from 1862 until 1943 it closed in 1972 when new offices were opened in Warstone Lane. The station clock now hangs on the wall of the police museum.

Worked for two years from that station in the late 50's.

Would be marched out of the double gates in a line with officers dropping out of the line as they reached their beat areas. By the time the line had reached Icknield Street the sergeant had done his bit and the remainder simply went their way.

The Austin shown on the left of the photograph belonged to an old colleague who was the detective responsible for scenes of crime examination in the area. Memories
So where am I standing now Looking at this

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I think I'll declare that one a draw between Charlie and Pomgolian.

It is indeed on the side of the Birmingham Assay Office in Newhall St, The Anchor represents Birminghams Assay Mark. The office has been there since 1877.


I'll see if I can sort out a slightly harder one for in the morning.
unknowm location

I came across this street scene whilst reading “ A century of Celebrating Christ (The Diocese of Birmingham 1905-2005)”. The only reference to it is that it is a typical example of terraced housing and there is no other information to be gleaned from the book itself.

The thing is, my mind tells me that I recognise the location, but my memory will not tell me where it is. Can anybody put a name to the location before it drives me to distraction. There might be a clue in the phone number you can see on the Printers. This puts it somewhere in the Ladywood, Lee Bank Area.

re were is it

postie.i think you are right.some one used to give me a lift into town,and drop me off in bromsgrove st,i would walk up that rd to new st station.if i remember right there was a newsagent by the printers. pete

You have certainly got a chance of being right. So the traffic lights on the corner would be Bromsgove St. What year is you Kelly's directory and what is the listing for the building on the corner. If the printers is 96 it would be about 106.

I would have walked that way many times into the Bull Ring, down Moseley St and up Pershore St, but it just does not fit in with what I seem to remember.

Still at my age you are supposed to loose thousands of brain cells everyday.

re were is this

phill.i walked up there in the early 70s.Like you i new the place but could not remember were it was. ta postie. pete
Time for a new one. Where is this and what was it for? It's still there, but doesn't look the same now.
Correct, mike-g. Birmingham Road, opposite Broadfields Road. Do you (or anyone) know what it was?
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