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Where is this 2007- 2008 queries

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OK, mike-g and cat share the laurel wreath this time. It was the waiting room for the tramway at the Erdington terminus, on Birmingham Road opposite Broadfields Road before the lines were continued a few more yards to the present service road by the shops. It may have contained toilets: I've never been inside to see! The front columns have gone now, and the doorways and windows are filled in, but the structure remains, to the photographer's right in this shot of the final terminus.
Yes! The shops by Fountain Road, just before Sandon Road turns off (behind the photographer. Well done, 13 minutes!
Looks nice with the cobble stones on the right. Could it be Sutton Coldfield?:) Mo

Saw your reply as my post came up, working at the same time. Well done.
Nice photos Lloyd, but I grew up in Handsworth so I don't know much about that side of the city. :) Mo
I have the better of you then Sakura as I grew up on the South side but went to school in Handsworth and my Mom's family were in Erdington;)
No, neither of those, pmc1947, but you're getting warm. It's the side road name I want, remember!
Correct Charlie! :grinsmile:
It's Hagley Road / Francis Road junction, looking towards Five Ways. The tram is about where the westbound underpass lane emerges today.
All visible has been swept away with road widenings, underpass building and new office construction. :cry:

I said at the time it was built, the underpass went the wrong way - it should have gone down Islington Row, which is the main traffic flow from Hagley Road now.
Lovely buildings weren't they? Still, replaced by beautiful offices, so that's OK :cry::cry::cry:
o.k. where is this, its a little later than the previous one, and the location has certainly seen better days. I don't suppose it will cause you experts any great problem though.

I had a tattoo done here in 1966, I have to be honest it wasn't very good, but you can hardly ask them to take it back off can you.


You could have at least tried to make it look hard, only six minutes from posting to solving. Did you go in there before it was a tattoo palour? because as I said I didn't think much of his work.

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