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Where is this 2007- 2008 queries

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I'm sorry but there is not a canal in sight. I'll give you another clue to think on overnight. Think Sussex and you might come up with the answer.


There you are you see you knew all the time. I think they changed the bridge in the early sixties, because it couldn't cope with the volume of traffic. (photo of replacement attached), Since then a rearrangement of traffic priority has quietened it down some.

At the time of the first photo the railway station was off photo to the left.

I agree with mike-g, Hamstead at the bottom of Old Walsall Rd between the colliery and the train station?
Addison Rd was in answer to Lloyd, and Birchfield Rd was in answer to Jean. (I'm not so sure about Addison Rd).

:DNowhere near folks. Went past Birchfield road this morning and can see why you said it was there. Going away for a few days so will let you stew till then.:D Good luck. Jean.

In that case, I'll say it is the stretch of Stratford Rd (A34) between Palmerston Rd and Walford Rd Sparkbrook.

Its gotta be Moseley. Alcester Road even.. Where else would the driver get out of his tram and have to hold on to it to stop it rolling backwards? The poor women upstairs are panic stricken!:D
:biggrin: Ritchie. WRONG. Keep trying. Jean. Plenty more where this came from so hurry up. Jean. :biggrin:
Sorry I take so long to reply, I was at work all day.
Mike g wins my bus pc place-yes Hamstead (not Hampstead - that's London!) and the colliery aerial ropeway was the giveaway.

Jean - Easy peasy. Cotteridge tram terminus, when the trams were operated by the City of Birmingham Tramway Company (see between the boys, CBT Co on the tram side, the dark panels were deep maroon).
Proof? See below. Same place, different tram, a Corporation one by then.
The church has been replaced by a supermarket. Sell us this day our daily bread, perhaps?

You are correct of course, Jean let me have the answer before she went away for a few days. With the instruction to let anyone know if they came up with the correct answer.

LLoyd, is that the early no 11 bus, on its way to Kings Heath, passing that well known watering hole The B.......... Hotel


Don't know much about trams and buses, but I would say the pub is the Billesley Arms.

Billesley.... its got a new name now I think:) Hotel or Arms On No 11 Bus route

Haven't been that way since 1960s
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Lets see how fast you can put a name to this pub. I used to have an occasional drink here.

Yes, the Billesley. Far to easy for you experts!
I don't know the next one, pmc1947, although there are quite a few clues in the picture. Resurfaced road centre where double tram tracks have been lifted, a 'from city' bus stop so the view is looking towards town (Why do Brummies always call their city "Town"?) and from the vehicles it looks a 50s shot. But I don't recognise it at all!
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