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When the going get tough..the tough get goin

i know she did maxwell but charlie along with all the other girls are exempt from tickings off.....you on the other hand are not...:headhit::headhit::D

Hmmm and there's me thinking that all you women libbers had burnt their bras, oh maybe you all did but now i guess gravity is having its effects LOL
maggie as there are 4 out of the six of us that were at the meet online at the min i guess we could always gang up on max:D:D

ki lyn,maggie,
was it max that called us cows in the first place.

No No a thousand times no, i love women far too much to ever refer to them as Cows, i asked if i could join the Cow Club, you ladies had already dubbed yourselves "The Cow Club" Max XX

see post #9
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:D:D max...you shall be an honoury member :thumbsup:


Max ! Honoury Cow
I have been out getting together my " Costume " im not too sure which is the most appropriate ??

Click on attachments LOL
Listen men, it is not fair to refer to some women as cows, please spare a thought for the real cows because they can not speak up for themselves.
Bobby, Bovine is a good word because it does not embarrass or humiliate a specific animal.
Just found this on Wiki!
"The adjective applying to sheep is ovine and the collective term for sheep is flock or mob." so I suppose it does apply to the men!
They tend to "flock" around the ladies,don't they?:D
They're an unruly "mob" at the bar!:D
Sorry it aint us that hold hands to go to the toilet.you never hear us complaining about the lavi seat being up. Dek:p:p:D
ladylinda, I am somewhat surprised, I had always thought you to be a little, well, different. Not catty like one or two of the others. Can I say that almost 100% of the female members I have met or seen albeit briefly at meet-ups and the like have been nothing short of charming. There was one however who was going to give my wife a truncheon to hit me over the head with, and another one who is always trying to boss me around like she does her husband,poor chap.
ladylinda sounds so charming as well.
Did your wife get the truncheon,Stitch? If she did,she obviously hasn't used it yet!:D
And as for a certain LADY being bossy.........I've never seen that side of her:D
and I'm sure her husband loves all the attention he gets!!!:D