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When the going get tough..the tough get goin

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Pub Crawl! I'll have you know that this was an Historical Research outing, and we walked (not crawled) to each and every one of them. OK...maybe the last one was a bit of a crawl down Gt Hampton Street...but only a bit. We discussed politics, the state of the nation (The Nation's a small pub in Bayswater) and swapped recipes. there was absolutely NO bawdiness or bad behaviour at any point because we all act with sobriety and decorum.
And I'll smash anyone's face in that suggests otherwise.
I was Googleing th Nation Pub ( which i coulnt find !! ) when i came across this story of a 77 year old Grandmother , whats the world coming to.https://www.westendextra.com/news/2010/feb/west-end-news-77-year-old-grandmother-barred-over-hat-bayswater-pub-tells-pensioner-be
I was Googleing th Nation Pub ( which i coulnt find !! ) when i came across this story of a 77 year old Grandmother , whats the world coming to.https://www.westendextra.com/news/2...red-over-hat-bayswater-pub-tells-pensioner-be

Ok, so I lied! Though I HAVE been in the Prince Alfred, long before it became a Gastro Pub (whaaaat?). Good job I wasn't wearing a hoodie eh?
And, for the record, it's used by people of many different NATIONS (get the link)? hahaha
vicki i dont know how to take a pic off but im sure someone will be able to tell you...

Ok, so I lied! Though I HAVE been in the Prince Alfred, long before it became a Gastro Pub (whaaaat?). Good job I wasn't wearing a hoodie eh?
And, for the record, it's used by people of many different NATIONS (get the link)? hahaha

I dont know about Gastro pubs !!!!! what ever they are, i have drunk in a few pubs that gave me Gastric problems LOL Max
If I went into The Quarter for a drink, I too may have visited some of the pubs named. If I went for a look around in the interests of HISTORY, I would have gone into The Square and taken a few pictures of St. Pauls.
St. Pauls it is then. I love the Square...but can't afford to drink in any of the poshed-up bars around there. Still.....it's not about the drinks is it?
Thats right dek, it rounds them up and points them in the right direction.
ok then..what all this taking our bras in vain then lads....instead of doing this individual i shall post a joint:headhit::headhit::headhit::headhit: :D:D

ok then..what all this taking our bras in vain then lads....instead of doing this individual i shall post a joint:headhit::headhit::headhit::headhit: :D:D


Charlie started it miss nah nah nah nah nah.