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When the going get tough..the tough get goin

hi charlie..of course is was not our intentions to upset the lads..;)

dek...we should be so lucky...behave yerself and if i am not mistaken i think this is the first time i have given you a :headhit::headhit::headhit:

Hi Girls,
Good to see you all had a great time on the 'secret girls only mini meet' :)
I wish I could have been there but never mind, maybe next time.
Great photos!
Polly :)
If it makes you feel any better, Frothie. We had a rotten time, everyone was dead miserable, the beer was awful, no conversation....but we got through it! :grouphugg04:
Oh yer! it looked like it
charlie..i must admit i loved travelling back in time in the yard of the woodman..makes you realise just what we havnt got anymore...:rolleyes: and i cant beleive we didnt take a pic of it...oh well maybe next time..;)
If it makes you feel any better, Frothie. We had a rotten time, everyone was dead miserable, the beer was awful, no conversation....but we got through it! :grouphugg04:

Someones telling porkies i,ve just got this feeling:rolleyes::rolleyes::)
When I got A phone call I was asked to pick a certain lady up I was asked about "a carry out " i thought that meant taking a couple of drinks out.... not meant LITERALLY lol
can you make sure i stick to halves next time cause i swear the stools in the lord clifden had cow hide on them.

lol lynne they did....froth as maggie said the photographer is top secret..cant let on as we will need to use the person again....

thanks bazz..a good time was had by all...:) just goes to show we cant outwit the lads anytime..:D
think i missed this one...inside the jewellers...

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lol lynne they did....froth as maggie said the photographer is top secret..cant let on as we will need to use the person again....

thanks bazz..a good time was had by all...:) just goes to show we cant outwit the lads anytime..:D

I've got a very good idea who it was;)
and Froth if ya think it was Tom yer 100% wrong cos he was playing Golf and can prove it ..and it wasn't just one person:Dancedancer05: