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When the going get tough..the tough get goin

ladylinda, I am making this my last post on this subject because it will end in tears. We all know that us MEN are correct in what we say, and you women will argue that day is night until the BOVINES come home. As for the other one who shall remail nameless not being BOSSY, well??? I can tell you without a word of exageration that she has had a heated argument with my Sat. Nav. at least she thought it was an argument. She disputed the direction given by the Sat. Nav. but the Sat. Nav. repeats all instructions twice so that was mis-construed as arguing. I asked her which way we should go and she came up with the 'FEMALE CLASSIC' she said "I don't know but I don't think it is this way". I pity the driver on the old bus today!! If you think you know to whom I refer ask her about the enquiries to DIGNITAS in Switzerland, ask her about encouraging my wife to adopt a violent attitude. I give up.
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You know what I say to my Husnband Ken after one of them dissputes "why do you insist om making me right?") He usually introduces himself to people as "the gaffers husband" !!!


Bramwell, if thats the case it would seem he has given up. I do hope he is not too despondant because it will seem like 'waiting for God', poor chap.