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When the going get tough..the tough get goin

and Froth if ya think it was Tom yer 100% wrong cos he was playing Golf and can prove it ..and it wasn't just one person:Dancedancer05:

froth maggie is telling the truth...when she phoned tom to pick her up he was at stitchers having a cuppa after playing golf...:Dwell spotted maggie..ive edited that post....dont know me jewellers from me woodman...:cry:
ahh well in that case froth you are definately wrong.....as we had many photographers along the way:)and as we dont know their names neither will you...:D:D
:DanceDiscoBoogie02: well done girls, you looked like you had a great time.

girls just wanna have fun dont they!
hi shera...yes it really was a good meet up.but we also noted the fantastic buildings along the way like in post 10 pics 3 and 4 taken by maggie...where else could you see buildings like this when going to the loo:D at the cafe on the corner of vyse st and hylton street...

I wished i had know you ladies where in the " Quarter " i would have popped in to have a tot with you all.
In fact i was going into one pub The Lord Clifden, but as i was opening the door, all i could hear was......... " DOUBLE DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE FIRE BURNS AND CAULDRON BUBBLE", well it put me off going in.:D:D:D;)
I am amazed that a little group of forum members of the female variety can cause so much mayhem with a small scale rampage.
Well Trevor when a coven get together you never know who,s doll they are sticking pins in. Dek
right im off up the wooden hill soon...thanks again girls for a lovely time...:)

lads...behave yerselves you never know where we are lurking...:D:D
Dek, it is all down to that Emily Pancake, time was when this sort of thing never happenend.
I am off to bed now but just want to say thanks girls :)..and the funniest thing today was ....can you lot move over people are trying to get past yer know:D:Ddont ya think Brummies are great
I haven't been in The Villa Rose Tavern for a couple of years but I still remember seeing those amazing wall tiles and that stained glass window. Thanks for the photo's lovely!
I am so glad you all had a Brilliant time and great photo's:).........gutted that I too couldn't make it:cry:......Oh to be in England now that spring is here...:)
morning chris:) we had a lovely couple of hours yesterday...or was it 3 or 4:rolleyes: glorious sunshine here in brum today may sit out in the garden later on..

" oh the times they are a changing" and wasnt Bob Dylan right , i just couldnt imagine my father allowing my Mom to have gone out on her own, let alone " A Pub Crawl", it wasnt always the good old days particularly for women God Bless them all , Max
morning maxwell:) well it wasnt so much as a pub crawl....we only wanted to check out the interiors of the pubs and we sort of just fell towards the bars which were always on an incline:D:D

Pub Crawl! I'll have you know that this was an Historical Research outing, and we walked (not crawled) to each and every one of them. OK...maybe the last one was a bit of a crawl down Gt Hampton Street...but only a bit. We discussed politics, the state of the nation (The Nation's a small pub in Bayswater) and swapped recipes. there was absolutely NO bawdiness or bad behaviour at any point because we all act with sobriety and decorum.
And I'll smash anyone's face in that suggests otherwise.
Pub Crawl! I'll have you know that this was an Historical Research outing, and we walked (not crawled) to each and every one of them. OK...maybe the last one was a bit of a crawl down Gt Hampton Street...but only a bit. We discussed politics, the state of the nation (The Nation's a small pub in Bayswater) and swapped recipes. there was absolutely NO bawdiness or bad behaviour at any point because we all act with sobriety and decorum.
And I'll smash anyone's face in that suggests otherwise.
Any vacancies in the Cow Club. LOL
Sorry Max., ladies only....come to think of it, that lets most of the original members out!
Oh B'##",<,. it , just my luck, by the way ladies i wonder if you noticed on the other side of the road from the Rose Villa ( on the Pavement ) there is a brass plaque ? Not that i am suggesting that you gals were That drunk LOL Max
Its a route sign , if i remember correctly it is insribed with info about Chamberlains clock. Max