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The Stags Head 13th Feb 2010

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Evening all,
I'm back in Brighton now the weather was so rotten,decided to get back and unload photos.
It was great to meet so many friendly nice people, and I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves, thanks to Lyn and Wendy, and last but by no means least the management and staff of The Stag.
ahh your back then john...thought you were going back tomorrow:rolleyes: its was a pleasure to meet you too...so glad you enjoyed it:) look forward to your pics....

Well here we go,
If I've caught you unawares or with eyes closed, so be it, that was my intention, completely natural , no posing, reflecting a wonderful day which I'm sure you all enjoyed.
I am sitting here in Sunny California. envying you all !! I wish I could have been there, thank all the photo takers. also thanks for welcoming my friend Eric Blackham , he called me as soon as he arrived home to tell me all about it .Keep up the good work Lyn & all the helper,s.

brillient john...have you got the one that i took of the group with you in it...cant see you in any of the pics:rolleyes: and i want to send 2 group onrd to the brummagem mag...

john..im trying to save pic 4 on post 102 and pic 1 on post 104 but they are saving like a blank piece of paper not a pic...can you advise please...

ok dave...ive got saved as a pic...could you do the other one for me pleeeeeese...


It seems I managed to escape the pics.... Hooray. Just the back of my head or the side of my face just the way Ilike it .
chocks...you will be there somewhere...just going to look though mine again although i didnt take as many as i usually do....

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