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The Stags Head 13th Feb 2010

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our barmaids...who worked very hard...thanks girls...:)

mary on the left and me sister anne on the right..
never had a drop david...:D oh thank you for very kindly giving me your raffle prize...it was lovely of you....xx
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and here is our surprise of the day...frankie 40....thanks frankie for being a good sport....great to meet you all:)
john knight, it was great to meet you in person yesterday. I don't know if you made the journey purposely for the meet up but it was a long way to travel for any reason. I hope you enjoyed it.
Looks like you all had a great time. Sorry I couldn't be there, but I've had a really nasty reaction to some penicillin - couldn't even make the party I was supposed to be at last night *sob*.
oh charlie you would have love it and im sorry to hear about the reaction:( hope you are on the mend....chances are we may have another meet at the stag later in the year so i do hope you can make it next time....

Got to throw my tuppence worth in now. That was one of the best Saturday afternoons Ive spent in a long time. It was great to finally meet so many of the members that I have spoken with over the years. AND,nothing but praise for our Lyn, for organising the event, Wendy, for dealing with the raffle, and all that entailed, and Jim & Hilary for all you do to keep this life-line going. (By the way Hilary, I told you that Scottish note was ok, didnt I). And a very special thank you to everyone that turned up, you all made the trip down very worth while.
Sorry I haven't been on I am decorating......urgh! The photo's are brilliant it's a shame it's not like facebook where we can tag people! It was lovely seeing everyone if only for a few minutes the time just flew! It was lovely to meet John Knight and Bazz M who had travelled such a long way. It was lovely to see John and June Houghton I bought his book In and Around Aston Through Time its excellent! I am sorry if I didn't get to speak to everyone I can't believe how busy I was.......lol. For those who couldn't make it don't worry there will definitely be more meets. I am so sorry to hear you are unwell Charlie I hope you feel better soon.

I also know Frothy will get his revenge!!
By the Frothy, thanks for the picture. You will have noticed Im using it already. When I saw it I thought, thats not bad, I still look sober. Many thanks mate.
Good idea Bazz I have changed mine for the one John Knight took with John Houghton's camera.
hi ya bazz....so glad you had a good time:) this meet up was good for the stag and the forum as it bought so many of us together:) its just like having one massive family now:Dand my christmas card list has just got bigger:D

nice one wend...if someone posts a decent one of me i shall do the same but its rare to find one..im not very photogenic:(looking forward to john knights pics...

I'll let you know after I've been to the bank Tomorrow.
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