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The Stags Head 13th Feb 2010

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I'm so please you all had such a good time... Sorry to have missed it once a gain...:( however at least I know there will still be a site to link up to and chat with all you loverly people each day :).
Great effort by all concerned and great fund-raising to...
Those are great Ian.........just to put the record straight the person shouting anymore for anymore is me selling raffle tickets:D I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea:rolleyes:
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I forgot to mention the raffle did really well with all prizes being donated especially the beautiful paintings donated by Jennyann when she came over from Canada at the end of last year. Thank you they were lovely I am just sad I din't win one!
I'm glad you clarified it was raffle ticket selling - it could have been alcohol you were on about. ;)
Just to add my thanks to everyone elses.

First time I had attended a meet, and everyone was exceedling friendly.
The buffet was a snip as well

Heres to the next....

What else can anyone say, it really was a great day, it's certainly grown since the first meet when about six turned up.
Thanks to Lyn, she did a great job, and that buffet don't know how they did it for the money.
When is the next one ????????.

Thank you to everyone for a great afternoon, it was nice to meet Lyn, after all the time we have spoken on the site, it was very nice meeting up with Maggieuk after about 40years, and talking over the old times, i also met Reg and Kevkonk so now i can put a face to the names which is very nice, (and thank you Kev for your help in finding the Devlin family)
Thanks for posting the photos and the clips - Now I don't feel so left out.
Polly :)
We don't want anyone to be left out especially those overseas that's why we take so many pictures. It would be impossible for everyone to attend it's just a nice extension to the forum. It's also nice to support the local pubs who struggle enough to keep going! The Stags Head was incredible and I for one would love to go again!
We don't want anyone to be left out especially those overseas that's why we take so many pictures. It would be impossible for everyone to attend it's just a nice extension to the forum. It's also nice to support the local pubs who struggle enough to keep going! The Stags Head was incredible and I for one would love to go again!

Hear Hear Wendy. I'm going again next week. Anyone fancy it:)
Wow....what a great day you all had. I thought about you all very much and am enjoying seeing the
photos. The Stag's Head certainly did you proud and as Wendy says it's wonderful to be able to support them. The food looked exceptional and was by all accounts. The price....well phenomenal, for food and pints.
Thanks to Lyn and Wendy for arranging such a great "do". Jim and Hilary for everything you do. The best part of this "do" I am sure was the meeting up of many people from this Forum. Well done.
Jennyann we have to thank you for the lovely paintings you donated which helped us raise so much on the raffle. I told several people who were unaware where the paintings had come from. When I mentioned Jenny from Canada the chap in the third photo along in post 18# thinks he knew you. I am sure he or his family will be in touch. Thank you for your kind wishes. I know this must be a difficult time for you after the death of the young man competing in the Winter Olympics which is in your home town. Our thoughts are with his family and yours too. xx
Well it looked like you all had a good time i recognise some of the 'cannock chases' faces:D from the 60s do

I cant see Ray Barret or Keith 'Mabz' on the photos,and i must say that the first time i have seen a kilt on Froth with brown legs on:D:D:D it would be nice if someone could put names to the people on the group photo

It's all been said before but here goes again:

Fantastic turn out
Great pub
Unbelievably good spread (for a quid!!!)
Smashing people
Thanks again to Lyn for organising it, Wendy for keeping us in order for the raffles (BTW when are you doing the draw Wendy?):D the hard working Jim for making this Forum go from strength to strength and everyone for making such generous contributions for the good causes.
Definately the best meet up so far (until the next one of course!)

PS, Robert, thanks for your observation. Just watched it on the ITV re-run and thankfully they edited the bad bits out! Still we're in the quarter finals.
Cheers Lynn ,Brilliant day , unfortunately i had a heavy cold so stayed in the other room so as not to spread it around.

Whens the next one LOL Max
Hello everybody thank you all for a great afternoon out i enjoyed it very much sorry i never managed to meet everybody but was able to put many faces to names.hopefully i,ll finish the job at the next meet look forward to that. Dek
morning all...:)sorry im a bit late but im really tired this morning..cant think why:rolleyes:firstly can i draw your attention to post 32 pic 2....what is frothy doing :D:Dwell what a brillient turnout and i do hope you all had a good time...i know i did and as already said it was great to meet so many new members..many thanks to prof and marie our hosts for the brillient hospitality they gave us including the wonderful spread:) thanks prof i know you will be reading this and we look forward to you becoming a full member shortly...well im off to have a look at ians videos now and have yet another cuppa...will post my pics later on when ive downloaded them...thanks again all..you are wonderful bunch:)

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morning all...:)sorry im a bit late but im really tired this morning..cant think why:rolleyes:firstly can i draw your attention to post 32 pic 2....what is frothy doing :D:


TRUST YOU! I was not scratching me bum. I was adjusting my attire:p
Frothy, DO NOT RETALIATE, just rise above it. I must say you looked well on Sat.
Those are great Ian.........just to put the record straight the person shouting anymore for anymore is me selling raffle tickets:D I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea:rolleyes:

Thanks Wendy, Thanks a lot for taking that photo. I'll get you:redface::):p
they all say that froth...morning stitch...nice to see you both yesterday...:)

nearly forgot...pic on post 11:rolleyes: hand on heart folks i was not that eager...frothy forced me:Dbusiness as usual now froth:headhit::headhit:

wend...thanks for helping me out with the raffle and shouting order...:rolleyes:

now who are they going to beleive froth???? me or you:D just going to post a couple of my pics...

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