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The old crown meet up

I also hope they don't go on the Lemon & Lime that turns them funny.:)
lol alf..david and frothy....i shall get you all back....:headhit::headhit::headhit:

to peter..the perfect gentleman(thank goodness there are some left) i shall look forward to meeting you again...

and yes i will be bringing my trusted camera...



very funny froth ha ha...now we have 3 of us girls turning up....:):):)

you have a good frothblowers day and dont forget the pics....

dont worry alf..me and maggie will look after her...;)

im going a bit earlier as i want to get a few pics of some interesing buildings i noticed a couple of weeks back....

see you all later then....

Have a good time you lot,im gonna make it their one the days:D

thanks mossy...pics to follow....

dont forget you are on me list of friends to visit...;)

Lyn, have a good time. I would have flown over but gorra broken wing.:D Look forward to seeing your photos.

I arrived at the venue some 20 mins late, upon entering the bar i could see an aray of beer glasses in various stages of consumption, coats and bags were left lying around a news paper open upon the table but not a soul to be seen. Puzzled i enquired of the barmaid as to where the good folk of the BHWR were, she informed me they had gone upstairs to the bedrooms.

I made my excuses and left.
Oh Robert you didn't leave.......ok we were upstairs, looking around this wonderful building:rolleyes: casting such aspersions!!!
Next time Robert you will have to be more brave and come and join us. :)
Here are a couple more including one in the window seat of Maggieuk, Peter Walker and Shera. The plaster work was above their heads!:) It was so kind of the landlord to give us access to this part of the building.
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Norma it's a hotel..........I would love to stay there! The atmosphere is just lovely. I only decided to go at the last minute and I am so glad I went.:)

The rake may be a carpet beater.
Nice pics, I can only remember The Crown in the days of The Dubliners but never went upstairs.:D
I had a wonderful afternoon, nice to see Lyn David and Peter again and great to meet some more of the lovely folk from this site.
I never noticed that Mozzy but they do say The Crown is haunted.:shocked:

Here are a few more photo's including the famous well.
Looks like a good time was had by all.Trust Lyn to get you in the Bedrooms:rolleyes:
I had a good day myself Although it was a 3 half hour trip before I could have my first Drink:tongue2:
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morning all...we had a lovely meet up at the crown yesterday and it was great to meet shera and also brillient to have a surprise visit off wendy....its good to see her up and running again....

thanks for posting some pics wendy..i shall put a few more on later on..

lyn :):):)