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The old crown meet up

see whats weve gone and done cat....mike needs a strong cuppa now..i was hoping to see mike at the old crown but im not so sure now:D:D:D
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children.

I like being mad, you can get away with murder, think about it.
Alf knows i jest, i think, what i mean is. I think i jest, i think.
I caught it from you Lyn. lol...Cat
quick reminder folks....

old crown meet up this saturday...12.30 sharp:):)

see you there...especially mr fowler...LOL....

I would love to be there with you (more than you know) but am committed (some say not before time) to being in Glasgow that day. First communion of my Wife's God daughter - so where did I leave my prayer book.

Still I know at least on subject that will be on the agenda now ;)
hi bernie....dont worry we will nab you next time...lol..have a good time in scotland....

robert...frothy cant make it...he forgot he has a frothblowers convention to attend on sat....

look forward to seeing you again though....dont forget to take the bus this time....

Maybe those who help in the running of this Forum AND are able to attend (realize that some can't) could come along so we can discuss Keith's announcement?
Lyn as really beat me up for not going to the meet. I'm really fed about not being able to attend. I completely forgot about my other meeting, which is in Sussex and was booked months ago.
I know people have commitments but if you can, get yourself down to the Crown. The thought of Lyn and David together on their own, God knows what they will get up to:rolleyes:
could be worse...we could be going to the bull again...ehh david...;)

anyhow robert will be there....and as far as i know maggie and tom....

could be worse...we could be going to the bull again...ehh david...;)

anyhow robert will be there....and as far as i know maggie and tom....

Lynn someones gotta look out for ya lol so we will be there:wave:
phew maggie...thank goodness for that...dont know how i managed all on me own at the bull meet up.....:D:D:D

see you both on sat then....

evening robert..well there me...but dont let that put you off:rolleyes:...maggie and tom...david fowler...derek lcg....i think keith(mayfied) maybe one or two more...we never know..folk just land on us....lol...

hi maggie..you must make it...you cant leave alone with the lads again.....:cry::cry::cry:

catch you later...

Looking forward to meeting up with the old reprobates again!:D
Thank goodness for the Chiltern Line - means Lyn can get me those pints she promissed (I think;)).
I want a full report of this meeting. I want everyone on their best behavior, no messing around with the bar staff David, and Lyn no messing around with the fellers:)
Morning Chris, well you never know after the first half shandy that Maggie & lyn can be dangerous:D