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Was it Blacks dept store? Or it might have been the house that jack built but they were both six ways

Only just found this one.
Blacks & House That Jack Built were in High St Aston, Newtown Row ended at Bracebridge Street
ray...i have just showed a friend of mine the pics of brougham st as she used to live there...in the first pic the lady you see just by the white car is her dear mom who is no longer with us...shes standing outside their house talking to two men who she also remembers...has to be confirmed but she is pretty sure the red car in the pics was theirs.....to say she was happy is an understatement....had to get the tissues out...lol...thanks ray you have just made yet another persons day...

I remember going to Sunday school at this church.

I also remember going to Sunday School there. Me, my two brothers and sister went. Mom and Dad stayed at home. One of my fondest memories is coming out of church and getting a lift home on the back of my elder brothers scooter. Used to give my mom heart failure as I was only about 3 at the time!
The House That Jack Built was towards the bottom end of Key Hill

I remember they used to have those overhead tubes that the cashier put your money in and it was sucked up to the money dept. They then sent your change back via another tube - great
The House That Jack Built was towards the bottom end of Key Hill

I remember they used to have those overhead tubes that the cashier put your money in and it was sucked up to the money dept. They then sent your change back via another tube - great

Hi Bob, unless there was more that one, I remember the House That Jack Built being by the Aston Hippodrome? Mabz
I think you are right Mabz, The Big shop in Key Hill , was Nortons, They used to have a father xmas there , but we all know the real one was at Lewis's . MAX
"Thank God for that, I also thought that "The House That Jack Built" was somewhere by the Aston Hippodrome. Right, Can anyone remember the White Swan in Ickneild St?
On the subject of shops , any one remember Davies's , not far down from 6ways.
They used to sell all the stuff for the old ladies , and mens overalls , we had to go there to buy our woodwork apron ,when i was at Gower st school.
We had a three piece from The House that Jack built. There was always a "Sale"on.
Also went to the "Hip" to see panto's then wrestling then I used to get off the bus to see the photo.s of the strippers when it was a stripshow joint.
Rosens on Lozells Rd was a good old fashioned jeweller. I believe owner retired 3 years ago.
My mom and dad married in the church near 6 ways
"Always loved that old force's saying, " "You Son , are depriving a Village of an Idiot!"
I once worked in "Fine Fare" supermarket on Lozells Rd, Anyone remember it? Or better still, anyone work there?
Re: Lozells and Griffiths

Hi, I am also following the Griffiths Path and wondered if there maybe a connection. My Grandfather was Edward Ernest Griffiths he died in 1911 and
his Widow Harriot married his brother Frederick in 1923. Does this mean anything to you?

I once worked in "Fine Fare" supermarket on Lozells Rd, Anyone remember it? Or better still, anyone work there?

I remember Fine Fare on the Lozells Road. Mom used to shop there. That was back when we had some really good shops on the Lozells. Like Woolworths and Boots.
hi jules..was fine fare on the corner of lennox st and lozells road or am i miles away again..lol..

hi jules..was fine fare on the corner of lennox st and lozells road or am i miles away again..lol..


Not too sure Lyn. I know Boots was by the Zebra crossing. I cannot place Fine Fare at all except that it was on the left hand side of Lozells Road as you looked down towards six ways.
just been thinking jules..i think it was sainsburys on the corner of lennox..theres a pic on here somewhere that ray griffiths posted...will try and find it...
jules..i will go and see if i can find that pic...knowing me i am well off the target...lol
hi mabz..do you recall the pic that ray griffiths posted..i am sure it was sainsburys at the junction of lennox and wheeler st..i cant find it at the moment on the forum and i have all of rays pics on a disc at the moment as i am still borrowing our toms lap top...

hi mabz..do you recall the pic that ray griffiths posted..i am sure it was sainsburys at the junction of lennox and wheeler st..i cant find it at the moment on the forum and i have all of rays pics on a disc at the moment as i am still borrowing our toms lap top...


Lyn - sorry. Unfortunately I can't remember?

But then what's new with that? A short while ago, I went out 'dressed-the-nines' only to realise that I had my slippers on............. Mabz