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Hi, hope you don't mind me butting in but I recently found out that my grandfather was living in Wills? St in Lozells, is the street still there please?

Many thanks
hi laine...yes will st is still there...it runs off hunters road and accross villa st...i think ray has posted some pics of it on this this....

I lived in Lozells, and went to Gower st School, I cant remember Trams , But i do remember being at schhol with Kieth Meadon
Hi ya ,i was there between 1962-1966. Obviously i didnt learn how to spell,as i have just noticed that i spealt school wrong in previous message LOL
hi all..just been sent these 3 pics of lozells road taken in the 70s...i remember this shop so well....our mom was always shopping there...

i wonder if someone would be kind enough to have a go at sorting out the colour if its possible...

many thanks..

What fantastic pictures. I remember Wastells ,and abbots really well. My fond memory of going to Abbots in around 1963 ( I was about 12yrs old ) to pay money on our account , The lady serving came over to me ,and very nicely whispered in my ear " You have got lipstick on your cheek " ,I could have died on the spot , my Mom had given me a peck befor i went out. I wonder what others had thought as i strolled down from The Village.
hi maxwell. nice memories.....there are lots more pics on this thread..theres also one or two of brougham st...just thought i would let you know in case you had not seen them...

Oh Lyn, I would really love to see the pics of Brougham St, I lived there until i was 15 yrs old , and for years after , even when i was married i couldnt start a trip anywhere without the starting point being Brougham st . Do you know how i would get to see those pics please ?
maxwell type in brougham street in the search box top right of the page then scroll down to it....this st is hard to find pics of..i think there is only three of them...one taken in the 50s and the other two taken in the late 60s early 70s...if you have any problems please get back to me...by the way i lived in villa st from 1958 until 1972...

I assume these are the best resiolution you have. Have adjusted them to make them a bit better, but I'm not an expert

It was a lovely picture of Wassels, my mother Edna Glenn worked there in the 1950s, I remember all the rabbits hanging up on a bar outside the shop which I hated to see, I think I was about 13 at the time. I also went to school at Lozells Street Sec. Mod. until I was 15yrs old. I lived at 27 Gordon Street, opposite Burbury Park, I spent many a day on the swings and roundabouts when I was younger.

cheers Pauline
hi pauline..glad you liked the pics...there are some of gordon st on the forum...i also went to lozells girls school from 65 to71..when were you there....used to know a ann glenn..any relation of yours....

Hello Lyn,

I will try and find the pics of Gorden SAtreet and I was at Lozells girls school 1995 - 1958 and my name was Pauline Ludlow then.

I have saved the picture of Wassells to show mom, she is 90 yrs old now.

Cheers Pauline
pauline..im not quite sure where the gordon st pic is now it may be under the aston pics thread...but i have saved it so just in case you cant locate it here it is...

Hi Lyn,

I am so pleased with the photo of Gordon Street, I am not sure which is 19 but ours was 27 so I know we were probably the 4th one along. I remember the corner shop and the other shops facing gordon street.

What memories that has given me, playing with my wooden top and whip putting foil sweet papers on the top of the top, playing film stars and marbles or glarneys as we used to call them, and all the street games. The kids of today do not know what fun they are missing. We were never bored, and there was always somebody to play 7s with (ball game).

Thanks again, I have saved it in my pictures to add to my family tree.

cheers Pauline.
hi pauline..no 19 is the number of the pic..not the house..i made that mistake at first....as you have probably seen there are lots of pics of the area on this thread and also under the aston pics thread.....glad you like it and if you need help finding the rest just ask...nearly forgot to say that when i was at lozells girls the head was miss reed and dept head miss banbury.....i loved that school and if you type in lozells girls school in the search box i have posted a pic of it....

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Hi Lyn,

I have copied the school picture, I also went to Lozells St. junior school, seems along time ago now, I remember a Miss Miskin and Mr. Jones from junior school, and from the senior school, Miss Williams, Mrs. Gumbly, Mrs. Hughes, and Miss Bowen. I can't remember the head teachers name.

I remember making my own green P.E. blouse with short puffed sleeves and they were worn with navy blue knickers with a pocket in them. I also wore a green Gym Slip with a belt, and a striped tie. I was in the Tudors team which were all named after periods of history, The Stewarts, The Plantagenets, The Normans and the Tudors. I expect when you went there, there was no school uniform.

We had a seperate building for domestic science, where we were taught how to cook, wash and iron also house hygiene, and also in our last term we went over to the house, where we cooked lunch for the teachers and looked after 2 small children. How things have changed. In class we had knitting, embroidery, sewing and tating with a shuttle lessons.

We were taken swimming at Victoria baths every week and we went to Handsworth Park for games, such as tennis. Also we were taken to the Library on the Lozells Road for studies. Around 1954-5 our classroom was in the methodist church over the road from the school and there was a youth club during the evenings.

My leaving ceremony was at St. Martins church in Birmingham.

I too loved my school days.

hi ray...yes thanks we found them under brougham st thread...i forgot i had moved them for you....

Looking forward to more pics when you have time as i know you are pretty busy at the min...

Cheers Ray , they are the ones, Astoness had sent them to me ,bless her. what nice people us Brummies are....

We are nice Brummies, but after watching the WBA on the tele to-night I do feel soory for them.

I am a long standing Villa supporter.

thank you for your kind words ray...being a baggies supporter for over 40 years i appreciate that.....not a bad game for starters though...early days...

A Villa Man myself Ray. But was a bit upset when Randy took over and i had to let him have my shares, at around a third of what i paid for them. Thats the unfortunate face of football today i guess.
hi pauline...when i was there miss gumley took us for gardening...that along with science we had a little annexe block just a bit further down nursery road...not sure if its the same one but a mr jones took maths..miss wood pe..swimming at victoria baths..oh yes miss jones(no relation to mr jones took science....i had shorthand and typing in the block that was to the left of the playground as you walked in...i can visulise every inch of that school and i was also made a prefect...sub prefect i hasten to add...lol......happy days...


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pauline..i was down the old end yesterday taking a few pics..this must be the methodist church you mentioned...
