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The wind is whipping up clouds of thistle {?] weeds & it`s almost like snow falling. The nearest field is only 100 yards away & the farmer used to sow cereal etc but 2 years ago he sold out to a developer who went bust & consequently the field is now a mass of thistles & nearby gardens are wick with thistle weed heads. Should be a bit of a headache next year.
i get dandelion seeds blowing in the wind from the field that once had horses now it is just a jungle over there
I built a new raised bed to replace one of my railway sleeper (style) beds that had rotted away. I built the new one, so I did not have to disturb the existing one, just carefully pulled away the old rotting timber. The new one is also more maintenance friendly. I have made it modular, so individual parts can be swopped out.

I'm a big fan of raised beds. As well as practical they add some height to the garden. I'm a bit naughty (or plain irresponsible) as I use ours to balance on to reach/tie up/ prune our climbers on high fencing. Have fallen off a couple of times - but a relatively soft landing on the grass ! One draw back, they take a LOT of filling up with soil and compost. When we first laid ours we put a good layer of thick cardboard in the bottom and five years down the line there's not much in the way of weeds coming through. Viv.
I'm a big fan of raised beds. As well as practical they add some height to the garden. I'm a bit naughty (or plain irresponsible) as I use ours to balance on to reach/tie up/ prune our climbers on high fencing. Have fallen off a couple of times - but a relatively soft landing on the grass ! One draw back, they take a LOT of filling up with soil and compost. When we first laid ours we put a layer of thick cardboard in the botto and five years down the line there's not much 8n the way of weeds coming Borough. Viv.
you be carefull our Viv "you might do it once to often as me old papy said" and not be so lucky
With regards to squirrels and apples post 1124 , I forgot to mention this when some of the apples have fallen on a couple of occasions in the garden Mr & Mrs Squirrel appear I presume it is as we haven't been introduced . Then nibble nibble after about 5 minutes it's a different picture they start hairing round the garden then back to the apple tree , climp up the tree about 3' then a back flip straight back onto the grass they do this repeatedly for about 4/5 times it's like watching the Flying Wallenda's then after they've finished they go back up the tree and disappear . I've often wondered whether it was like a cider effect on them . I mean I've seen some strange antic's with people at the Greyhound Holloway Head who weren't used to cider
Bitmoremundane. SUnflower still growing but flower head well formed - I think. This photo taken from the back bedroom window as I need tallest steps to see and I am not sure they reach any more. :D Will try when flower comes out.
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Janice I had a very poor response with my sunflowers this year , the height they achieved was just slightly better than an overgrown dandelion
I've never grown them before. Someone gave me 6 plants. Only 3 grew. 2 got bitten off and the 3rd is the one in the photo. One of the bitten off ones has fought back and has several flower heads now.
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