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I had 3/4 acre at my last place, and swore that I would never have grass again, unless I had something to eat it. :D

My place is just visible, over the dogs' left shoulder.

Must be a real hardship living in a place like that, surrounded by all that beauty & tranquillity. Is that a river or a loch? As a Sassenach do the locals give you a hard time? { we know how much the Scots love us English especially when it comes to footie } ;)
Must be a real hardship living in a place like that, surrounded by all that beauty & tranquillity. Is that a river or a loch? As a Sassenach do the locals give you a hard time? { we know how much the Scots love us English especially when it comes to footie } ;)

That's Loch Eil, just West of Fort William. We lived "Out West" for seventeen years, then headed East, to our current location.

We has no real issues with being incomers, probably because we both worked locally, and mixed well. Made lifelong friends there.

Beautiful places and pics. Amazing scenery. I'm off to Edinburgh end of Sept. Never been to Scotland before.

Re-potted a couple of baskets with ivy and alpines, they will last the Winter out, something green.

Also bought ericaceous soil for a bush magnolia that has done nothing in the two years since we bought it. Going tonre pot it, hopefully it will work.
Love your garden Steve, always great pics of what's in it.
Kat, providing weather good to you I'm sure you will enjoy it. as I've said elsewhere been going to Scotland every three or four years since 1956 and enjoyed it every time. And in all those visits only ever had the holiday spoilt by the weather about four times. Always had lovely reception from the Scots and considerable help when needed such as car breaking down. Sadly too old to enjoy the journey there nowadays but have wonderful memories
Thanks J082 for the info. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not too concerned about the weather, I'd rather go when it's cooler, easier to get about.

Talking of weather, it hasn't rained for a few hours!!!!! Gardening, well I've done some watering, I think that's it for today.
I have just come in from doing a bit of dead-heading. There is a feeling of Autumn in the air.

We have a strong NW wind this morning, dropping the temperature down to a wind chill 7 deg.

No watering required. We had very heavy rain last night. No wind, but the rain was bouncing off the ground.

Aren't flowers clever?
You might remember this

Well I realised today that the sunflower has grown a new flower head. No idea if it will open or not and I need the steps for a proper look but left that for a dry day (constant drizzle since about 12 today).
If you look closely you can just see the damaged stalk behind the new one. I still have the bitten off part living with its base resting in some water but no idea if it will do anything or not.


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