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I've never grown them before. Someone gave me 6 plants. Only 3 grew. 2 got bitten off and the 3rd is the one in the photo. One of the bitten off ones has fought back and has several flower heads now.
Really well done Janice , Last year I grew about 10 plants with sunflower seeds I'd picked out of the bird seed all grew to a good 8' . Only trouble was with us on holiday the squirrels yet again felt free , to fling themselves off the pergola to get at the seed in the heads . I wonder Janice if I started growing tobacco would the squirrels take up smoking ???
Another cane added today but I struggled to reach top to fasten stem to cane. If it grows any more it will have to cope. The person who gave me the plant is popping in tomorrow (weather permitting) so I will ask him.


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Janice, spiders seem to be coming in early this year, one nearly dropped off his thread and into my lap last night!! I was busy with my crochet and only just noticed. (Reminded me of Little Miss Muffet!)
Another cane added today but I struggled to reach top to fasten stem to cane. If it grows any more it will have to cope. The person who gave me the plant is popping in tomorrow (weather permitting) so I will ask him.
Janice I sense another book here title , Janice and The Sunflowerstalk . I bet it will outsell Jack and his stalk
Janice I sense another book here title , Janice and The Sunflowerstalk . I bet it will outsell Jack and his stalk
I am not convinced the flower will come out - the leaves seem to be dying off and I suspect that in spite of my efforts there is a break in the stem somewhere. :(
I did say how far behind in the growing season we are, up here.

Clem and Honetsuckle in full flow.

Begonia are doing well.

Lizzies are now looking good.

I did loose a couple, and saved this one, but it's come to nought.

Hydrangea is great.

My BBQ whisky barrel off-cut is looking good.

Overall, pleased how it's gone this season.

The cold wind put paid tp the Buds.

Another cane added today but I struggled to reach top to fasten stem to cane. If it grows any more it will have to cope. The person who gave me the plant is popping in tomorrow (weather permitting) so I will ask him.
are you building scaffold around it jan
I did say how far behind in the growing season we are, up here.

Clem and Honetsuckle in full flow.

Begonia are doing well.

Lizzies are now looking good.

I did loose a couple, and saved this one, but it's come to nought.

Hydrangea is great.

My BBQ whisky barrel off-cut is looking good.

Overall, pleased how it's gone this season.

very nice.
jan our john is out cutting the grass right now and strimming the edges...he asked me if he should strim something as he was not sure what it was..when i had a close look the clematis that died off 2 years ago is coming back to life :)
Got some timber under cover, and made the mistake of disturbing it. This young lady (Radiated wolf spider) was all set for a fight.
We backed off and left her to it.

Nice little moth (Jersey Tiger, Euplagia quadripunctaria ) stopped by for a breather. Not too common, only the second or third time Julie has seen it here.

Given the trigger happy population around here, it is a surprise this chappie ( lièvre ) got to be this big.
They can be a nuisance in gardens though.
We have a few animal triggered 'squeakers' around to discourage them. Saw a local cat walk in front of one recently, wow, bottle brush tail and high speed exit. Had us in stitches for a while.

Got some timber under cover, and made the mistake of disturbing it. This young lady (Radiated wolf spider) was all set for a fight.
View attachment 183365
We backed off and left her to it.

Nice little moth (Jersey Tiger, Euplagia quadripunctaria ) stopped by for a breather. Not too common, only the second or third time Julie has seen it here.
View attachment 183364

Given the trigger happy population around here, it is a surprise this chappie ( lièvre ) got to be this big.
View attachment 183366
They can be a nuisance in gardens though.
We have a few animal triggered 'squeakers' around to discourage them. Saw a local cat walk in front of one recently, wow, bottle brush tail and high speed exit. Had us in stitches for a while.

I built a new raised bed to replace one of my railway sleeper (style) beds that had rotted away. I built the new one, so I did not have to disturb the existing one, just carefully pulled away the old rotting timber. The new one is also more maintenance friendly. I have made it modular, so individual parts can be swopped out.

View attachment 183260
Great planning Mort!
I did say how far behind in the growing season we are, up here.

Clem and Honetsuckle in full flow.

Begonia are doing well.

Lizzies are now looking good.

I did loose a couple, and saved this one, but it's come to nought.

Hydrangea is great.

My BBQ whisky barrel off-cut is looking good.

Overall, pleased how it's gone this season.

The cold wind put paid tp the Buds.

Further to the saga of my sunflower. It was drooping so much when I got up that I went out and cut the top off. I put it in a flower vase with water and some houseplant food and the head drooped so much it was curled right over and touching the vase. When I got back from church a couple of hours later the leaves were still drooping but the head was upright. No idea what will happen but we will see.


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I sometimes put a bit of sugar in the water for cut flowers, I've even heard of using aspririn, what a shame it flopped!!
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