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THE reason lemonade can help up to a point is that flowers need nutrition in the form of sugars. Slightly raising the acidity of the water (lemonade contains citric acid) also aids water uptake.
Taken within 10 minutes of each other tonight - firstly a lovely crescent moon very low in the sky in the twilight haze (hence the slightly fuzzy effect):-
The Russians were trying to perform the first spacecraft (Luna 25) landing right at the bottom - where some areas are in permanent darkness and almost certainly contain water - however today in the official statement the Russian Space Agency said it had "ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the Moon" - which I think means it crashed.....

And then a very large moth resting on the kitchen window frame - this one I think belongs to the well known species
"mothus frightenthebejaesusoutofthedaughterus":-
Apologies if the last 4 photos have put anybody off their late night Horlicks.........
Taken within 10 minutes of each other tonight - firstly a lovely crescent moon very low in the sky in the twilight haze (hence the slightly fuzzy effect):-
View attachment 183391
The Russians were trying to perform the first spacecraft (Luna 25) landing right at the bottom - where some areas are in permanent darkness and almost certainly contain water - however today in the official statement the Russian Space Agency said it had "ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the Moon" - which I think means it crashed.....

And then a very large moth resting on the kitchen window frame - this one I think belongs to the well known species
"mothus frightenthebejaesusoutofthedaughterus":-
View attachment 183393
View attachment 183394
View attachment 183395
View attachment 183396
Apologies if the last 4 photos have put anybody off their late night Horlicks.........
When I was a child really large moths like these were called "bobhowlers" no idea of the spelling but that's what it sounded like. Is this term familiar to anyone else on the fotum?
When I was a child really large moths like these were called "bobhowlers" no idea of the spelling but that's what it sounded like. Is this term familiar to anyone else on the fotum?

Yes. I remember both Mom and Dad, using that term for moths.

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Few minutes ago wife moved a plastic bag with a jigsaw in it ready to take to charity shop and found a giant size spider in it. So, out it goes to join it's mates in the garden. Noticed a spiders web on one of the bushes yesterday, must have been about 12 X 9 inch. Was hoping for the rain to see the lovely effect it has. But I wish they would stop making their webs on the car mirrors
cant remember the name of these yellow trumpet like flowers but last year i think due to the heat i only had 2 flowers and they died after a few days even though i was watering them...previous years i have had about 20 flowers come out...so far this year ive got about 12 and still more to come so i am well pleased..my harrington plant is also doing well this year


harrington.jpggarden 3.jpg
According to Thompson - Morgan site they are half hardy Rhizomes. Do you do anything with them Lyn over the winter? It also says it is an irritant to the skin, have you had any problems?
According to Thompson - Morgan site they are half hardy Rhizomes. Do you do anything with them Lyn over the winter? It also says it is an irritant to the skin, have you had any problems?
i do absolutely nothing to them johnny apart from watering...the flowers last for ages and when they have died off i just chop them down to ground level ..usually round about oct. and up they pop again next year :) do not wear gloves to cut down and i have had no skin problems..

Goodness, you have all been busy!!!!! Lovely pics. I'm a little bit concerned about Jan 'teetering' on her tallest steps to tie up the sunflower. And hearing that Viv has fallen off the raised beds!!!!

Just tidying and watering has been going on in my garden! The Bush magnolia has taken to its pot, the leaves at the bottom are coming on nicely, they have mostly fallen off in the past!
No more teetering Kat as that's the sunflower which broke. :( Currenty have it in a vase and am feeding daily. Just been out tidying up front as a lot of dead leaves and debris from when they cut the hedge opposite last week. Also wateredas under the eaves and very dry.
Also tidied border along one side of the hedge. I was aided (?) by my furry friend. Only trouble is he ended up ith the kneeler and I knelt on a piece of cardboard as kneeler not made for 2. :D Watered that as well as very dry. Will water other side later.
Pic is my knees and Sooty (furry friend) before I moved off the kneeler.
Sooty on kneeler.jpg
Oh that's a shame Jan, but at least you are getting pleasure from the sunflower now it's in a vase.

Nice pic of the cat, he seems to like keeping you company.

Just watering for me today. I re-potted a house plant, rubber plant.
I should have said the cat is not mine. He lives 2 doors up the road. We have looked after him so much he thinks he belongs to me.
If I am In the garden he is usually with me.
Hmmm, I've trimmed a few 'crispy' leaves from my acer today too. Watering and tidying, deadheading for me today. I'm finding there's not a lot to do now until I take out the bedding plants, which will hopefully be a little while yet.

If I trimmed all of the crispy leaves, I'd have no Acer left. :D

Hopefully, It could be towards the end of September, when I have to lift the bedding.

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