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Well I realised today that the sunflower has grown a new flower head. No idea if it will open or not and I need the steps for a proper look but left that for a dry day (constant drizzle since about 12 today).
If you look closely you can just see the damaged stalk behind the new one. I still have the bitten off part living with its base resting in some water but no idea if it will do anything or not.
nice i have a yuka that re grows new heads every time i cut it down it starts starts sprouting again. and the parts i cut off grow roots and grow
Love the pigeons. Be interested to know what is growing in the mahonia pot!

Usually I look at the weather about this time, I just don't want to look, fearing it will rain!!!!!!
Been very pleased with my agapanthus this year - if the dog would stop ploughing through them. So putting my Horlicks mixer jar to good use holding broken agapanthus head courtesy of my dog. The heads are about 8" in diameter and I have 10 heads on one plant. Very striking plant.

Have now given up on my box hedging (taken over by box caterpillar) - it's all coming out. I've had enough and spent enough on trying to control it. Probably replace it with good old-fashioned privit.



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The wind is whipping up clouds of thistle {?] weeds & it`s almost like snow falling. The nearest field is only 100 yards away & the farmer used to sow cereal etc but 2 years ago he sold out to a developer who went bust & consequently the field is now a mass of thistles & nearby gardens are wick with thistle weed heads. Should be a bit of a headache next year.
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