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Graham Webb

British Cycling used this photo of Beryl Burton and me to illustrate the program book.
Graham that's fantastic for both of you... and not before time either. Only wish I could get a copy of that program book my friend, as I have a number of NZ Cycling friends over here and could show it off.

Chris/Pom :)
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hi graham...thats a smashing pic of you and beryl.....you must be chuffed with that....

Being a cyclist myself (Solihull cycling club) , this is a great article. The sport of cycling has grown momentum greatly in recent years in the uk and British cyclists are making big impacts in their field.
I enjoyed watching our boys and girls up at Manchester last weekend....Geraint Thomas ...Sir Chris ..and queen Vic....think I enjoyed her final the best.......the best of three.....the chinese gal took her all the way....sorry I know its not Graham Webb related.

Graham ...what did you do for a career over in Belgium ?
Graham that's fantastic for both of you... and not before time either. Only wish I could get a copy of that program book my friend, as I have a number of NZ Cycling friends over here and could show it off.

Chris/Pom :)

Thank you all for your comments.

Chris the Powernet tour of The Southland, New Zeeland is on at this moment and the second stage, Invercargill to Bluff Hill, was won by a member, Jack Bauer, of my Ghent, Belgium, based cycle club called Kingsnorth International Wheelers.


Bernie asked me to pass this message on that I was telling him about Harry Reynolds, you may know already though......here goes .. this is what I sent to Bernie earlier...

Hi I know Harry very well, firstly through my dad Doug Field , secondly through working with him at Land Rover (where I still work) and thirdly from the Solihull cc, actually he had an accident last month where he fell off his bike , broke his hip and is now recovering from a hip replacement operation. Poor sod.
it looks like things are moving in the right direction and you are getting more recognition.
Being a cyclist myself (Solihull cycling club) , this is a great article. The sport of cycling has grown momentum greatly in recent years in the uk and British cyclists are making big impacts in their field.

changinman, I don't know if you knew that I was in the Solihull CC from 1961-1966 and many times club record holder? Here is a photo from 1962, I was just 18 and tied with Les West in the Solihull Invitation Scratch '25'. In 1966 Les was second in the world’s road race and in 1967 I was world champion, still Britain’s best placing. So this is a historical photo of me, on the left, in Solihull colours. I won this cup three years in a row and in 1966 I beat Les West's 1965 hour Record at Salford Park by 400 yds.

ps To your last post, I knew Harry very well, one of the best!!!

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it looks like things are moving in the right direction and you are getting more recognition.

Thanks Fred, you're just about the only one that knows what I had to do to get this far, isn't it a shame that our mothers didn't live to see this day?
Blimey ...I didnt realise that our club was so steeped in history....yourself ..harry ..Keith... Mr Godwin....i FEEL HONOURED TO WEAR MY CLUB COLOURS OUT ON MY BIKE FOR SURE.

In the 50,s 60,s my dad was in the Earlswood club and then moved to the Shirley. I too was in the shirley in the 70,s then stopped cycling and took up running and now have come back to cycling joining the Sol last year . I bet you know Dave Elliot as well......top vet....
changinman, the Solihull CC has had some of the best riders in British history and at one time the whole British world championship team was compiled of only Solhull riders. Legend has it that Solihull obtained their team shirt colours, red, white & blue, because of this. Solihull had the first rider in history to beat 1 hour in a 25 mile TT and I was the second rider to ever beat the 55 min barrier for a '25' in 1963. https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/cs/Sa...092755562&pagename=BCC/Common/Wrapper/Wrapper So you'll have to catch up on the club's history.

Graham..no way ...you beat 55mins for a 25.....pheewwww...I bow down in the presence of such a great talent...cant wait to tell Harry and my dad that I was talking to you.
Graham..no way ...you beat 55mins for a 25.....pheewwww...I bow down in the presence of such a great talent...cant wait to tell Harry and my dad that I was talking to you.

In 1963, I was just 19 years old and did 54 mins 41 secs on a bog standard road bike in weather that you wouldn't send a dog out in. I was aiming to put the record of the shelf "for ever" but the weather was the spell breaker. This TT event was normally won by seconds but I won with 2 mins in hand. Will try and find a photo. My best ever time, in 1966, was 53 mins 28 secs, Graham.
its either in you or it isnt.....if you were a 19 year old today going into pro cycling you would be on a multi mill contract like mr Cavendish......how cycing has changed eh.
changinman, the story of my life! Just put that 1963 '25' in the scanner, sorry about the quality but it's been in a few wars and a fire! Click on the + to read.

if you contact the paper that this was from (the clipping ) they will send you a new copy and probably mounted as well.....
I rode with Tim Crumpton a few months ago as he came up from southampton for the weekend , no lonnger a member but fancied coming on our sat morn training bash....nice bloke ...won a few races in the 70,s..
good man.....u know what ...they will probably put u a feature in one of the editions.....our British Greats like you need recognition ....keep me posted on that one Graham.
good man.....u know what ...they will probably put u a feature in one of the editions.....our British Greats like you need recognition ....keep me posted on that one Graham.

If you look back on this thread you'll see that there is a 4 page feature coming up on me soon in 'Cycling Weekly' under the heading 'Rides'.
It's a route from my home in Belgium up into Holland and along the edge of the Rhine Delta.
Very flat.

I'm an honorary member of the 'Gentse Velosport' and of the 'Kingsnorth International Wheelers' a club registered in the UK but based in Ghent, Belgium. Cycling is very big here. Gorra goe now, Graham.
the second stage, Invercargill to Bluff Hill, was won by Jack Bauer, of my Ghent, Belgium, based cycle club called Kingsnorth International Wheelers

Didn't realise he was from your Club Graham ... There was a big crash and a number of riders were involved and hurt including our man Hayden Roulston.

changinman1, Not many people realise that our 'unsung hero' Graham has won at least (If I remember right) 25 championships in various disciplines, one against chaps much younger than he was and after being 20 years not riding his bike
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