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Graham Webb

to graham,
as ex balsallheath have posted about this "miscarriage" on other sites as well as this one in the hope that someone in the know can do something about it, there are other ex bh people out there who will welcome it, we are scattered all over the globe but still keep in touch via the internet ,the same thoughts apply to members from other areas who are proud of their "roots" good luck to you graham you have earned it , by the way i used to have friends in leamington road, rwm

Hi Robert,

What a lovely surprise to hear from you and that with such a kind message. Yes I'm very proud of my roots, poor yes, but feel very privileged to have such a pedigree, one that money can't buy.

Do you remember any names from Leamington Road? Here is a photo from my cousin Frederick (Ford), also a BH forum member, taken in Leamington Road.

to graham,
sorry cannot remember names such a long time ago ,and it was a girl, her father worked at the "coop" bakery , she herself worked at " lanbars" just off sherbourne road , one of the persons i used to see was my cousin who lived in popular road just off the stratford road but his friends lived in leamington road it was ameeting place for the roller skating rink , ihope you are keeping the members of other sites informed of the latest news iam certain they will be interested, idid post once about my first "bike " a phillips jaguar couldnt afford a claud butler, used to travel to ludlow ,returning via worcester, anyway lets hope it all happens rwm
Cadeau,love the Morris Oxford,but what you really notice is that there are no other parked cars in site....oh how it's changed.
to frederick,
oddquestion that , mu cousins name is raymond baker, but my friend at the time was bert butterworth from clevedon road ,it was him who fixed up the places we went to and who with he worked on the coop milk so got to know his way around,rwm
Robert M,
who was your cousin that had friends in Leamington rd, Micky Butterworth lived in Popular rd and was a friend of mine and he was also in the skating team.
to frederick,
my cousin was raymond baker ,he lived in primrose avenue popular road, as i say "bert butterworth" was my friend at the time it was he who arranged this liason with the persons from leamington road ,we were never a part of the racing team ,you had to be commited for that but we did spend a lot of time at the rink ,lmgtn road was very handy ,usedto meet up then go to the rink or walk across the road by the horse butcher shop and get a bus into town for the pictures as we used to say, the last time i saw "bert" was in 1956 when i caught a bus from park street in digbeth to return to blackdown on the way back to pirbight in surrey we were both in the army ,that rink must have made a lot of money ,it was the only entertainment about,all of my sisters used to go as well. rwm
do you remember your very expensive bike being taken to the races in the boot of this Morris Oxford.

Now that you mention it I do seem to remember, but as I was racing so much and didn't have a car of my own my bike travelled in many different cars. Mostly I would ride out to a race on my bike and then, if it was too far, sleep in a hostel or B&B. Did you know that two days before I was world champ I rode the nearly 200 miles from Ghent to Achen in Germany on my bike to meet up with the rest of the British team, they all arrived by team car. They don't make em like that anymore. lol Graham.
i remember one race you competed in it was around Coventry airport it was a long race so after you had started the race Tony Reed and myself went to a pub for lunch and then after waited for the race to finish so we could take you back home with us.
No one will have noticed but the Birmingham City Council website has removed my page and all information about my cycling https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/Gener...6&CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE=0&MENU_ID=14822&EXPAND=15 I'm still listed as "Famous Brummie" here https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/cs/Satellite?c=Page&childpagename=SystemAdmin%2FPageLayout&cid=1223240438299&packedargs=website%3D1&pagename=BCC%2FCommon%2FWrapper%2FWrapper&rendermode=live but all info has gone.

I have emailed webadministrator@birmingham.gov.uk them asking if cycling in Brum has gone to the bottom of their list again.

Hi Graham, there is so much info missing from the new web site and such an uproar about all the money spent and the site is rated as mediocre by users so far. I looked for something on Erdington and the page that came up was Edgbaston! I re-checked it and no change.

I see that you have e-mailed them. I sincerely hope that you receive a reply.
I see that you have e-mailed them. I sincerely hope that you receive a reply.

Thanks Jenny I'll keep you posted.

I think that it was last year when I noticed a link on their website to sport in Birmingham. I clicked on it and couldn’t find a thing on cycling so I emailed them asking why. The answer that I got was shocking; they said that they didn't regard cycling as a sport only as a means of transport! And this at a time that the government was spending so much on cycle paths and the lottery was giving many millions to British Cycling with a lot of success on the track. I complained and then I had a mail back saying that they were going to review their policy and asked if I would like to get involved with their new policy of promoting cycling in Brum. I agreed but I've heard nothing more from them.

i wonder if the recently-knighted Chris Hoy of Beijing success would get the same anser, i think not.
Hi Graham: Oh dear! that answer from Birmingham Council re cycling not being a sport is beyond belief. The City of Birmingham will be holding the World Championships in 2012 for UCI BMX cycle riders. I know it's not Road Racing but BMX is a huge sport these days as is Road Cycling and Racing.
Have you e-mailed Martin Mullaney at Birmingham Council. He is the
Leisure, Sport and Culture Minister and ask him the same question about cycling.

Yes,there is a lot of money being spent on cycle routes, etc.

You must have seen this site with a great link at the bottom.
My interest in cycling is the fact that my husband was a member of the worldwide Cycling Group, the Randonneurs, some of their older members are Brits and are still cycling into their 80's travelling to France and Britain
to compete with other Randonneurs.

Fred & Jenny thank you for your reply.

Chris Hoy has angered a lot of people because he wouldn't sign a petition against the use of mobile phones while driving. This petition was started because so many cyclists have lost their lives through the lack of care drivers take while using a GSM.

whot is wrong with the man i wonder if he would sign it if he or one of his family were knocked down by a mobile phone driver.
well well so that is whot happens when fame goes to your head i am not getting out of bed unless i get £XXXXXX
Belief that they were Scottish – 28%
Belief that they were more Scottish than British – 35%

This was a poll taken when scottish devaloution was introduced

So as far as i am concerned the likes of Hoy and Murray are not English who our own Graham Webb is

Well it has taken them a long time but British Cycling has gone and done me proud, not only by using my photo to illustrate their 50th anniversary calibration website but have also published some of my memories from that era. And that's not all, they mention my involvement with you lot on Birmingham History Forum! https://new.britishcycling.org.uk/50th-anni/article/bc-20090911-graham-webb-memories-Webb-Memories-0 Please read.

Another bit of good news has come from the Birmingham City Council apologizing for the broken link to my page on their website of 'Famous Brummies'. They say they are going to put that right soon. Here is their letter.

Hello Graham

Thank you for contacting us about your webpage on the
Birmingham City Council website.

There was some confusion over the "Famous People" page.
Two different teams were editing it and somehow the link to
your page was missed out.

I have now sorted out the famous people menu and the link
should be working again.

Please contact us again if you have any further comments.

With kind regards,
Andrea Bembridge
Content and Resource Development Manager
Birmingham Libraries

oops..mike nearly swore then...lol...graham its not before time...well done and i am glad you received a decent apology with regards to the broken link...

Well done Graham at least they have apologized, unusual these days. I hope lots of people read it!