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Graham Webb

Thanks Fred & Trev.

Well things are looking up in Brum! The Birmingham City Council website has just contacted me to say that my page on 'Famous Brummies' has been restored and the link can be found here https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/famous-people

The whole URL for my page is still very long but they have promised to reduce it asp. https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/cs/Satellite?c=Page&childpagename=Lib-Central-Archives-and-Heritage%2FPageLayout&cid=1223092755562&pagename=BCC%2FCommon%2FWrapper%2FWrapper Thanks for looking.

Hi all I need your help once again. Anyone fancy voting for me in this poll? Then I'll have a good reason to cross that channel again.


Thank you, Graham.
I notice that they say on the website that they have prepared 5 articles, to aid suggestions, each describing a decade in British cycling. On attempting to access each of these you get the massage "this page cannot be found" Sounds par for the course after your other experiences !!
Well that's nominations from canada, litchfield, birmingham and reading, so looks a good wide spread
i am having problems nominating...wont let me do it so i will ask our tom to sort it out when he get up...
I notice that they say on the website that they have prepared 5 articles, to aid suggestions, each describing a decade in British cycling. On attempting to access each of these you get the massage "this page cannot be found" Sounds par for the course after your other experiences !!

Thank you again Mike, I had not noticed that as I go to the 'sixties' page via this link https://new.britishcycling.org.uk/50th-anni/article/bc-50-Years-Of-British-Cycling-News-The-60s I will send the webmaster a message about that.

Nominations can be made without going to this page, via an email, with your reasons; here is the address. fame@britishcycling.org.uk And thanks again to you all.

Today I had a visit from author & journalist, Chris Sidwells, he flew over for the day to photograph and interview me for 'Cycling Weekly'. It nearly blew him away to see my local farmer working his field with shire horses and he got some good shots of me on my bike riding past them. The farmer knows me well and also posed for the photos then he started talking to Chris in his dialect thinking that he was Flemish; you should have seen Chris's face, lol!

This is a photo that I made last year.

hi gra...very nice photos..and how nice that you got to give an interview...is there any chance you could maybe scan and post it for us to read when it comes out....

hi gra...very nice photos..and how nice that you got to give an interview...is there any chance you could maybe scan and post it for us to read when it comes out....

Here Here,well done Graham.
you certainly have my vote from Redditch in Worcestershire,
we met on the sixties night did,nt know then but i do now,
you,re a unsung hero,and deserve the recognition you,re owed
i used to go down to salford bridge from my house in Cromwell,st
and watch the cyclist, i may even have seen you ride.
best wishes from one brummie to another.
hi gra...very nice photos..and how nice that you got to give an interview...is there any chance you could maybe scan and post it for us to read when it comes out....


Ok Lyn though it will be about 4 pages. Fred, yes and they are really working, not just for the show of it. Thanks to you too Derek.

Absolutely beautiful photogaph of the horse drawn plough Graham.

One day Graham your name will be revered as the person who put the 'Great' into British cycling.... Until such a time my friend, you will have to put up with your friends on this forum (and the good people of Belgium) recognising your greatness............. You will always be our hero Graham. Mabz
Absolutely beautiful photogaph of the horse drawn plough Graham.

I had the press over on Thursday and here's one of the photos that Chris made; I'm sure you'll recognize my friends in the background? I'm the one on the left

Next month British Cycling are sending a journalist over to ask me how I did it (world champ) as they have spent millions of pounds of Lotto money on a road team based in Italy and can't get one medal!
Hi Graham glad to know they are taking notice at last...

By the way folks, as Graham already knows he's also had at least two votes put in from New Zealand too (Colin and Myself both sent nominations in via email)
Well that's nominations from canada, litchfield, birmingham and reading,

Good Luck my friend.. and great pic's of the horses.

it,s looking good and you look the part, i like your photo with the working horses there could be a story there for the news papers the horses over here don't do that at the farming shows it,s all tractor work now.
Hi Graham glad to know they are taking notice at last... Chris/Pom

Thanks Chris, I don't quite understand it myself why so much is happening now after all these years. I can only think that after pumping all those millions into trying to get a road race medal they have woken up to just what I did on a shoestring.

it,s looking good and you look the part.

Thanks Fred, I'm pleased you like the horses and I'd like to think that I am the part as this is the way I look when I go out cycling.
Here's a photo of my bike.

Graham I am pleased that someone is taking notice of your fantastic achievements at last. The horses look wonderful in your photo......and so do you on yer bike!
i like the way you have your name on the bike frame also the back wheel looks alot closer to the upright does that shorten the rear forks making the bike lighter i can see it is no ordinary bike it,s a bike for a professional Graham Webb.
Fred, the wheel is so close to the down tube to shorten the wheel base, that with the straight forks make it a dream bike to handle on mountain descents. Also keeping everything as short as pos makes the frame stiffer so that little power is lost through the all aluminium frame.
Graham I am pleased that someone is taking notice of your fantastic achievements at last. The horses look wonderful in your photo......and so do you on yer bike!

Thanks Wendy, here's another one of that day.
Graham been glued to the tele. Well actually Pete has been calling me from the kitchen to come and watch it. Great results eh?. Take care. Jean.