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Last off Roll 35, is a pub, but it is one among many on my list and I have not been able to pick out this one. A distinctive location large black and white three storey building with a large lamp outside, next door is another distinctive building single storey this time with a symmetrical layout - so from that can you come up with a location?

View attachment 191834
the name of the pub is there mark but just cant make it out...
next up we have an old cinema in Washwood Heath Road, the picture was taken in January 1991, and judging by it , has not been a cinema for a number of years. A line of terraced shops, two rooms above looking a bit worse for ware, one lacking its chimney, others withtatty blinds, shutters or wire screens. note also the wooden red and white road work barriers which have not been around for some years now.

Next is an "Old iron shop in Washwood Heath Road" again taken in 1991, we are referring to EW Lucas Home and electrical supplies, with the painted sign on the wall - from an earlier time when it was a builders Merchants. The house to the left is interesting with the two right hand windows having square tops and the right hand side having arched window to match the entrance. taken I assume on a Sunday from the lack of traffic .

EDIT: from mikejee This branch of lucas was at 235-237 Washwood heath road. They also had a branch on the opposite side of the road at 260. thanks
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Next is an "Old iron shop in Washwood Heath Road" again taken in 1991, we are referring to EW Lucas Home and electrical supplies, with the painted sign on the wall - from an earlier time when it was a builders Merchants. The house to the left is interesting with the two right hand windows having square tops and the right hand side having arched window to match the entrance. taken I assume on a Sunday from the lack of traffic .
View attachment 191884

todays view steve...the old ghost sign is still there

Moving along Washwood Heath Road ( the edge of the previous location is on the left, we have this building - looking imposing with a number of notice boards I assume it was something council owned (?) large sash windows and a large piece sticking out the back, if you look at the guttering line on the front you can see it is stepped and unusual with the large stepped join to the building next door too.. See the rather basic shelter for the bus queue , not keeping much off you .

EDIT : From Dave89 originally Washwood Heath Police Station, - thanks

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Next is an "Old iron shop in Washwood Heath Road" again taken in 1991, we are referring to EW Lucas Home and electrical supplies, with the painted sign on the wall - from an earlier time when it was a builders Merchants. The house to the left is interesting with the two right hand windows having square tops and the right hand side having arched window to match the entrance. taken I assume on a Sunday from the lack of traffic .
View attachment 191884
This branch of lucas was at 235-237 Washwood heath road. They also had a branch on the opposite side of the road at 260
Having travelled down Washwood Heath Road pretty untouched we come to Franks Cafe on the corner of Wright Road very much a traditional corner cafe but one that has long since gone and the row of shops that went with it too. Nets up at the windows, angled roof line and judging by the brick line a large extension on the left hand side of what was a sloping roof. Only a few windows on the side .
Moving along Washwood Heath Road ( the edge of the previous location is on the left, we have this building - looking imposing with a number of notice boards I assume it was something council owned (?) large sash windows and a large piece sticking out the back, if you look at the guttering line on the front you can see it is stepped and unusual with the large stepped join to the building next door too.. See the rather basic shelter for the bus queue , not keeping much off you .

View attachment 191885
I have a recollection that the building was the a Sea Cadet HQ. TS (training Ship) Dolphin?
On the previous image if we took a right turn at the traffic lights we would see this view,. looking down Aston Church Road we have a line of terraced house on the left see that the first pair have no roof though, and in the distance we have the gasometers although they look closer than they actually were. If you look today pretty much everything has gone today, replaced or demolished.

next we are in the same location almost , corner of Aston Church Road and Washwood heath Road - heading back towards the cinema , and a line of traditional shops, nets to make them respectable and sash windows upstairs. proper barge boards on the eaves and brick work under the guttering making interesting patterns. If you look on street view image it is strange to note that the sign has gone - I though advertising there would be ideal but there is a cast iron street sign for Aston Church Road which is not there on this image - where did it go / come from?
If only I had checked the images before posting them we would have found this one - well done Morturn for your suggestion, although poor on quality we can make out Dolphin on the main board, and the advert to the left mentions sea view and has Dolphin written on it. Metal framed sash windows stepped roof as previously pointed out.

almost back to where we started another view of Ernest Lucas, this time from the other side and a different wall sign, unfortunately I checked on street view and it is no longer there replaced with a modern sign and adjusting the years you find it was painted out before the sign was posted.
We can also see more of the Dolphin advert hoarding - nice boat and " All rooms have a sea view" !
Last image from this location and we head further up Washwood Heath Road to St Marks with its spire of two colours a large imposing building (I went to a funeral there once amazing interior) we can just make out an interesting building next door symetrical in shape with a cross on the centre wall. also note the old style recycling bins, and the Austin Metro.
Next is an "Old iron shop in Washwood Heath Road" again taken in 1991, we are referring to EW Lucas Home and electrical supplies, with the painted sign on the wall - from an earlier time when it was a builders Merchants. The house to the left is interesting with the two right hand windows having square tops and the right hand side having arched window to match the entrance. taken I assume on a Sunday from the lack of traffic .

EDIT: from mikejee This branch of lucas was at 235-237 Washwood heath road. They also had a branch on the opposite side of the road at 260. thanks
View attachment 191884

I walked past there about a million times to get to Arley Road to get to work at the Post office Stores which were at the bottom of the road.
If only I had checked the images before posting them we would have found this one - well done Morturn for your suggestion, although poor on quality we can make out Dolphin on the main board, and the advert to the left mentions sea view and has Dolphin written on it. Metal framed sash windows stepped roof as previously pointed out.

View attachment 191890
before that it was the police station
somewhere totally different now former site of the Gaumont Cinema now the Wesleyan and General Building, under construction in January 1991. we can see they are in the final stages as the scaffolding is gradually been removed from the site. Interesting picture as the more you look the more you see that is there or isn't, site of Greys / Debenhams is now in the process of becoming Colmore Gate but the building on the left is still there before it become One Colmore Circus. If you peer through the scaffolding you can just make out the top of the Nat West Building, also now gone.

next we have just popped round the corner into Steelhouse Lane and a view very much old and new - on the right we have the side entrance of Priory and Cannon Houses, the Queens Head / Jekyle and Hyde, and then moving further down the more historic Juvenile, Coroners and Magistrates courts. Mixture of ages and styles with the more modern rather plain compared to what went before
Back to the Wesleyan site and a view to what was opposite it - large underpass and a lot of dirt stained modern buildings and a cafe which was in the basement of Lewis's, (?) I know the cafe bit is correct as I went in there when little. Rather an uninspiring view and although rather modern what is there now seems more impressive, and the layout gives the streets back to the pedestrians.
Finally in this post I thing we are at the back of the Wesleyan building judging where the Nat West Tower is, which make the building on the right Lloyd House? We are looking over the entrance of Snow Hill Station, and what was the racetrack which former the top of Snow Hill, a quick look on Street View and this area is unrecognisable especially Snow Hill .

Evening - still moving through roll 37 , we have some old houses in Heath Mill Lane, a close look would suggest they are lucky to still be standing - nice arches above the windows, large gate on the left - presume to some industrial premises and there is an interesting bay window attached to the top floor of the end terrace. Shame to see the broken windows and broken doors. Seems this was taken on the same day as the previous Wesleyan photos so an inner city tour.

Next we have moved down the road and looked back from where we came from. We can see the large gate with an interesting castellation on the top of the wall and how close we are to the viaduct, imagine the sound of the steam locos back when. We can see the roof looks to be in poor repair and how we merge from houses to business.
Edging still further down the road and we can now see the "blind" wall hiding the sloping roof of whatever is behind the gates. The building on the right seems to have religious vibe to it, tall pointed gables large arched windows and top of the wall is a large round window, although I could be wrong !!
See the car electrical services with its battery advert " Varta" snippet from Wiki VARTA was founded by Adolf Müller in 1887!! and it always amazed me that people would trust their post to a box strapped to a fence.
next we have what is described as " Coach and Horses" should, that be wagon? in Bordesley Green Road, not much else to see, nice stepped line of terraced houses across the road and the cast iron bus stop post. Interesting selection of shop fronts on the left wrought iron work on the windows and doors and some as shutter upstairs, large crumpled blinds next door and a shop window with the wire mesh and next door to that plain shop front with a box sign.
From mikejee : 220 Bordesley Green, not Bordesley Green road - Thanks
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I have posted these last 4 picture together as they are taken from a publication by the look of it, and apart from the first one I am not sure if they are Birmingham ( I assume they are) .
Mitchell and Butlers drays,

A alley or court

Interesting three storey terrace with a Colmans Mustard advert, nothing to give a clue to location

and finally a street corner with a small gathering but no location - I can see Westward Ho, Woodbine , something about smoke the..., any offers?

apologies for the quality of the image - interesting though.
Edging still further down the road and we can now see the "blind" wall hiding the sloping roof of whatever is behind the gates. The building on the right seems to have religious vibe to it, tall pointed gables large arched windows and top of the wall is a large round window, although I could be wrong !!
See the car electrical services with its battery advert " Varta" snippet from Wiki VARTA was founded by Adolf Müller in 1887!! and it always amazed me that people would trust their post to a box strapped to a fence.
View attachment 192141

thanks steve...old crown pub on the corner...houses now gone

next we have what is described as " Coach and Horses" should, that be wagon? in Bordesley Green Road, not much else to see, nice stepped line of terraced houses across the road and the cast iron bus stop post. Interesting selection of shop fronts on the left wrought iron work on the windows and doors and some as shutter upstairs, large crumpled blinds next door and a shop window with the wire mesh and next door to that plain shop front with a box sign.
View attachment 192142
Its 220 Bordesley Green, not Bordesley Green road
Moving along Washwood Heath Road ( the edge of the previous location is on the left, we have this building - looking imposing with a number of notice boards I assume it was something council owned (?) large sash windows and a large piece sticking out the back, if you look at the guttering line on the front you can see it is stepped and unusual with the large stepped join to the building next door too.. See the rather basic shelter for the bus queue , not keeping much off you .

View attachment 191885

It was originally Washwood Heath Police Station, I remember it well, - I had a caution there back in the 50's
in my misspent youth!

Kind regards