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The road with a slope is King Edwards Road and this is the White Swan taken in October 1960 , this is one of those pictures where your mind wanders, someone looking out the pub, children and a women talking, I assume , do they know each other are they related ? Window layout is unusual three on the first floor but 4 on the second but not quite in line. Building on the left look years old, door in the centre and then a line of single windows
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The White Swan was in Ingleby Street Ladywood.
We now have the Grape Inn on Belgrave Road, taken in March 1965, interesting roof layout with two pitched roofs which meet in the middle, a guttering which runs all the way round two large windows on the front with two smaller one under one eave, if you look you see the the other eave has a chimney behind it hence no windows,. I don't believe there is any of this location standing but grasping at straws if I am in the right location is that St Lukes in the background. ( if not, can you stop laughing long enough to confirm a location)
View attachment 188021
Frank Street to left - Pub on Belgrave road and the church at the back is St Patricks. Balsall Heath.
sorry to do this I am having a few issues (more brain than computer!!) My records say Roll 34 posted and these are the pictures, which I recall and the school was commented on but I cannot see the posts. - did I post these and if so where?

20230108125923_06.jpg20230108125923_07.jpg20230108125923_08.jpg20230108125923_09.jpg20230108125923_10.jpg 20230108125923_05.jpg
Well thank goodness for that, and thanks for the information. I will repost from Roll 34 to fill the gap, hopefully someone will add their comments again and my posts ( your negatives!!) will be up to date. :party:
cheers steve

as promised I return to Roll 34 and some background for newcomers, the photographs are scanned from negatives held by Lyns brother from a friend, the negatives are a mix of new images and photos of photos , my source of information is a typewritten sheet which lists images by roll but are often duplicated and include a location and date - if lucky or a vague description.
My first image shows the varied quality of image and details given .

This is a " Group of kids outside a school St. Pauls?" many of the images on first view have little to offer however a closer look shows the variety of childrens clothing, hairstyles and are included for that reason.No images are left out unless totally pointless, i.e washed out or dark and are from 1960's to late 1980's., oh and I like to add a commentary pointing out things of interest.
EDIT: forgot to say if help identifying a site is needed and received I will go back and add the detail and credit those providing it .
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The next image I have trouble identifying as my list is not upto it - it could be old house in New John Street?, what brings it to life are the group of children on the street corner, total lack of traffic, and the large building on the corner which has two windows a large entrance and then two lots of two windows - the next property rising considerably . See also the railings and the large bollard on the corner - taller than the child next to it.
Post #1089. Is this a photo of a newspaper image ? It doesn't look to me any later than 1960s ( if I'd have to guess it looks more like late 1950s judging by the clothes). Probably a Junior Infant School, these children may be around 9 -11 y/o and not far off moving up to secondary education.. When you say St Paul's School Steve, would that be St Paul's Hockley ?
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The next three images are all described as School in Saltley , Belchers Lane , which while accurate does not add much to the mix.
The first image gives an idea of the scale of the site with a large school building at the front with an equally large playing field at the back. Note also the large number of children on the playing field, sports day? I believe the rail line running alongside the playing fields, and the rugby , not football posts on the pitches.
Post #1089. Is this a photo of a newspaper image ? It doesn't look to me any later than 1960s ( if I'd have to guess it looks more like 1950s judging by the clothes). When you say St Paul's School Steve, would that be St Paul's Hockley ?
sorry Vivienne nothing more to add although the pixilation of the image would appear to make it a newspaper picture - and a picture of a picture or calendar or book are nothing new !!
next at School in Saltley , Belchers Lane this shows more easily the variety of building on the site from the single and two story school " block" brick built buildings to the huts and building with flat roofs some with pitched roofs and the classic black school huts which I have seen on other school sites. It is also interesting in " industrial" Birmingham the number of trees to be seen in the background giving a greener image.
next at School in Saltley , Belchers Lane this shows more easily the variety of building on the site from the single and two story school " block" brick built buildings to the huts and building with flat roofs some with pitched roofs and the classic black school huts which I have seen on other school sites. It is also interesting in " industrial" Birmingham the number of trees to be seen in the background giving a greener image.
View attachment 191699
This brings back memories. I arrived at the school in 1958. The black building circled in red was my first classroom. I think it was a wooden structure. the building outlined in blue was the dining hall with attached kitchen. The building at the back was a new addition which came on stream whilst I was there and the outlined green section was the Art Room which was my favourite place to be.


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For the next image we move to the City centre and in front of the council house to be precise, an intriguing and interesting picture which shows the many changes that this location has gone through. Colmore Row goes off into the distance and we can see the existing building with the clock face is still there but everything else on that side of the road has now gone to be replaced with the large grassed area and now the fountain. I believe there is a colour image from the time and this was taken when there was a major " event" coronation or such like as banners hang from lampposts and buildings. Many questions can be asked - where is the large column now - and the same can be asked about the figure standing with Queen Victoria. and any offer on a year?

Mine too. A few years later than you though. Mr Cherry was the form teacher, in his first year there. I also remember the canteen and kitchens, mainly for being told off there by Miss Thompson for holding my knife 'the wrong way'.
Which House were you in Andrew? I was in Boulton. I think everyone in the first class were allocated the same House. I loved being at Saltley although I got quite adept at not doing homework and skiving off to the Art Room. I played lots of sport and was in hockey and tennis teams. Tinpot
Which House were you in Andrew? I was in Boulton. I think everyone in the first class were allocated the same House. I loved being at Saltley although I got quite adept at not doing homework and skiving off to the Art Room. I played lots of sport and was in hockey and tennis teams. Tinpot
I was in Kendrick, which to be honest, was a bit 'so what' for me, as any inter house rivalry went over my head. Looking at the photo in post 1095 from SteveBhx, the school seems bigger than it felt at the time.
I got quite adept at not doing homework and skiving off to the Art Room.
I have quite a few documents saved from an archive that was on the web, sadly no longer available. All sorts of things, including detention lists. Quite a few girls, more than I expected. I hope your name is not there. ;). (Didn't find mine).
I played lots of sport and was in hockey and tennis teams.
I avoided lots of sport, and was not in any teams. I do remember, however, running (for some definition of running) round the track on the field behind the school, and being careful to be nowhere near the rugby posts while holding a ball. Saltley was well equipped overall.

Looking at the photo of the main entrance in 1096 from Vivienne14, I don't think I ever went through there. Boys used the left hand end, and girls the right hand end of the building.

Saltley Academy, pah. SGS as it is on my old blazer badge.

Take care.
Finishing off Roll 34 we have a very old image of the Town Hall, love all the lamps with their glass globes cannot imagine they would last 5 minutes these days. Lady and gent crossing the road in the fashions of the day. Note also the buildings at the left hand end of the Town Hall, long gone of course.

and now looking back from where we have just looked from, we can see the large building on the left, lots of carving on it and what would have been behind us previous is the large church building, ( I am sure you all know what it was called) , we can also just make out the roof sign for the Waterloo Bar.

next we move onto Roll 35 which unfortunately produces only 2 images the rest are poor or duplicates or triplicates seen previously.
From this the first is another class photograph, no idea when or where it was taken I have included it for the variety of outfits worn by both the boys and girls. Apologies for the quality I may come across a better image on another roll which I will then replace this one.
Last off Roll 35, is a pub, but it is one among many on my list and I have not been able to pick out this one. A distinctive location large black and white three storey building with a large lamp outside, next door is another distinctive building single storey this time with a symmetrical layout - so from that can you come up with a location?

Moving now onto Roll 37 ( Roll 36 were family photos of Mrs Harrison(?) going back years - I can post if you wish but the would all be anonymous as there are no other details)

Roll 37 is interesting as there are no pubs!!

First up old church standing Stratford Road and St Johns Road taken in 1991, I assume that makes the church St. Johns? lovely large main window and a nice spire also fine railings around the site. The large cash and carry on the right is an interesting building three storeys and large glass windows doesn't look like it was always and warehouse though. alongside it the semi detached house look dwarfed.
Finally can I have your opinions of the next image, as always its a photo of something but what - has it been seen before?
I assume its the Bull Ring and St Martins Church but looks like a stylised drawing or a photo that has been drawn on, your opinions would be appreciated.
View attachment 191832
I think it is a photo, possibly from newspaper, which has been scanned in black & white mode, rather than grey mode