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Newspapers : From Birmingham Post 150 years ago

Just shows that the "Christian milk of kindness", did not always sit comfortably with those who chose to preach the bible.!!!paul
Hengler's circus generates a little more money with sideline horse riding.
Alfred Bird gains royal approval with his Rainbow Bubbles


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Think we've all at one time or another been fascinated by bubbles, but to be called to demonstrate making a rainbow bubble before the royal family must have meant Mr Bird's bubbles were exceptional. I can only think that the Rainbow Bubble must have been very large and colourful - like the ones produced by those children's bubble machines you see being demonstrated for sale at Christmas. Viv.
I have posted on this thread concerning his bubbles before (I think), but the post was lost in the outage earlier this year. Here is an advert and report, both from 25th January 1866


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Things seemed to be improving in the workhouse then. Fascinated by the 'lobscouse' and discovered it was a stew of beef and vegetables with potatoes added. It sounds more appetizing than the name suggests! Apparently miners in North Wales had it when they came home.
I have posted on this thread concerning his bubbles before (I think), but the post was lost in the outage earlier this year. Here is an advert and report, both from 25th January 1866

A thorough - and truly Victorian - description of the process! Sounds tantalising. Thanks Mike,
Farmers fined for moving manure while Rindpest restrictions were in force
A very hopeful and disappointed future father trying his luck


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That's interesting, I see one of the farmer's surname was Foden.
There is a Foden Road in Great Barr - wonder if it was named after his family?

I should have thought Aston Parish would have been glad of a bit of fresh manure ;-D
When you think of the different illness's attributed to "night soil", disposal on the land, the mind boggles. this would have meant though that Aston, was fairly rural at this time.Paul
That's interesting, I see one of the farmer's surname was Foden.
There is a Foden Road in Great Barr - wonder if it was named after his family?

I should have thought Aston Parish would have been glad of a bit of fresh manure ;-D
There is a mention about the Foden family occupying Booths Farm until the 1920s and a mention about Foden Road in the link below.

Policeman assaulted at fire while helping save life. So there were idiots then as bad as those today.
Fire at Ostrich feather manufacturer
Tobacco consumption. This seems huge to me if it is really total tobacco consumed divied by total number of people.
Not sure what the Worcestershire Book Hawking Society was exactly = a sort of book club, or just a trade association


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Much made of electoral reform bill, though by today's standards it wasn't that much a reform
The lady's teeth must have been very uncomfortable to take then out in the train.
Turkish woman's opinion of englishwoman's stays


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interesting, shows how far we have come in common emancipation, and the teeth, would have been very expensive at this time, to Eastern culture women, the way Western women dressed would have been alarming.Paul
My family lived in Brazil and a common problem for women who persisted in sticking to the western idea of 'proper' dress ie stays, restrictive clothing etc was coping with the heat, made worse by western styles. It was often accused of shortening their lives too. Viv.
Advert and description of the Aston Lower Grounds, all later destroyed to make a football ground
A matrimonial hoax in Shrewsbury which ended rather badly for the hoaxed


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A while ago mention was made of a proposed gymnasium in Birmingham. It can be seen here that it did not get off the ground, but did encourage interest in athletics. and may have led to the later Birmingham Athletic Institute
Somewhat suspicious circumstances for two fires


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I think that the centrepiece of a production being the immolation of a jewess in a boiling cauldron might today raise some eyebrows.
A new trade for Birmingham Wire rope making


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I'm intrigued to know why a matron would be in attendance at the laundry. To me matron is a nurse-manager


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I think it would be in the context of being in a Managerial roll, rather than a nursing roll, at this time I think that nurse-manager would be to control the organisation mentioned, pretty rare at this time for female managers, outside of, say nursing in Britain.Paul
I'm intrigued to know why a matron would be in attendance at the laundry. To me matron is a nurse-manager

The traditional Matron, not the new style matrons who are just ward managers, was in control of all matters that were not covered by the doctors. This included all the domestic facilities.
A hopefull defence, if disingenuous, but then so is much of what comes out of today's politician's mouths, and some people even believe it !
It seems the same things went on even before football matches - A Bristolian view of some Brummies


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I notice the reference to Arabs in relation to the yobs of Bristol, a racist slur that would not be allowed today. Yet in my very first job which was in the Black Country, I remember being called a "Daft Ay-rab" by one of my colleagues.
Discussion on medical provision for the poor


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Very interesting that at this time medical dispensation, and doctors employment, were the responsibility of Parishes, not central government, and that local councilors debated the medical matters without a single medical man in attendance, perhaps this is why we had epidemics so often. Paul
Foundation stone laid for new Christ church at Sparkbrook


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Can't read it, print too small, tried enlarge but cannot.Paul

Hi All,

I simply clicked on the article and it came up a little larger in the middle of the screen. I clicked on it two or three times after that. Each time the print enlarged a little until it was large enough for me to read easily.

Old Boy