Interesting piece from the Faces and Places magazine from 1890 refers...for Devonjim..?
ABOUT thirty-five years ago a building which now forms the main portion of the Prince of Wales' Theatre was erected in Broad Street. It was in 1856 that a joint stock company was formed to build a hall in which concerts of a high class should be given, and the opening performances of this hall took place on the 3rd and 4th of September of the same year. Two oratorios were given, in which Madame Clara Novello, Madame Weiss, Messrs Sims Reeves, Mortem Smith and Alfred Mellor took part. The hall cost upwards of £12,000, including the organ, but in spite of all efforts of the management the music programmes were not received with sufficient favour to warrant their being long continued.
On the 13th of May, 1862, a theatrical license was applied for, and granted on condition-that the entertainments should be such as those given by Mr. and Mrs Gerran Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul and others. In October of 1862 Mr. James Scott, of the Belfast Theatre, took the theatre, but after a few weeks he was succeeded by Mr. W. H. Swanborough, who opened it as the Royal Music Hall Operetta House for the performance of vaudevilles, operettas, and light pieces generally. In the following April Mr. Charles Mathews appeared at the theatre, and later Mr. H. J. Byron made his first appearance in Birmingham in his own burlesque of " Ali Baba on the Thirty-nine Thieves."
This theatre (which, in commemoration of the Royal wedding on the 10th of March in that year, had taken the name of " The Prince of Wales' Operetta House") is also noteworthy as the one in which Mr. Sothern's impersonation of Lord Dundreary was first presented to a Birmingham audience. But fortune did not smile upon the place, and several changes were made in the management until in 1866 it passed into the hands of the late Mr. James Rodgers. All the business capabilities of that gentleman were brought to bear upon the theatre, and' soon a complete change was effected. The Prince of Wales' Theatre became known as one of the most successful places of amusement in the provinces, and Mr. Rodgers was soon justified in making other improvements, which added to its prosperity.
In 1876, the building was entirely reconstructed ; the old, low front was demolished, and handsome shops erected in its place. The interior of the theatre was remodelled and decorated, rendered more perfect in its acoustic properties and brighter in appearance, and accommodation was made for 3,800 people. Birmingham is said to be a difficult town to cater for, but the management of the Prince of Wales' Theatre have introduced to local play-goers scores of popular plays of all descriptions.
In 1873, the Carl Rosa Company visited the theatre, and at that time Rose Hersee, Blanche Cole, and Mr. Aynsley Cook were the principal vocalists.
It would be impossible to mention all the celebrated actors and actresses who have appeared at the Prince of Wales' Theatre. Some of them will be readily recalled, for names like those of Miss Eastlake, George Everson, Wilson Barrett, John Coleman, cannot soon be forgotten.
In 1862 the first pantomime was produced. It was under the management of Mr. W. H. Swanborough, and was entitled " Jack the Giant Killer." One of the most successful pantomimes was that of 1889 and 1890. It was during the run of this that Mr. James Rodgers died, deeply lamented by all. Mr. Charles Appleby had been with Mr. James Rodgers since he became lessee of the theatre, and he still occupies the position of general manager now that Captain Rodgers has taken his father's place. Mr. Appleby has not been connected with the theatre for so many years without making numerous friends. A very familiar face to all who visit this place of amusement is that of Mr. T. R. Foster, the acting manager. He always has a smile for everyone and is very popular with the patrons of the prosperous theatre. He has had some busy times, and he will ever remember the production of " Cinderella " when Miss Emma Waite, Jolly Little Lewis, and Messrs. Carfield and Booker took part in it. This was, without doubt, the most successful pantomime ever seen at the Prince of Wales' Theatre. Mr. Foster was literally beseiged by people who clamoured for seats, and night after night he had to close the windows of the box office before the curtain had risen on the first scene. As the Press then put it:—"It is not 'Have you seen Cinderella ?' but 'How many times have you seen it?'" And yet the management hope to eclipse this record.