Brummie babby
Would I be right to assume that the Countess d'Eu mentioned in the article of post 2000 is from the Braganza line, and therefore related to Catherine of Braganza wife of English King Charles II. ?
I believe not, as Catherine of Braganza would refer to the lates 1600. While the visit mentions "Frederick Joseph Smith", referring to the recent posts we have done and that would be in the late 1800s or early 1900s. But it does show the power of England and England's money in Brazil at the time.
It would probably be "Isabel, princess of imperial Brazil", which was son of Brazil's emperor D.Pedro II then married to Prince Gaston (Count d'Eu), which would put the visit in between 1864-1920, somewhere in between. It seems that the royal family in Brazil kept ties with England through Frederick Joseph's family and Smith's family, which we have discussed earlier on.
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