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Newspapers : From Birmingham Post 150 years ago

I wonder if this occurred on Ascension Day

Neither could I Mike, and especially as the eyes were 'in horrible motion', whatever that means. The accident is nasty, but it must also have been traumatic for the guard who found him, even though the report makes it all seem a bit remote and matter of fact. Viv.
So if this scheme had come about our farms would be fertilized with human sewage carried in pipes to the fields. Might make an afternoon walk in the country a bit odourous, as it would be in addition to the pig slurry etc that occasionally goes on now.

Hi, Have you any other information regarding the Mons. Blondin you mention?

I am trying to find a Mons. le Blonde a trapeze artist, who is supposed to have married a gt. gt aunt of mine. Not having a lot of success so am grasping at straws. Thansk
I'm afriad I know little about Blondin, except that there was an original blondin and then several others that seemed to use variations of his name , including one female
Sounds quite an event. Am still not sure about the lifeboats. Were there lifeboats on the canals? Or the Avon? they talk about numerous crews of the town and district, so there presumably must have been a number of boats.

Do you know what year your gt gt aunt is supposed to have married this person and in what town? If you have a name it would help. I know where the original Blondin is buried, and it might be worth working from that end if you have no clues at all.
Announcement of date of opening of Witton cemetery. Presumably this was the reason for thw announcement of the closure for common interenments at key hill & Warstone the day before.
Presumably they mean the Town Hall, not the Guildhall.


The interesting things Mike, is that common interments did not cease in 1863 at either Key Hill or Warstone Lane. Perhaps public opinion dictated this, or perhaps it was because the council wanted the money diverted to Witton?
I suppose it is suitable that a society for the prosecution of felons should fine members who do not attend the annual dinner !
A very gushing advert for the Sea horse. I particularly like the reference to the noble dining room.
The Irish seem to have had a bit of a reputation.



My late wife had Irish ancestors, who arrived in Birmingham in the mid 1800's, sometime around 1850/1860 they changed their surname from Lehany to Delaney. Believe it was something to do with a series of riots that the father had been involved in, but never found out the real reason for them changing their name.
This description of whitsuntide in Birmingham is part of a long piece which goes on to describe te acts and happenings at music halls , aston park fete etc.
Description of parade through the town to celebrate the new volunteer fire station.
Statements as to procedure in older cemeteries over internments, though shortie has already informed us that common internments were not stopped in that year, so more must happen later.
Not quite clear what this educational toy actually was .

Comment on Bradford poisonings, showing what problems arose through inadequate control of foods and pharmaceuticals.





A while ago i was querying "lifeboat crews". Here , in an extarct of a report on a precession from town to Aston Hall fete, the suggestion that they were some sort of float seems to be confirmed.

I do not think the advertiser really thought the person he was addressing was a gentleman or a lady, and I think the chance of the return of the items is about as likely as them being so.
Cheeky to say the least.


This shows that decimilization was not a new thing, but was proposed 150 years ago, and presumably caused ructions then also. It is in two parts, originating from an editorial in the birmingham post.


Never heard of anyone being "Twitted" before. Almost sounds like Tweeted, which is appropriate, as most ardent tweeters are twits
This sort of thing has been the basis of many murder (or not) mysteries, and was not uncommon at the time, even thoiugh it was known arsenic was dangerous.


Never heard of anyone being "Twitted" before.
I can remember long ago at school hearing the phrase 'he/she has twitted on us'. It was usually a 'teachers pet' twitting to the teacher about something we should not have done. I think they were known as the 'class twit'. It is amusing to see how the word is used in that letter.
Regularly used 'twitted on' as a child to describe the process of telling on someone/spilling the beans/sneakily revealing something bad that we'd done. But we also used 'twit' to describe an idiot. Viv.
Seems like the different fire brigades were like the different railway companies at the time, ready to do anything to get one over on the oposition
No such a a thing as competition in the baking industry. It is all a cartel, with fixed prices.


Yet more great articles from 1863. I am amazed that arsenic was used in wallpaper how sad. Looks like the Bakers were now working as one as you say Mike a cartel. I wonder what other industries and businesses did this at the time. Love the idea of firemen acting like schoolboys.
Perhaps firemen acting like politicians might be a better description, especially when you see the follow up letter in tomorrows issue !