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Newspapers : From Birmingham Post 150 years ago

great snippits again mike...the detail in the way the fire in whittall st is reported made me feel as though i was there...

Dental dispensary moves.
What a mixture of goods. Would think the herring would make the butter fishy !
It had a bone in the middle and fat on the outside - what else is there to say ?



had to laff at the 2 joints of meat snippet mike.wonder if they were ever claimed before they went off lol..

Surprised at the return of £20,000 pa on butter, herrings, potatoes and eggs! Seems like a very lucrative business. Viv.
I wonder what a dental dispensary was in 1863. Was this the forerunner of the dental hospital.
Thank you Colin I should have checked your site first. A very interesting piece on the start of the dental hospital and it certainly moved about a lot. I went to the dental hospital many times as a child. I must have been one of the early children to have a brace on my teeth fitted there.
Thanks to Mike for this great thread and thank you Dennis for the map and pictures.
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Hurrah for Mr Marshall
Cheaper than begging !!?? Even Wonga isn't as bare faced as to claim that
Some things never change. This mumbo jumbo would fit in today with much of the "medicine " on the net and in the Daily Mail



Thanks Mikejee for the hunting snippet, Juke of Rutland's Belvoir Castle is just 2 miles from me across the fields, Buckminster is still a lovely estate village, with a lovely pub!

The Belvoir Hunt were out on Saturday again with the followers clogging up the lanes, at least the fox's get away these days ( !!! )
Proposed extension to St Paul'sChurch, Balsall Heath.
Prize Fighting at Kings Norton.
If that is a polite way to gain information, I hate to think what an impolite way was.



Product counterfeiting did not begin with knockoff copies of Chanel No 5, though counterfeit guns, which were not up to standard and might explode would have been a more serious matter.
Today a lost child would merit more than an advert 4 days after she was last seen (the 8th was a thursday).
While one would expect a grandfather to help with his grandchildren, it seems a little extreme to enforce payment for them on him if their mother was unable to support them, though maybe that is the next plan of George Osborne.
A rather original charge - destroying bricks .
Letter obviously written by someone of the same ilk as members of this forum.





great snippets again mike...i wonder if that little girl was found safe..
re the soho manufactory...i can almost see myself snapping away...

That's what I thought as well David. It is not clear where on the counterfeit rifles the name Rawlings was stamped. I suppose it could be on the stock and added after proof.. Possibly the person concerned submitted them for testing under the Rawlings name (if that is possible)., orperhaps they were not tested and illegal from that point of view also.
The proof House is an interesting building with the "Trophy of Arms" over the door. I look out for it every time I pass Proof House Junction on the train in and out of New Street Station.
Not quite the last Viv. This has been on another thread, but not sure which


Thanks Mike. A very interesting photo which I've not seen before. You can just make out two people, one in a stovepipe hat, who seem to be having a nose around (maybe they read the newspaper article and decided to get a close look before it was too late!). Also the buildings to the right seem to be built into the hill. Don't seem to be able to make out what this view is, the rear maybe? The place looks pretty big and seems to have contained quite a variety of different buildings. I think I read somewhere that it was demolished for improvement. but I also thought nothing replaced it on this site. Viv.

PS just checked out what 'improvements' were made and it seems the improvements were for a cleaner and quieter environment! i.e. not to improve productivity and profit - how radical!
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I'm not sure which buildings are left in the photo of the demolition, but looking at the plan of the factory in c 1828 below, the blue block is the main frontage, shown on your photo, and I think it most likley that in the demolition photo this has been demolished, and th eblock marked in red on the plan is the row of buildings on the right of my photo. It is a bit of a guess though

Sounds like the writer is suggesting a return to the days of the night-soil cart. Shouldn't think there would be much support for that.
Metal dealing travellers always did cause trouble
Occasion for a bit of horsewhipping of the complainent's son I would think.
Shows there is a use for health & safety in moderation.
Would think the thought of selling the goods of a (admittedly ex-) tax collector would be quite enjoyable.





Loved the "Little Gornal" story .. nothing much changes does it?
How sad about the little girls being burned though.
Interesting the use of the name "Little Gornal" in Saltley area. The areas of Upper and Lower Gornal in Dudley are well known in the Black Country.
What has always intrigued me, is the number of ponies that are to be seen in the areas around Gornal, the ponies seem to be grazing every green space in the area. Are there people of Romany descent in the area?
Can you envisage 2 little girls working with "Sulphuric Acid", in glass bottles???, you can just imagine the horrific injuries,thank God we have moved on a bit from there, I have never been a lover of the "Elf and Safety", crew but this beggars belief.
Thanks Mike. A very interesting photo which I've not seen before. You can just make out two people, one in a stovepipe hat, who seem to be having a nose around (maybe they read the newspaper article and decided to get a close look before it was too late!). Also the buildings to the right seem to be built into the hill. Don't seem to be able to make out what this view is, the rear maybe? The place looks pretty big and seems to have contained quite a variety of different buildings. I think I read somewhere that it was demolished for improvement. but I also thought nothing replaced it on this site. Viv.

PS just checked out what 'improvements' were made and it seems the improvements were for a cleaner and quieter environment! i.e. not to improve productivity and profit - how radical!

hi viv that pic is on post 447 on this thread along with another one...see mikes snippet on the demo of soho manufactory which is on post 445..

Great, thanks Lyn. Missed a lot of posts around Christmas, too busy enjoying myself! I've just had a look and I think the first photo in Mike's post #447 probably confirms what he thought the view might be in the demolition photo. The right side of the building is banked up in the demo photo. On Mike's first photo #447 it shows the ground sloping away on the left-hand side, so I think the demo photo is the rear view. Gawd, how confusing have I made that sound? I'll get back in my box now. Viv.
lol viv...oh well done for spotting the man wearing the stovepipe hat..i missed that...
Opinions concerning the American civil war were mixed in England, even though slavery was gone (officially anyway) in areas under their control. Many of the English manufacturing firms did profitable trade with the south, including manacles and similar items . The letter her eshows someone who id not keen on Lincoln's victories.
