Thanks Aston, do you mind if I download the piccies, continuation Di, of John Wyatt, took from Wikipedia:
John Wyatt was related to Sarah Ford, Doctor Johnson's mother. In 1773 he worked in the mill at New Forge (Powells) Pool, Sutton Coldfield attempting to spin the first cotton ever spun by mechanical means. His principal partner, Lewis Paul, who was sponsored by the Duke of Shrewsbury, together developed the concept of elogating cotton threads by running them through rollers and then stretching them through a faster second set of rollers. They produced the first ever roller spinning machine but it was not successful. Paul took out patents in 1738 and 1758, the year before he died. Wyatt went to work for Matthew Boulton in his foundary in Birmingham. There he invented and produced a weighing machine and experimented with donkey power to run his spinning machine. He was brought down by his debts and was made bankrupt. Their ideas laid the foundations for others who followed, particularly Sir Richard Arkwright. He was credited with the spinning frame, later renamed the water frame following the transition to water power. The world's first water powered cotton mill was built in 1771 in Derbyshire.(note this was taken from wikipedia)
:flower: :cat: