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Midland Red Early Days

An easier read of that chapter is found here, and transcribed (for educational purposes only, of course) below.
Victorian London - Publications - Social Investigation/Journalism - Street Life in London - by J.Thomson and Adolphe Smith, 1877

"FORTY-THREE years on the road, and more," said Cast-iron Billy; "and, but for my rheumatics, I feel almost as 'ale and 'earty as any gentleman could wish. But I'm lost, I've been put off my perch. I don't mind telling of you I'm not so andy wi' the ribbons as in my younger days I was. Twice in my life I've been put off, and this finishes me. I'll never hold the whip again that's been in my hand these three and forty year, never! I can't sit at 'ome, my perch up there was more 'ome to me than 'anythink.' Havin' lost that I'm no no good to nobody; a fish out o' water I be."
William Parragreen, known as "Cast-iron Billy," may be said to have commenced life with the whip in his hand. With an inborn aptitude for the profession he took to the road early. Whip in hand he mounted his father's cab, and continued for some years to pilot the vehicle through the busy streets of London.
In the days when the Royal Mails ran from the Post Office, with their armed guards and passengers, prepared for long weary journeys, William was fired with the ambition to drive some more imposing conveyance than the old four-wheeler. At last his hopes were realized, and he commenced his career as omnibus driver on the London roads. This event was indelibly fixed in his memory as it happened in 1834, when the old Houses of Parliament were destroyed by fire.
The first locomotive was running successfully between Manchester and Liverpool, although it was regarded by many as a fool-hardy experiment that would speedily come to an end. The first accident on the rails led our hero to believe that the new mode of travelling would not answer. "There was safety and comfort in the old mail, but to be smashed up into minced meat by steam is the sort o' thing folks wouldn't stand." But he has advanced with the times, and now regards the railroad as the great feeder of his own and every other sort of labour in the metropolis.
Two or three years later William engaged himself to the London Conveyance Company. After fourteen years' faithful service the stock was sold off, and he was discharged. "Don't know if they was broke, or wot. They sold off. He next found employment with a job-master for about twelve months, but in the end was turned adrift, and two years elapsed before he again obtained regular employment. This, he assured me, was the only time in his life in which he came to grief.
Fortune smiled once more, and he entered as driver to the London General Omnibus Company, in whose service he has ended his career on the road. "Now," he pathetically remarked, "I'm too old to look ahead. There's the workus on one side; it's not pleasant, and who knows? on t'other, perhaps, some sporting gent wanting me to keep his gate. I might do that; you see I could sit in front fourteen hour out o' the twenty-four, always 'andy." This then is the poor man's paradise, to have some settled spot where he could sit out his days, in imagination perched on his old seat above his steady-going "cattle." He confessed that the post would have its drawbacks. He would miss the scenes of city life, the traffic of the streets, the excitement of racing against opposition. He would miss, too, the greeting of his old patrons, whose front seats were held sacred for the morning and evening journeys. He would lose the run of those whom he had carried to and fro for years, and who, owing to the punctuality of his omnibus at the corner, had risen to fame and fortune. Unlike a well-known aged driver on another metropolitan route, who has amassed two thousand pounds, William was never able to do more than keep things going at home. His first wife was for many years an invalid, and a drain on his resources. His children, who were sickly, needed constant tending. Nor is his poverty to be attributed to intemperance, although he owned to taking "a drop o' liquor to keep the frost out in winter, and stave off the heat in summer;" he also defied any man to say that he had seen him drunk when he should have been sober.
"Nothin' like old Skyler, one o' the best whips on the road; he's over seventy, and rides jobbin' post,' or drives to the Derby four-in-hand. But he never goes to bed sober, not if he knows it! He'll swallow more dog-noses' * (*Ale, halfpenny-worth, Gin, penny-worth.) in a journey than most men livin'."
The subject of the photograph lost his position as driver, owing to his inability to cope with younger men driving opposition omnibuses along the same route. In this instance the omnibuses crossed each other, the younger and more active man so taking the lead as to pick up all the passengers. This was not all, our veteran had become so enfeebled as to require help to mount his perch, while the reins had to be secured to his coat, as he has partially lost the use of his left hand.
The practice of racing, to the detriment of vehicles and discomfort of passengers, has been in vogue for half a century; but my informant remarked that in the "good old days" the struggle raged much more fiercely than it does now. Then there were many small proprietors running a neck-and-neck race for a living. The large companies which now monopolize the routes have in some measure tended to check the evil. At the same time the daily earnings of each conveyance depends so much on the joint efforts of driver and conductor, that they do not scruple to urge on their steeds when it suits their convenience. The demands thus made upon the strength of the horses soon renders them unfit for the road. I have been assured by more authorities than one that such horses as are employed will, on an average, stand omnibus work no longer than eight years. It is curious to observe that both horse and conveyance must be renewed at about the same time. I gather from the Police Report for 1875 that in six years 8180 public conveyances were condemned as unfit for use. In 1875, 9684 licences were granted for public conveyances in the metropolitan district. It will be seen, therefore, that the whole of the public conveyances of London are renewed about every eight years. The number of omnibuses running last year within the metropolitan area was 1448; horses, allowing ten to each omnibus, 14,480; drivers, conductors, and horse-keepers, 4344. The men employed in omnibus work are, as a class, fairly healthy, notwithstanding their exposure to all weathers, and that they labour fourteen hours out of every twenty-four. The supply of men flows from a great variety of sources; the majority of the drivers have been trained early in the management of horses. In some cases the education thus bestowed has been so purely professional as to leave the men ignorant of the most rudimentary branches of knowledge. For all that, some of them have filled better positions, they have owned their own studs, and driven their own coaches. One I may mention was at one time a man of property, and an authority on all matters relating to the "turf." Early in life he made up his mind, seemingly, to spend his money, and to live merrily while it lasted; and when his funds were gone he settled down, cheerfully enough, to driving an omnibus. Quite recently he has come in for a windfall, in the shape of a legacy of over a thousand pounds. Immediately on his receiving the money he descended from his perch, and was last seen lulling over the bar of a restaurant, smoking a fragrant cigar, and wearing a suit most horsey and juvenile; a white hat, tilted so as to partially shade the left eye, would have completed his attire, but for a narrow black band with which it was adorned. The band was possibly worn in grateful remembrance of the friend who left him the money, or of the money that had already gone in procuring some fleeting pleasure for its owner. Be that as it may, when the legacy has been squandered its owner will doubtless resume his seat on the box.
Omnibus conductors are drawn from the ranks of unfortunate clerks, mechanics, and tradesmen of all sorts. No special training being required for the duties of a conductor, the post is open to all comers who can read and write, and who can produce some satisfactory reference as to character. The pay is 4s. a day, but the "black mail" exacted from them in various ways renders it almost impossible for them to exist on their pay. There being, moreover, no proper check on their drawings, the men are exposed to the greatest temptations. It is in some instances tacitly understood by employers that the taxes imposed on conductors (for tips and treats to driver, horse-keeper, &c., &c.) shall be taken from the fares; were this not so, and the conductor strictly honest, his fourteen hours' work would go for next to nothing.
Would it not be possible, in the interest of masters and men, to let out the omnibuses by the day? To adopt indeed the system in force with hackney carriages. The masters would require to find time-keepers, and appoint inspectors to prevent racing, and to limit the number of journeys. Although the number of omnibuses running in the metropolis is perhaps not so great as before the introduction of city lines and tramways, they are again steadily increasing to meet the demand of a growing population.
A great reduction in fare followed the laying of railways and tram-lines; but there has been no diminution in the gross earnings of the omnibuses. This is accounted for in two ways, the abolition of mileage and tolls, and in short journeys. When Henry Mayhew wrote on this subject, the mileage tax on each conveyance was three halfpence for every mile traversed; seventy miles being the average distance per day, the charge for mileage was eight shillings and nine pence. In some of the routes the toll charged was tenpence per journey, or five shillings for the day's work of six journeys. The abolition of these imposts conferred a great boon on the public, as under the old system omnibuses could not run at the present low fares and yield a profit to their owners.
In conclusion I must thank Mr. Smith, of the City Mission - the pioneer missionary to omnibus men - for his introduction to "Cast-iron Billy."
Also of interest are the notices on the inside of the door that Cast Iron Billy's conductor is holding open - almost identical to those in the 'Gladstone' painting.
Below the Royal Crown is the hackney carriage number of the vehicle - buses had to carry these (usually on a white oval enamel plate at the rear) until c.WW2, nowadays they are only carried by Taxis - 'taximeter cabriolet' to give the 'cab' its full title.
Thanks for the "Billy" text, Lloyd: very useful. So do you think that the crown signified the "royal" licence privilege?
'Billy' Paragreen's fears seem to have come about, as the 1881 census has "William Paragreen, age 68 (so born c.1813), omnibus driver, born Cambridgeshire", as an inmate at the "Harrow Road W Workhouse", Paddington, London.
'Billy' Paragreen's fears seem to have come about, as the 1881 census has "William Paragreen, age 68 (so born c.1813), omnibus driver, born Cambridgeshire, as an inmate at the "Harrow Road W Workhouse", Paddington, London.

That's horribly sad....
Yes, shame on all the so-called "sporting gents" for not giving Billy a place at their gate. And the "workus" was a hellish place in those days. Oh dear!
Yes, shame on all the so-called "sporting gents" for not giving Billy a place at their gate. And the "workus" was a hellish place in those days. Oh dear!

I always thought Dickens was putting the accents on a bit thick e.g. workus, vittals etc but it seems to be a true reflection of the dialect - I can imagine it but wish we could hear it
The Life and Work of William Parragreen.

Re: William "Cast Iron Billy" Parragreen / Paragreen. We owe it to this noble personage to work the usual BHF magic and flush out the details of his life and career, so that we can honour him with a short biography. The book chapter tells us that he was the son of a cabbie. Lloyd has discovered that he was born c 1813 in Cambridgeshire. He had a wife and children, who are not named. He appears to have lost his "first wife", and married again. And I discovered a snippet which records the conviction of William Paragreen [sic] as a hackney carriage driver (or possibly proprietor) on 9 April 1835 at the Police Office, Queen Square, Westminster. The offence is not specified (but might have been "furious driviing" or something of that nature), and he was fined ten shillings (which was probably more than two days wages). His unfortunate (and greatly feared) confinement in the Paddington workhouse by 1881 provides a heart-wrenching conclusion to his story (so far).

Cast Iron Billy

This man's early life has proved difficult to trace so far, but his story seems to be as follows:

William Paragreen was born Leckhempstead, Buckinghamshire c.1812 and by 1834 (aged 22) had become a London Horse bus driver. In the 4th quarter of 1841, at age 29 he married Mary Evans (1813-1863) and they had a short-lived son, William Mary Paragreen who only lived during the 4th quarter of 1844.
In 1861 William and Mary were living at 3 Bouverie Street, Paddington and William was an "Omnibus Coachman".
Mary died in the 1st quarter of 1863. They may have had other children, but I cannot find the records for them.
William remarried in the 3rd quarter of 1866 to Hannah Snowden from Yorkshire (one source quotes Sheffield; another Haxby nr York) but listing children who might be William's (there was at least one other 'Paragreen' family in London at that time, around Robert Paragreen, a Baker)
some date from between his periods of marriage.
They are:
William Joseph Paragreen, b. 1st q. 1864, d. 3rd q. 1864.
Sarah Annie Paragreen, b. 3rd q. 1865, d. 4th q. 1865.
Francis John Paragreen, b. 2nd q. 1870, d. 3rd q. 1870.
Francis James Paragreen, b. 3rd q. 1873, d. 2nd q. 1875.
Charles Ernest Paragreen, b. 1st q. 1876, married Louise Eatly 3rd q. 1900. Now found NOT to be William's child.
Beatrice Matilda Paragreen, b. 4th q. 1877, married William R Rose 4th q. 1899.
Now found NOT to be William's child.

I also found the death record of a Mary Morgan Parrygreen, b.c. 1866, d. 4th q. 1869.
As can be seen, most of these children are not alive at the times of census, so I am unable to check on them further.

In 1871 William and Hannah are at 6 Green Street, Paddington (a flat or apartment, could be in one of these once fine houses in what is now called Paddington Green). William is still an "Omnibus Coachman".

The interview posted above must have been given in 1877, when William was 65. This was at the time he ended his employment with the LGOC, through ill health.

In the 1881 census William is an inmate in the Harrow Road Workhouse, Paddington, occupation Omnibus Driver, and classed as a widower, but 'Hannah Parrygreen' is living nearby at 6 Chippenham Mews (now so altered as to be unrecogniseable from those days), a widow with 4 lodgers (2 men, one unmarried woman and her 3 y.o. child).
This makes it look as if Mary (above) is William's, and the family has broken up.
Hannah died in 1904, but the only match I can find in the 1901 census is a 'Hannah Parragrean', wife of Henry Parragrean (64), in Desborough Street, Paddington (long since built over). Now two of her 1881 lodgers were Henry Williams (45) and Henry Withers (43). Make of it what you will.

William's death is recorded as 4th quarter 1884, age 72, in Kensington, London.
See above for William Paragreen's biography.

William Paragreen mentions his employment with the London Conveyance Company coming to an end after 14 years.
"Don't know if they was broke, or wot. They sold off."

From the London Gazette, 1st February 1853.

In the Matter of the Joint Stock Companies'
Winding-up Acts, 1848 and 1849, and of the
London Conveyance Company.
TAKE notice, that a petition for the dissolution
and winding up of the above-named Company,
was, on Tuesday the first day of February,
1853, presented to the Lord Chancellor of Great
Britain, by James Wise, Thomas Hemming
Johnson, Andrew Inderwick, and Thomas Greathead,
and that it is expected such petition will be
heard before his Honor the Vice Chancellor
Kindersley, on Friday the eleventh day of February,
1853, and any persons desirous to oppose the making
of an order absolute for the dissolution and winding
up of the said Company under the said Acts, should
appear at the time of hearing, by himself or his
counsel, for that purpose, and a copy of the petition
will be furnished to any contributory of the
said Company requiring the same, by the undersigned,
on payment of the regulated charge for
the same.
Edmund George Randall, Solicitor for the
Petitioners, 56, Welbeck-Street, Cavendish-

See also this page and this page (the whole of that second document is worth perusing, too!)
[Lloyd, thanks for that fine work on "Cast Iron Billy": a fitting tribute. :)]

To return to Midland Red, here are three pictures from my computer which I don't think have been posted on the BHF before:

[1] Preserved Midland Red Leyland National HHA101L seen looking very handsome indeed in 2008.
[2] Midland Red long service insignia (would someone care to colour this picture?).
[3] The Midland Red Nuneaton garage "no frills" staff canteen seen on a sunny day about 1950. On the right is mechanic Jack Jeffcote. I love this picture, which was originally posted on the MidlandRed.net forum by Jack's nephew "xamtex".
Yes, we must get back to "The Friendly Midland 'Red' "!
101 as repainted by First Midland Red in celebration of 100 years since the formation of the company. Midland Red West had, through the offices of its fleet allocation office, (an enthusiast, of course) re-acquired the first Leyland National in the Midland Red fleet, 101 (HHA 101L) and retained it, latterly as a learner training bus painted all over yellow until the "Midland Red's 100th Birthday" event at the Black Country Living Museum, Dudley. Stagecoach (owners of Midland Red South) and Arriva (ditto Midland Red North) each painted a stock everyday vehicle in the old BMMO colours, and ran them across their networks for the following year or so.
101 was: The first leyland 'National in the fleet: the (numerically) first vehicle in a new fleet numbering sequence: and the last vehicle delivered in the pre-NBC livery.
Here, by local enthusiast Barry Ware (he who started the local bus preservation scene by purchasing pre-war Birmingham Daimler 1107 from Birds scrapyard, Stratford) is a picture of it brand new, before entering service in Paradise Circus, Birmingham (complete with Worcester Garage blinds showing a local display for that town!) on driver familiarisation before the first deliveries to Digbeth Garage.
The Canteen view is indeed typical of those in most BMMO garages, light green (later light blue) and cream painted with a black dividing line. Note also the conductoress's ticket machine harness, for a 'Verometer' machine - showing how high they were supposed to be worn!
The 'long service' stars lasted long enough for me to get a 5 year one (in 1979/80) before the system was abandoned.
I did get the 25 year award though, and chose a barometer from the watch, clock etc gift offered. It is currently showing "Stormy" on what is going to be one of the nicest days this summer. Typical Midland Red!
Nice one, Lloyd! That badge must be a treasured possession. It sounds like the barometer is due for a service, though!
[Lloyd, thanks for that fine work on "Cast Iron Billy": a fitting tribute. :)]

To return to Midland Red, here are three pictures from my computer which I don't think have been posted on the BHF before:

[1] Preserved Midland Red Leyland National HHA101L seen looking very handsome indeed in 2008.
[2] Midland Red long service insignia (would someone care to colour this picture?).
[3] The Midland Red Nuneaton garage "no frills" staff canteen seen on a sunny day about 1950. On the right is mechanic Jack Jeffcote. I love this picture, which was originally posted on the MidlandRed.net forum by Jack's nephew "xamtex".

Thylacine, sorry to trump you but pic [2] was the subject of my post #308 over on the 'Midland Red at Digbeth' thread. (should you take a look it will boost my viewing figures on that thread thank you).
Regards Leyland National 101, it was allocated to Leicester where it aquired an all over advert livery for Bradley & Slater, Ford Dealers of that parish so subsequently when the 1973 transfer of the Digbeth Nationals from the first batch to West Midlands Passenger transport Executive took place 101 remained in Midland Red ownership, the PTE not wishing to inherit a local advert bus for a foreign city.
Re the canteen shot and conductress wearing a Verometer harness - this apparatus was always referred to at Digbeth as "the girl's chest expanders" (probably branded as a sexist remark nowadays!)
... Leyland National 101 ... was allocated to Leicester where it aquired an all over advert livery for Bradley & Slater, Ford Dealers of that parish so subsequently when the 1973 transfer of the Digbeth Nationals from the first batch to West Midlands Passenger transport Executive took place 101 remained in Midland Red ownership, the PTE not wishing to inherit a local advert bus for a foreign city ...

Fascinating story, Mike! :thumbsup: Is there a picture of 101 in Bradley & Slater livery?
And now the pièce de résistance (self-judged!) so far: Omnibus Life in London (1859) by William Maw Egley...

After our analysis, I do prefer the exquisite detail of the Morgan, but here is a brighter version of the Egley. I think he should be referred to as William "Paw" Egley on the strength of the second attachment and do I need to point out the footpads?
Aidan, thanks for the brighter view of the 1859 Egley: this must be the earliest omnibus interior that we have so far seen. Interesting advertising poster on the left hand side. And an edition warped in from a "parallel feline universe"! :shocked:
... Is there a picture of 101 in Bradley & Slater livery?

To answer my own question: here is Midland Red 101 in Leicester in the mid-1970s in Ford & Slater all over advertising livery. :cool:

[MidlandRed.net has quite a detailed life history of this surviving Leyland National. Click on "Photographs" on the left and you'll see seven pictures, including some we've already seen. This make received quite a bit of criticism over the years, but I don't recall what all the fuss was about: it's quite a good looking bus to my weak antipodean eyes.]
Oldbury Pictures.

I hope Mark Priest doesn't mind my half-inching this picture of the Midland Red Oldbury garage sign, as an advertisement for his interesting collection of Oldbury-related pictures from Midland Red and WMPTE days. I expect afficionados are familiar with these, but I've only recently discovered them and they may be new to others amongst our many readers. ;)