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Key Hill Cemetery Memorial Inscriptions

Hi Lindy, never heard of it being called 'civic' , but as Wendy says handsworth was Staffs not Brum, an thay doh talk quere up there, afore we tuk em owa, an edicated 'em.

I cannot guarentee that pic is C311, It's one of the row in the right place, and it's one that's awaiting completion of restoration - may be the one behind it.

I'm away (again) with my toy soldiers - not the seaside now - Basingstoke - back Late Sun/early Mon - will take definite pics on Tuesday, unless you post some beforehand.

Don't forget to talk to the plants in passing, they get lonely, but not too loud as they are in Bed!
sorry for the delay in replying and thank you for the reminder that Handsworth was in West Brom then..( my memory needs a bit of a nudge at times)
I've been trying to sort out who Irene Muriel belonged to, but I think I have it sorted now :) If I have it right, her father was born in Handsworth and was living in Goldshill Road in 1901. I will at some point send for her birth certificate, now that I have found her record under Muriel Irene !
With regard to the Civic bit, shown in the link mikegee posted (Thanks mikegee :) ) I was just reading on the Heritage Forum that it was the first Public cemetery to be opened in Birmingham, so perhaps thats why it was so named..but somebody in admin somewhere decided the title was too long and so changed it ??? lol

Brian I still reckon you have missed your vocation in life..you should have been on the stage !! lol
I hope you are having("had" by the time you read this) a great time with your toy soldiers..I have no chance of getting to Key Hill this weekend as my lad is in the middle of moving, so if you get chance to take a photo on Tuesday, I would be really grateful, but I will endeavour to pay you a visit as soon as possible, as it will be nice to meet you..my "cousin" :)
HI Lynne,

Back from my toy soldier battle - ghave them a good thrashing!
However, so hot yesterday afternoon, triggered a bad sinus headache attack, been in bed since 4, just got up, still lousy - so not been to Kh today. May pop over later if it finally clears,

Hope the flowers are not sulking - at least they have their mates in bed with them for company?

(I;ve heard of 3 in abed, but 270?????
Hi Brian,

Glad to see you had the upperhand in the battle !! Are they soldiers that you make yourself ? My son is good with models, he makes the Warhammer type and my partner used to make Napoleonic ones
Sorry to see yesterdays heat got to you though !! hope you are feeling a bit better now...no worries about not making it to KH...when you have chance will be grand, :)
You will have to talk nicely to the flowers if they are sulking, after all you did leaf them alone for a few days. lol
leaf'ed them alone........and I should take up another career....... View attachment 69169 This is part of the British peninsular army I commanded crossing a river defended by napoleons nasty Frenchies!

View attachment 69170 and than storming into the village!

Figures are like Warhammer, but mostly metal, about 30 in a unit, all handpainted accurately with correct uniforms, etc - Lots of patience, skill, research books required!

About 3,500 figures in my force on a table 27ft x 15ft - good fun!

Will check out KH C211 & plants this evening - should i take them a present?
It's a shame your army isn't human, Brian. If it was they'd clean up the cemetery right quick. Mind you , you might feel at a bit of a loose end then
Mike, by the looks of things, Brian would never be stuck for something to do !!

Brian, they are brilliant,...must have took you forever to build and paint them !! Bet its a nightmare moving them around the country though !!

Checking out C211, would be great ....but hopefully you will check out C311 as well please lol .....
What pressie would you give to flowers ??...a bunch of humans maybe :)
:)..pie n chips lol !!
Thank you so much for taking the pictures Brian, they are great !! I can make out most of the names, bar one 2nd from bottom...looks like I will have to bring some pencils (?) and paper to do some rubbing when I make the trip.
Did you stop and have a chat with the flowers ? Hope they were all happy and blooming !! (and that they don't get battered by the rain today)
Awww Thanks Brian, your'e a star !! :)
The names are all really clear now, but it doesnt look like there was room for little Irene Muriel to get a mention, bless her,... great to know where she is though
Hi Wendy and Brian,
I wonder if I could trouble you both a little further ?
I have been trying to find out more about Irene Muriel (recorded as Muriel Irene at birth)..I believe her mother was Lizzie Gertrude Pedlingham nee Nicholls and her father, Leonard Arthur Pedlingham..(I will need to get her birth cert to prove this of course) I have traced Lizzie back and found that her parents were Thomas and Clara Nicholls and that they are also buried at Key Hill.
The JQRG has the information for the grave and inscription (K66) and also notes which match my census findings :) but the record on FMP says that there are 3 in the grave.
Only Thomas and Clara appear to be named on the headstone.
Would there be any information as to who is the third person in the grave at all ?
I hope to be visiting KH very soon...just waiting on my other half to name the day.
Kind Regards..... Lynne
Hi Lynne,

As you say Thomas Nicholls, 1938, 46330 + Clara Nicholls 1938, 56322
Also William George Humphrys 1920, 51597.

I tried to double check the inscription, but our copy is in the Pen Room for public access, and the JQRG website is being blocked as it is infected with a Trojan!

Hopefully you can find Wiilaim hiding in the tree somewhere ?????

Hi Brian :)
Thank you once again for your invaluable help... can I just cross check on Thomas..was it 1906 not 1938 ??
I will have to investigate William Humphrys.
I'm sorry to hear the JQRG has a problem !! Do you think I will need to run a scan on my pc now as I have been using the search facility on the site (not sure how these things get passed on)

Hope you have had a great weekend and that you and yours are well

Soory Lynne - going croos eyed. Thomas is 1906.

When I try to access JQRG my PC blocks it saying Trojan Blocked - JS:IFRAME-AC (Trj) - whatever that means!

hopefuuly the PC literates will say if you need to check anything - the bugs get into everything niowadays.

I have Norton & Avast on my macghine which seems to sniff these things out!

Just tried to access JQRC site and MacAfee gave popup saying a risky connection had been blocked, but it still allowed access to the site !!??. Any comments, as I'm not too well up on the inner workings of these things
When I try to access JQRG my PC blocks it saying Trojan Blocked - JS:IFRAME-AC (Trj) - whatever that means!

All viruses and similar problems are given a name which helps identify them.

The name JS:IFRAME-AC is made up of follows

JS - The problem is in JavaScript, a language used on web sites
IFRAME - is the area the virus effects (many viruses share a common code base with slight variations - this is the "IFRAME" virus)
AC - defines how many times the variant has been found (A is the first, then B, then up Z, then AA, AB, AC etc)

TRJ means it is a trojan.

It seems the JQRG web site has been attacked and someone has planted some code that may well direct you to another dangerous web site.

The owners of the JQRG web site should be informed.
Thanks for confirming the year Brian....:)
These bugs are a reet pain in the rear end !!! and those who plant them must have nothing better to do with their time...or else they are making an awful lot of money selling programmes to sort the bugs out ;)

I'm using MacAphee through BT Net Protect and I believe it runs in the background ?? But it didnt give me a warning like it did mkejee, ...mikejee I'm not up on these things either but hopefully someone will sort it out.

Thanks for the explanation guilbert53..are we safe to look at the site or should we avoid it till its sorted out ??
Thanks for the explanation guilbert53..are we safe to look at the site or should we avoid it till its sorted out ??

It seems the trojan on the JQRG website in itself may not be serious, but THAT virus can redirect you to another web site that MAY download some serious virus or malware software.

Some malware nowadays is very nasty so personally I would avoid that website for now, at least until the owners of the web site have been informed and tried to fix it.

There is a bit about it here


If anyone has visited it I would do a virus and malware scan.

Malwarebyutes is a good malware detector product with a free version available

Thanks for the info guilbert53,...I won't pretend that I understand the information in the links but I will run a scan shortly ...I know how to do that :)
...computers are a wonderful thing, but the technical side of it is far to confusing for the likes of me...unfortunately.
I phoned Dick Empson, of the JQRG and told him about the trojan. He knows no more about these technical things than I, but said he would tell their technical guy know about it
Nice one mikejee..I scanned my pc and fortunately had no issues..hope they sort it soon, its a wonderful site
Hi Wendy
How the area has changed around key hill, the flat, New John Street West. I had not been around that way for some years. I went to Witton Cemetery to try to trace a relative of mine. There was no record of him there although some relatives are buried there. Then my wife said perhaps he was buried at Key Hill. So i am wondering if you could advice. His name is Bert R Greatrex, born Sept 1918 and died March 1924. He was 5 or 6 years old. Bert is not short for any name. This is the info on his birth index and death index. He was the son of George A Greatrex and Doris Greatrex Ne Harvey. I know my nan lived in New John Street West, so it is possable he was buried at Key Hill. Many thanks
Eric ( stars)
Yesterday i recieved the following, as i am on their mailing list. Not sure who else will have got it, so reproduce below. This is presumably to do with the warning messages members recieved:

Over the last few days attempts have been made to access the JQRG website and to ‘steal’ the information in the Memorial Inscription database. We realise the database has a commercial value and we have already declined offers to include the JQRG database in other sites which would mean visitors would be charged for the information.
JQRG is committed to make, and to keep the MI information on the site freely available.
It has been necessary to add additional security measures to the site including limiting the MI search criteria, which is now limited to twelve alpha characters only; you can then search the resulting list. Currently the search excludes apostrophise (as in O’Dell); please contact us if the name you are searching includes an apostrophe.
The attack will delay the introduction of the Warstone lane MI’s until at least the end of October.
Please tell us if you have any problems or if you have any suggestions for how we may improve our website.
HI Eric (Stars).

These are the Key Hill Greatrex's

Charles Herbert Wills 1882
G 12 (Vault) 29064 George Andrew 1938
R 1126 56298 2 MI
Jane 1936
R 1126 56016 2 MI
Samuel 1843
F 15 2860
Thomas 1933
L 226 55318

and for Warstone Lane

S 1001 68039 6
Emily 1882 I 8 30425
Martha 1909 O 821 65722
Sandra 1949 K 32 99184

Have you tried Lodge Hill?

Hello Wendy,

My Great Great Grandmother, Sarah BROADHEAD nee HANSON or ANSON died age 78 (?) on 10 Sep 1882 at 14 Court New Johns Street, Birmingham. In the 1841 and 1871 Census she claimed to be Scottish. Please would you check if you have a Sarah BROADHEAD listed - this is speculation on my part as I don't know what Cemetery she would have been buried at!

Her husband, my Great Great Grandfather, John BROADHEAD died age 42 on 3 Dec 1846 at 5 Court Richard Street, Parish of Aston. His occupation was Brass Founder. I believe his father might have been Richard BROADHEAD born 1761 ? - d. 14 Nov 1839 at Court 16, Houses 2, Staniforth Street, Birmingham (District of St Mary) Warwickshire, occupation: Glass Blower. His wife was Ann (?) born Ireland c. 1765 - and died 31 Oct 1849 at Staniforth Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire.

John and Sarah BROADHEAD were living at Staniforth Street, Birmingham when their eldest child Richard BROADHEAD was baptised on 31 May 1822 at Saint Phillips, Birmingham, Warwick, England.

If when going through your Indexes you come across any of the above, I would be most interested to hear.

