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Key Hill Cemetery Memorial Inscriptions

hi Brian
Thank you for the info, i recognise some of the names, this will help with my tree. I live over by lodge hill i never thought of trying ther as my family came from the Aston, Hockley area. But it will not hurt to check.
once again thanks for the info. Stars ( Eric)
Hi Eric,

I always wondered why my Gran from Great Hampton Row ended up in Lodge Hill?
It seemed to be a popular choice in the late '60's & 70's.

I think often the Undertaker touts around to see where he can get in, rather than offering where you would like to go!

Hi Barbara,

I suspect Wendy may be on hols? She's not usually quiet for so long!

I cannot see any Broadheads in Key Hill at all, but there are some in Warstone lane

Surname Forenames Year Section Ref No in Plot Grave

P 1472 104656 StillbornHEAD
Albert P. G. 1885 I 5 (Angle) 35156

Amelia 1887 O 1213 37374

Frederick 1886 I 9 (Vault) 37330
John 1897 P 1924 51652

John Henry 1882 I 7 30676

Joseph 1886 B 1424 36157

William 1897 P 1780 52833

Hi Key Hill Brian,

Thank you for the above info. They are not my direct line but I do follow cousin links, so will follow them up.

Hi Brian
Just keeping you updated on my grave search. 2 of the graves are of my gt grandad George Andrew Greatrex, and it looks as if he is buried in the same grave as his wife Jane greatrex from the information you kindly gave me. I did check Lodge Hill for Bert R Greatrex,Born 1918 and died March 1924, but he was not buried there. So if he is not at Key Hill and not at Lodge hill or Witton, it has got me wondering. The lady at lodge hill sugested i go to the registry office in town or better still the library in town as they have all the records. So i don't know which would be best. On another note can i go at any time in opening hours to key hill to find my gt grandad & Nans grave.
Many thanks again Stars ( Eric)
Hi Eric, you could try Handsworth, 0121 554 0096 handsworthcem@birmingham.gov.uk - They work Sat & Sun.

Key Hill is open all year round. If you enter via Icknield st entrance go straight ahead as far as you can go, past the side of the catacombs, Turn right at the War Memorial, go to the End by the Railway/Metro wall and turn left.
% rows from back of Cemetery, 4th grave in.
See map attached - note the fence is not where it says - it is now behind the last of the graves where it says steep bank!
Sorry - forgot the attachmentView attachment 69445
Hi Eric, you could try Handsworth, 0121 554 0096 handsworthcem@birmingham.gov.uk - They work Sat & Sun.

Key Hill is open all year round. If you enter via Icknield st entrance go straight ahead as far as you can go, past the side of the catacombs, Turn right at the War Memorial, go to the End by the Railway/Metro wall and turn left.
% rows from back of Cemetery, 4th grave in.
See map attached - note the fence is not where it says - it is now behind the last of the graves where it says steep bank!
Hi Brian Thank you for your quick reply. I will check with Hansworth Cemetry. Strange you should mension there, because the grave of the person i am searching for Bert R Greatrex. His mother was married
there at St Marys Church Hansworth in 1916, i don't know if it is still there, i will have to check. I will be taking a trip to Key Hill to look at the grave.

Thanks again Brian for your invaluable help Take care Eric
I wonder if you could help me I am trying to do a family tree and I have reason to believe that some of my GGgrand parents are burried I think 2 of them were buried in a comon grave but one has a memorial stone The name is Thomas Jeffcoate I am sorry but I dont have anymore information than that.They are all relations on my mothers side I also think that Jessie Jeffcoate is buried there
Thank you Paul Whalley
Hi Paul, on FMP there are 2 Thomas Jefcoate's (one F) recorded as buried at Key Hill, one in 1912 and one in 1881...but I know Brian or Wendy will be able to give you more information, when they are online. If you put Jeffcoate in the search box at the top of any page, right hand side, there is a small thread about a Thomas Jef(f)coate) that may be of interest to you.
Dear Lindy I have tried what you have said but I see 4 posts on there and none of them seem to relate to Thomas Jeffcoate what am I doing wrong LOL
Sorry Paul, FMP (Find My Past) is a website where you can find records such as the Census's, Births, Marriages and Deaths, Burials, Military and many others, but you have to pay to view them.
I am not sure why you havent found the post I mentioned, but if you go to the top of this page and type Jeffcoate into the search box and press enter on your keyboard, it should take you to another page which has 2 Threads. The first thread will bring you back to this one, but if you click on the 2nd thread entitled "Smith Street To Key Hill" it will open the thread.

Just in case you can't find it, click on this link which will take you to it. https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/search.php?searchid=1491895
I'm still learning how to use this site myself Paul so I hope Ive explained it right
Hi Brian
I have googled Key Hill, I can see two entrances on Icknield st. But i can't see a gate with access in a car. My walking is not good and i see there is free parking, so is this entrance in Icknield Street. So can the directions you have gave me be taken fairley close to by car?. Sorry to be a pain.

Stars ( Eric)
Hi Lindyloo thank you so much for your help and advice it has been a tremendous help to me. I must appear to you to be a bit thick LOL but I am new to this site approx 3 days so I am kind of feeling my way around so to speak. I believe the female buried there is my Aunt Jessie who passed away with TB which I believe was rife in those daysIts a bit awkwasd for me as I was adopted in 1949 and am trying to find relatives etc from both sides. ie my adopted parents and my biological parents. Anyway thanx for your help I really am very grateful to you. I have been contacted by another person from this site who is related to me, I think her screen name is Shortie. Seems like I have been bitten by the bug to find my family tree LOL Take care Lindy and thanx again
Eric there are two entrances both can be accessed by car. One is on Icknield Street just past the garage and the other is on Key Hill opposite the post office. Hope this helps.

Sorry I haven't done any look ups lately I am not at home at the moment and have limited computer access. Will catch up with any requests next week.
hi Wendy.
thank you for your reply. I am going to look at the graves and Brian kindley gave me directions, but i did not know if they were for walking or by car.

Many thanks Eric
Hi Lindyloo thank you so much for your help and advice it has been a tremendous help to me. I must appear to you to be a bit thick LOL
Hi Paul, you're welcome...and no you don't appear 'a bit thick' at all, It takes a bit of time to get used to finding your way around, ...I'm still learning myself !!
FMP (Find My Past) does have a Jessie Jefcoate (one F) on its list, burial in Key Hill in 1926 but again Brain or Wendy will Im sure help you with more information..
The person who posted the thread was indeed Shortie. great to see you are in touch now.
I've been addicted to researching my Family Tree for over 20 years now..so happy hunting, hope you're prepared for the long haul :) !!!
Lindy thanx for your reply. It is quite strange that shortie is related to me on my Mothers side she is a cousin and it all started from me answering on a comment about old products that are no longer available,I gave out my name and within a few minutes I had an I M from shortie (Pauline ) asking me if I was related to mr and Mrs whalley (my Mom and Dad ) I know Pauline has been researching for 12 years and now she has the bit between her teeth locating my Birth parents and she really has turned up trumps for me
Once again thanx for your reply and the help you have given me
Paul Whalley
Hi Paul,

There are various spellings of Jefcoate around in Key Hill

JEFFCOATE William Daniel 1870
L 27 (Vault) 21135
JEFFCOAT Harriet Lavinia 1869
Corridor 2 (Vault) 20705
Sarah Ann 1868
Corridor 2 (Vault) 20179
JEFFCOTT Ann Harriet 1897
L 41 40766
Emily Florence 1889
H 4 (Vault) 34573
John 1897
L 41 40661
John Thomas 1892
H 11 (Vault) 37483

Hope these are are they

Again Paul, you're welcome :) I saw the Zebo post and I'm pleased that you are now in touch with a family member..strange and great things happen on the Forum !!!...Key Hill Brian and I can vouch for that...we found out we have a family connection because of a name I posted on my Research interests !!

Hi Brian... :) I knew you would come up with some info for Paul !! :)
On Find My Past, I found these in KH which might also be of interest to Paul..do you have any info for them please ??
Jessie Jefcoate 1926, reg 53485
Thomas Jefcoate 1912 reg 48894
Thomas Jefcoate 1881 reg 28328
Thomas Jephcott 1915 reg 50016

Hope the flowers have stayed upright after todays downpour :)
HI Lin, thanks for the prompt! - only gave the thread a passing look and quick reply as I was closing down, now I look I can see Jeph rather jef coats!
Here you are Paul

JEPHCOTTAda Amelia 1958
Vault 16 59498
Thomas 1915
L 198 50016
William 1911
L 203 48260
William 1946
T 10 58073
and others

JEFCOATAlbert 1923
C 315 52624
Lily Maria 1922
C 316A 52428

JEFCOATE Alice Rebecca 1896
L 8 (Vault) 40459
Ann 1896
S 10 40234
Harold Thomas 1896
L 9 (Vault) 40051
Jessie 1926
C 321 53485
Lilian Mabel 1891
H 9 (Vault) 36623
Maud Annie 1892
H 9 (Vault) 36811
Thomas 1881
G 11 (Vault) 28328
Thomas 1912
L 207 48894

More variations than Elgar'a Enigma!

JEFCUT Eliza 1841
H 28 1683
Hi Wendy
A big thank you to you and Brian. I followed Brians directions to the grave and they were spot on. I am not to good walking, so the directions were appreciated. It was strange, after working on my family tree, there i was standing looking at my gt Nan & Grandads grave. It brought a tear to my eyes, it is a strange feeling that after searching for names and looking at Census, birth index etc, you feel as if you know the people quite well, even though you have not met. It is like following a path and then coming to end, and feel that road is now complete, after following the persons life and then seing the grave where they are finaly rested. Keep up the good work.
Many thanks Eric
Hi Eric,

Glad you found it all O.K. I'll pop in on Tuesday and have a look, having a stay in day preparing the Warstone Lane records for printing out!

Lin - Cheers - do you like cutting./pasting on computer????
Hi Lin

My great weekend is copying pdf pages & pasting into a word doc and tidying up for printing.
AS not everyone has a computerr we print them out so we can take them to History fairs, Open days, etc and have them available in our Library at the Pen Room

there's only 16,500 odd pages to be done! - and it's keeping me away from sweeping the paths at KH - thank heavans - It's an 'orrible day to have been gardening!
I know you are very buisy, but some time if it is possable could you check Key Hill Cemetery for Harry Edwin Harvey born 1871 died 1954 married Ann Maria Harvey born 1875 died 1959.

many thanks Eric (stars)