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Key Hill Cemetery Memorial Inscriptions

Hi Eric, always got time to do look up's - if I'm online!

Sorry but they are not in Key Hill or Warstone Lane. Plenty of other Harvey names & dates.

Looks like it's an email to the cemeteries - but please do 1 cemetery at a time - they don't like seeing emails addressed to a dozen cemeteries, knowing that a dozen people are all looking at the same time for same person. Only if you get a not found reply, try the next - having been in in a couple of offices, i can appreciate their position.

Good luck though - fingers crossed

Are you looking for help Brian ??? ..or were you kidding ??? I will try and help if I can..thats an awful lot of pages to be doing yourself..

Hmmm.... so you have gone from tidying leaf leaves to tidying paper leaves..less backache I guess and at least you are staying dry lol
We've also been in amongst the leaves today..flowers to, but we stayed dry..we went to the garden Centre :)
WE are always looking for volunteers to help. I did KH on my own - 60,044 people!
WL has just under 106,000!
Pollypops is getting some done, I 've started at Z and am working backwards (feel like a goon song!).

An hour at a time is enough before my fingers have a rest - There is no rush, fortunately - it's not as if they are going anywhere soon!

If you want to help - stuff some flowers in your pocket from the garden centre! I'm sure we could squeeze a few in without anyone noticing!!!!
Brian I will gladly have a go at helping you with the copying and pasting, I'm sure I would soon pick up what is involved..how do I go about helping ??
As for the flowers, I'm still waiting on the other half to get chance to take me to KH, but if we have any spare flowers at the time, I will bring me trowel and put them in !!!
Hi ERic,
No problems looking, sorry we were not successful this time!

Lyn, Thanks for offer, but itv is a one off mindlessly boring task. Key Hill took some weeks to fit in but it is handy to have all the names and grave numbers printed out.
So long as I get WL done for the Open Day on Sept 10, there's no immediate rush.

It is a rainy day job - and we are getting a few of them at present!

Many thanks for the offer.

Hi Wendy,
Could you do a look up for me for the following people.
Mary Ann Hands died Jan 1955 and her husband Alfred Allcock dies approx 1945.
Also my Great Aunt husband's William Deathridge.
No Problem Brian, but if you change your mind...just holla !!..

jdn5764, I think Wendy might not be online yet, but just to help out Wendy and Brian in the mean time....(and not wishing to step on eithers tootsies!!)
in the case of Mary Ann, would she be under HANDS or ALLCOCK ??
and any clues as to a date for William Deathridge as there appear to be 3 in Key Hill.

According to Find My Past ..There is an
Alfred Allcock, 1945, Reg No; 57867 in Key Hill
Also a
Mary Ann Allcock, 1955, Reg No; 57867
William Deathridge, 1880, Reg No; 27788
William Deathridge, 1951, Reg no; 28935 (2 in the grave)
William Ronald Deathridge 1934, Reg No, 55389.................Wendy and Brian will probably have the exact grave details though
Hi Jdn5764,
Just spoted this as I was closing down for the day
ALLCOCK Alfred 1945
T 10 57867
Mary Ann 1955
U 95 59260 2

DeathridgeWilliam 1880
G 7 (Vault) 27788
William 1951
U 95 58935 2
William Ronald 1934
L 227 55389
Winifred 1904
C 300 44952

U95 is a private grave with 2 in a William Deathridge & a Mary Ann Allcock.

Alfred Allcock is in a Public grave T10, very close by - both at the rear of Key Hill. In at Icknield St, straight on to War memoruial. T10 is straight ahead as far as you can go. The U graves are on the left at the base of the slope.

Cheers, Lin - Wendy said the other day she's away from hoime with limited access at present.
Thanks Brian and all for keeping up the good work I will be home tomorrow and able to do look ups again...:):)
Cheers Wendy,

Hope you had a good time.

Popped into Key Hill on my way past this evening and took pics of T10 - badly worn, nothing showing & U95 by path at rear of Catacombs, dirty but readable.
Just got back in, so will load up in the morning.

Hi Wendy, I hope you have had a good time too and I hope its been ok for me to add the bits in from FMP ??
and Hi Brian, hopefully jdn5764 will check back in soon to see the results that you've posted !!

Hi Brian you have been busy again look forward to seeing the photo's.

Lindyloo we don't mind at all greatful for any help. Thanks
Lindyloo and Brian I thank you so much for your help on finding the information for me about my lost family You have turned up trumps Jessie Jefcoate was my aunt and the Thomas Jefcoates were my G Father and GG father I am hoping be meeting Shortie in September she is a long lost cousin of mine and has truly been a godsend to me she has unearthed things about my biological parents as I was adopted in 1949. The Jefcoates were my adopted parents ancestors and bless her she really has got the bit between her teeth on my biological parents side,who are from Cornwall. I notice that there is a group that are helping to regenerate Key Hill and would like some info on this group so I may come and help them as the old saying goes (Many hands make light work) Take care and thanx again to you and Brian Paul Whalley
You are most welcome Paul :) and you are on the right thread here to find out about lending a hand at Key Hill... Wendy and Brian are just the people to ask about that..!!! :)
Sorry not been on line sooner, come down with a rotten cold Thank you so much Brian for taking the time to go an take photo's of the graves yes Mary Ann Allcock was Hands before she married, the William Deathridge is her son her law. I have never seen the grave of my Great Grand Mother as I live in Gt Yarmouth. I'm going to show my Mom these. Alfred Allcock died in the work house, thought he would have been buried with my GGM but seems not. Shame my Grand Father isn't buried in the same church yard Albert Ezekiel Clarke.

You are all so kind in helping me, thank you all so much x
Lindyloo we don't mind at all greatful for any help. Thanks

:) Thank you Wendy :) I don't really have much to share in the way of personal memories of Birmingham, despite having lived on the outskirts all my life, so its great to be able to contribute something :)
Sorry I couldn't help much as we have been away but some great results and photo's. What would we do without Brian! Great result.
Hi Lindyloo - been laid out allafternnon with sinus trouble
Your FMP entries have been a great help spotting the rellies in the llok ups.

jdn5764 - I was hoping to give the grave a wash and brush up today, but had a lousy head which has only just cleared. Will try and pop down tomorrow with my brush & fairy liquid, etc
Will post newer pics when I have done so. Always a pleasure to reunite familes. Hope you can see Brum one day.

Paul - The Friends are looking for 1) Members - the measly £10 a year helps us to restore headstones upright again, as well as giving you 4 lovely Newsletters and free admission on the monthly tours! and 2) Even if you are not a member, anyone passing through the cemeteries who is happy to nip ivy, small branches, wed graves, paths, collect up fallen sticks, etc, etc is always welcome.

Are you still in Brum? Do you have much spare time? Do you like escaping from the wife? (Sorry - That's Me!) - Just Kidding (Just in case she ever reads this!)

Brian, you have my sympathy, I know only to well what that is like..fortunately I had an op some years ago which helped !!! Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Hi Brian,

Sorry to hear your laid low with sinus, I know what that is like I get it around my eyes quite a bit. I have M.E too which does cause alot of sinus problems.

Thank you in advance for going to clean the grave. The last time I was in Brum was when I was 11, when my Grandfather Albert Clarke died. Hope to return soon as I want to try and find my Grandfathers grave in Handsworths Cemetry and to lay flowers to, and also pay respects to my GG Mother who you found in Key Hill. I never met her, but its nice to know where she is resting.

Much love
Julie (jdn5764)
Both graves are looking very clean and tidy Brian - I am sure that both Julie and Eric will be very pleased that you have taken the time to weed and clean them and post photographs of them.
It is people like you that help to make this forum the friendly helpful forum it is. Well done :thumbsup:
As my dearly missed Pops would say..thats a "job in the town" !! You've done a grand job there Brian..!!! :)