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Key Hill Cemetery Memorial Inscriptions

Elizabeth Rea buried 1857 section N grave 9
To the meomory of Elizabeth relict of the late John Rea. who died March 8th 1857 in her 82nd year. Also of James son of the above John & Elizabeth Rea died June 8th 1857 in his 60th year. Also of Anne wife of William Rea died August 22nd 1857 aged 55 years. Also of William son of William & Ann Rea died December 9th 1857 in his 24th year. Also of William and John Rea born December 20th 1803 died April 27th 1882. Notes Flat slab stone. Memorial buried on site.

Agnes Brown Rea buried 1878 L 9 Vault
Alfred Watkins Rea buried 1878 L 9 Vault

Section Q 442
Metro screen wall; Henry 20/05/1852. (In cemetery records " removed into Q442 (from H27) 9 feet July 6 1852") Rea Henry (Benjamin) 27/08/ 1853. Rea James Alfred 23/02/1876. Thompson Sarah 23/07/1887. Notes no existing memorial. This inscription is found on the metro screen wall on the upper level above the cattacombs.

Hope this is helpful Karen I will post on Warstone after this.
Warstone Lane

John Rea buried 1870 Section O grave no 1190 five buried in grave
Joseph Rea buried 1882 Section O grave no 1190
Joseph Rea buried 1886 Section O grave no 1190
William H Rea buried 1888 Section O grave 1190
I could not find the last family member. It wasn't a Rea so may have been a wife using a maiden name. If you can think of any names let me know and I will check the grave number.
Elizabeth Rea buried 1857 section N grave 9
To the meomory of Elizabeth relict of the late John Rea. who died March 8th 1857 in her 82nd year. Also of James son of the above John & Elizabeth Rea died June 8th 1857 in his 60th year. Also of Anne wife of William Rea died August 22nd 1857 aged 55 years. Also of William son of William & Ann Rea died December 9th 1857 in his 24th year. Also of William and John Rea born December 20th 1803 died April 27th 1882. Notes Flat slab stone. Memorial buried on site.

Agnes Brown Rea buried 1878 L 9 Vault
Alfred Watkins Rea buried 1878 L 9 Vault

Section Q 442
Metro screen wall; Henry 20/05/1852. (In cemetery records " removed into Q442 (from H27) 9 feet July 6 1852") Rea Henry (Benjamin) 27/08/ 1853. Rea James Alfred 23/02/1876. Thompson Sarah 23/07/1887. Notes no existing memorial. This inscription is found on the metro screen wall on the upper level above the cattacombs.

Hope this is helpful Karen I will post on Warstone after this.

Thank you so much Wendy. Your help has enabled me to finally break down a brick wall. I have been struggling to confirm that James REA is definitely a son of John REA (buried at St Paul's) & Elizabeth.

Can I check if the last sentence in the 1st transription should read "William son of John Rea" as I have got a William & a John born to John & Elizabeth a few years apart, not both on December 20th 1803.

Sarah THOMPSON in the 2nd transcription is the wife of Henry REA and mother of the other 2 named. She remarried shortly after his death.

Thank you once again, your help has been invaluable.

Warstone Lane

John Rea buried 1870 Section O grave no 1190 five buried in grave
Joseph Rea buried 1882 Section O grave no 1190
Joseph Rea buried 1886 Section O grave no 1190
William H Rea buried 1888 Section O grave 1190
I could not find the last family member. It wasn't a Rea so may have been a wife using a maiden name. If you can think of any names let me know and I will check the grave number.

Again, many thanks for this help Wendy. I do not know who the 5th person may have been but will have a study of my records and come back to you if I have any suggestions.

Thanks again.

"Can I check if the last sentence in the 1st transription should read "William son of John Rea" as I have got a William & a John born to John & Elizabeth a few years apart, not both on December 20th 1803."

I have checked again and this is the transcript I have which sadly I can't check as the memorial is buried.

Glad to be of help. Wendy
Hi Wendy

I wonder if you could look for a Thomas Wilkes buried 1914 register number 49642 please? I got the info from FMP and I am trying to see if this is my Gt Gt Grandfather. He would have been born c1848. He doesn't appear on the link for JQRG though:(

Thanks very much.

Also Wendy, would you please look for the following 2 please?

William Wilkes buried 1890 registration number 35204
Henry Rogers buried 1853 registration number 9982

Probably grasping at straws here but nothing ventured..................

Many thanks
Hi Suzanne here you are

Thomas Wilkes buried 1914 section L grave no 213 register no 49642

William Wilkes buried 1890 section H 10 vault register no 35204

Henry Rogers buried 1853 section A grave no 81 register no 9982
Hi Wendy

Thank you so much for the information. Does this mean that they do not have gravestones or just that the memorials, if any, haven't been transcribed.

Suzanne L 213 is a vault sadly with no inscription.

H 10 is a public grave with a large column memorial which has names in two lists. It is very badly erroded so hard to read.

There is no visable memoral for A 81 grave I am not sure if it was a public one.
Suzanne L 213 is a vault sadly with no inscription.

H 10 is a public grave with a large column memorial which has names in two lists. It is very badly erroded so hard to read.

There is no visable memoral for A 81 grave I am not sure if it was a public one.

Hi Wendy

Sorry to bother you again:) Can you just confirm if L213 is a vault or grave as your previous post #190 said it was a grave and also that H10 is a public grave as previously you said vault? Sorry for the confusion.

Sorry Suzanne I am working from indexes and maps sorry for the confusion. According to the map L213 is a public grave which were sometimes referred to as vaults as they were large graves which held many people. This one has a headstone which the family would pay extra to have the name included along with many others. The memorial still stands but sadly your family member is either not included or not visible. This is what I have. A public grave with limited inscriptions posted in two columns L:213 & L:214 on the face of the marker. The marker is broken into three pieces horizontally.

H 10 is the same sort of memorial. The problem is they were mostly sandstone and because of the pollution early industry many are badly eroded and hard to read. This one is only partly legible and again your relative is not included.

I don't have any more info on A 81. As a guess I don't think this was a public grave as it's located next to the path at the Key Hill entrance.

Sorry about the confusion most public graves were referred to as vaults because they were so deep and large around 40ft.
Thanks Wendy

Very informative answer:) That's cleared it up for me.

No need to apologise either. You and others are doing a fantastic job:)

View attachment 69009 KH L 213 taken today - sorry dedfinietly no Wilkes listed, but usually there are more names missing than listed, Inscriptions were an expensive option!

View attachment 69010 Vault 10H - so badly eroded, almost nothing now remains readable, althouigh, again, only a few names would be listed of the total interred.

View attachment 69011 Site of A81, somewhere near rear wheel arch adjacent to path. All this area has been cleared of headstones in the past. It is a public Grave - 43 un related names all from 1853.

Wow!!! Brian thank you so much for photographing these:) It was always a long shot that they would be on a memorial. At least I have an idea of resting places now even though I can't definitely 'claim' them:)

Once more, thankyou so much.

That's great Brian I think we make a good team...lol the man on the ground so to speak:D

Jokes aside it's always nice to find the place even if it's just and area. I think it's nice if the area where family put ashes is recorded also.
It will be nice if you are able to visit Key Hill Suzanne as there is nothing like seeing for yourself. What a great result.:)
"It will be nice if you are able to visit Key Hill Suzanne as there is nothing like seeing for yourself. What a great result."

Yes Wendy, I think another visit is due:) The last time was over a year ago when I went to photograph Caroline Downing (nee Rogers) and her family. Quite a difference in headstones though:) but I count myself lucky to find any ancestor's resting place, be it unmarked or marked.

Thanks once again to "The Team".

Always a pleasure to take a pic of the spot - just adds that little bit - and you never know, it may just encourage some one to bring a few more bulbs to plant in the area as a more personal lasting memorial!

so long as you don't nick the plants from our old 'ole!!!!

sorry about Section A - pretty desolate around there with no headstones on that patch at all - couldn't have a sly probe/dig as I'd emptied all m y tools out to go to the seaside!

Glad they cam out OK.

Thank you Wendy for the link on the other thread. I found another relative for my cousin's family. "Winkles" in R 101. It is absolutely beautiful, in perfect condition too, black marble with kerbs intact, and a shaped stone on the oppoosite end!!

We had a look at "Brian's blooms" too!! It's really lovely, such hard work, so thanks to all concerned.

Oh I am so pleased for you Rosie. I can't wait to see the blooms too...x
Superb pictures - I know now where you are.

This memorial is basically a hollow box with a lid on. The sides were originally held together with iron brackets that have since rusted.

We have had the masons loiok at the Siviter family memorial (much bigger version), but they could not think of a way of holding the sides toigether that conformed to modern regulations (They don't do memorials like that anymore, so they have no modern Regs for them!).

The actual chaps on the ground, who do the work, have had several ideas, and it is possible a small one like this could be the perfect size to begin with!

I'll send you picture to the Firm - as they say - Watch this space!


Hi Brian,
I've just been having a look at this thread and noticed your reference to The Siviter family Memorial. I am doing a tree for a friend and he has Siviter ancestors.
Could you tell me what information is on the memorial please, ..many thanks in advance..Lynne
Hi Lindy,

As Wendy says, we posted the readable bits under the thread - Thomas Siviter Smith recently, and put some pics on - one face is barely readable.

If you want to come and do a 2brass rubbing2 or something to try and get it clearer, than pop down now while it's still propped against the base.
We are awaiting the Stonemasons to come back with 'Big Bertha' - Their larger gantry - not the missus - to lift it all up - it'll be tricky to get so close to the panels than.

Hi Wendy and Brian :)

Wendy, thankyou for the thread link, I have had a good look through it and also checked out William Smiths marriage to Mary Ann. Their marriage was 20 April 1831 Aston Juxta and Siviter was Mary Ann's maiden name. At this stage I am unable to link Mary Ann to the information that I have but I expect that there would be a link somewhere given that there are only 189 Siviter births recorded for the whole period of 1837-1915 for Warwickshire on ancestry. But I have made a note of all the information in the thread, for future reference.
I did check the FMP burial records for Siviters and apparently there have been 20 in Key Hill and 21 in Warstone over the years. I thought I might have found some of those on the JQRG site but alas it was not to be.
While searching I noticed two different references for Key Hill, one says Key Hill Cemetery and the other Key Hill Civic Cemetery, are these both one and the same ??

Brian, thanks for the "rubbing" suggestion :) but the info thats on the thread is enough for my friends records, however if you ever discover Irene Muriel Pedlingham died 1906, reg 46273 or any other Peds hiding in Key Hill, I'll be on the next bus there !!!!
I would like the opportunity to come and look at your flowery 'ole though at some point, but knowing my luck it will have been filled in and grassed over again by the time I get chance !!
Hi Lindy - Your wish is my command - do you mean this Irene Muriel pedlingham?

PEDLINGHAM Irene Muriel 1906
C 311 46273

C311 is a public grave - I think it's one of those as you go in Key Hill gates is on the left at the corner of the wall where the big buttresses are holding up the factory above at the top of Key Hill drive.
lol !! Thanks Brian, thats brilliant !!! and for the photos too...I couldnt see her name on the headstone, but she may not have had an inscription I guess.
I think I have missed the last bus tonight but as soon as I get chance I will come up and have a look.
Meantime I can try and work out who's daughter she was. Her birth and death were registered in West Bromwich, so that gives me a few possibilities.

Thanks again for your help, it's most appreciated
Lindyloo to be honest I don't know why it would be called Key Hill Civic cemetery. It has in the past been known as The General Cemetery and The Old Cemetery but that's as much as I know. I am not sure if Brian has the answer.

In answer to Irene Pedlingham registered in West Bromwich she may have been in Handsworth as this was the registration district for Handsworth.