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Weather started cooler. I went to water a small tree on the field - it had to be moved and is struggling - so lots of water and TLC. I only had a cardigan over my t-shirt and was cold.
By the time I got in the garden the sun was out and I was warm enough.
Cooler here today too. I'm just about to go out in the garden. What sapling was planted Jan? I think trees are fab.

We have a deciduous pine tree at the front of our houses. It's the wrong tree really as the needles get everywhere, but I love it. I do a lot of sweeping when it sheds.
Cooler here today too. I'm just about to go out in the garden. What sapling was planted Jan? I think trees are fab.

We have a deciduous pine tree at the front of our houses. It's the wrong tree really as the needles get everywhere, but I love it. I do a lot of sweeping when it sheds.
Kat - I think it is a birch - self seeded in someone's garden. They wanted rid of it. So that person and another volunteer dug it up and transplanted it where we had a gap. Most of the leaves have died or are dying but we hope that the water will encourage the roots to grow. Then, fingers crossed, it will shoot next spring.
Nice to hear that people will save trees/plants and re plant them. I like that. Always interesting when people put plants in hedgerows, there's a clematis growing by our local McDonald's in a council hedgerow! I can't imagine the council planted it!
Four years ago I planted a cherry tree, a plum tree and a blackcurrant bush. Had blackcurrants previously but no cherries or plums.

Noticed cherries growing a few weeks ago but thought I'd have to wait for the plums. However, yesterday I noticed they were growing as well, not sure how I didn't see them earlier. :)
I have had my Fatsia plant for years but yesterday there were so many yellow/brown leaves with some already fallen off. It was very surprising as I have had an occasional dead leaf but never so many as there were yesterday.
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