• Welcome to this forum . We are a worldwide group with a common interest in Birmingham and its history. While here, please follow a few simple rules. We ask that you respect other members, thank those who have helped you and please keep your contributions on-topic with the thread.

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Be interesting Steve if you could catch a pic. of them all flying off together.
We had a lovely surprise when we got up this morning to see a bird, about the size of an orange, and totally cream on it's body, and a brownish patch on it's head. After much searching found it must be a female Black Cap. never ever seen one before. It's still in the garden now. Went to put out more seed and fatballs and it never flew off
I went out this morning at the same time as yesterday, and not a Swallow to be seen.

However, we had a fair bit of rain yesterday. Not a downpour, just nice steady rain. I was out in the garden yesterday evening, by which time the rain had stopped, there was not a breath of wind, and all was looking great.

The scent from the Honeysuckle was superb.

The Hydrangea is in full flow.

New flowers still to come.

Although we lost a few plants due to the cold winds, the ones that had shelter are doing well.

More rain forecast today, so I may well get away without having to water.

As part of the smooth running of the Forum it is our policy that a Moderator will set up a recurring thread in general Discussion at the start of each year.
Sadly in the last few weeks of December moderators had to delete many very off topic posts on the Gardening thread including a couple of contentious ones that meant a ban for a member.

Hence the new title In Our Garden 2023.

Like many of our members I look forward to your posts and photos of your gardens including the wildlife that visit you.

Happy New Year. Alberta
I look forward to seeing the content in this group, the pictures are so beautiful.
Fine rain here today. I'm not wishing my life away, but I'd love to get the jet wash out. Trouble is all of the bedding plants are still looking lovely, I really only jet wash after emptying the pots of bedding plants!!!!!! What am I like!!!!!!
Glad you have "fine" rain. Dry but dull here until about 20 mins ago when it went from a few spots (fetch the washing in) to absolutely pouring down. Just looked out the front and our road (especially the gutters) are like a river. :rolleyes:
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