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I've alway's liked the idea of foxgloves , but a word to the wise a month or so clearing up the borders and cutting back the hangover . I came across at least three what I thought were foxgloves they were growing in the wrong place so unfortunately they had to come out . So following the stem down I came to the bottom and after lifting the first I noticed it was growing on a tap root, which as all you gardeners know once that sort of root touches the soil it regenerates itself into another plant . After I'd got the three visible plants out I noticed there was a whole host of them . The reason I hadn't noticed them was these are under a rowan tree which is partnered by a cobnut tree and covered by a great big camelia bush . I looked online about the pretend foxglove and found this interesting name Rosebay Willowherb or technical name Chamaenerion Augustifolium . I hope this helps someone because left unchecked it will take over your garden .
I've seen dozens of them around my buddleia this year, together with other species.
Mike I moved a very sad buddleia about two years ago it was right up at the top of the garden very dark covered by trees etc . It resembled a stick with a dogs leg bend in it I moved it to a sunnier part of the garden and it's flourishing just cut it down every year to about a foot high and it will re grow , you must also remember to dead head the flowers to increse more flower production . It not only attracts the common cabbage white butterfly but I get red admirals and clown butterflies such a pleasant sight at this time of the year with the bees on the lavender .
I've broken off a stem of buddleia that was growing in a hedgerow, put it in water and it grew roots. I've planted it up, see how it gets on.
Good luck with it I hope it succeeds , there's nothing more satisfying as seeing a cutting grow , I did something similar witha fuschia cutting I purloined I mean it fell of the plant . I took some of the leaves off a tad of rooting powder when we moved house 6 yrs ago it was about 4'high
I've broken off a stem of buddleia that was growing in a hedgerow, put it in water and it grew roots. I've planted it up, see how it gets on.

When we lived over on the West coast, I had two Buddleia in the garden. I cut branches off them, stuck them into the ground, and, more often than not, they grew. Ended up with too many Buddleia. :laughing:

This morning we have strong NW winds, making the temperature feel 8 deg. o_O, although it has stopped raining..

my grass at times is a mass of buttercups red clover and daisies the bumbles love it. i am sure the daisies ly down and hide when i start the mower and pop back up when i finnish. the grass is not lawn seed it was a huge bag of meadow grass i put down when i rotavated it 13 years ago so any thing can grow ... no gardening today it's been poring down since last night:grinning:
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