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When we were down in Brum, in May, we took a cutting from my SIL hydrangea. It travelled about with us for two weeks, and survived.

It is doing well.

All the way from Castle Vale to NE Scotland. Bit of a culture shock for the poor thing.

SIL says it has white flowers.

a brummie hydrangea:grinning:
the mites are about

harvest mites bite and feed on all warm-blooded animals so that includes us! Luckily however, it's usually just an irritating bite on the feet, ankles, or lower legs that, although itch, can be treated with over-the-counter creams.
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A lack of small birds in my garden at the moment except for the resident Robin, we have noisy visitors in the large Sycamore opposite the house, they are the Shard End parakeets beautiful but noisy although they do fly back home every evening
Apparently many nearby areas now have parakeets.
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