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In spiteof wind and rain plants looking good today.The hydrangea was pink when I planted it but was blue last year. This year we seem to have a mix.


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what a lovely hydrangea mark...love the colours..i want one..could i have a cutting please :D


I haven't took any cuttings from it before but just had a quick read and it seems simple enough. So, I can give it a go and see what happens.
I haven't took any cuttings from it before but just had a quick read and it seems simple enough. So, I can give it a go and see what happens.
and could you pop one in the post for me mark :D only joking...i must try and get one for next year

Hydrangea cuttings take so easily that I have stopped because I had so many. Make sure they never dry out they are thirsty blighters.

Janice, I usually leave my dead flower heads on until March/April but last year cut my large lacecap ones off in the Autumn and pruned it back a bit and it hasn't flowered this year.
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We had this young Starling visiting the garden yesterday.
Although many birds will stand on one leg occasionally, I did not see a second leg on this one.

I told him to "Hop It" ;)


Birds actually sleep on one leg so presumably if they loose one they can manage except when trying to land


Swifts have virtually no legs, just tiny toes for clinging to the cliffs and buildings where they nest. They sleep, feed and mate in the air, and never intentionally land on the ground. As they don’t need legs they have adapted not to have them.
Hydrangea cuttings take so easily that I have stopped because I had so many. Make sure they never dry out they are thirsty blighters.

Janice, I usually leave my dead flower heads on until March/April but last year cut my large lacecap ones off in the Autumn and pruned it back a bit and it hasn't flowered this year.
A friend who is a gardener pruned my roses and hydrangeas for me and he did it end of Feb beginning of March. IOne is fine but the other isn't. I always leave my dead flower heads on until I prune them like you do Alberta. So no idea.
I bought this Hydrangea a few weeks ago, mainly because we likes the foliage.

I re-potted it straight away, so I think that it is putting all of its energy into its root system, rather than producing flowers this year.

I am now seeing some signs of life in the Honeysuckle.

I sowed some Spring Onion seed in amongst the bedding plants, and they are happy.

How I managed to grow a Woodpigeon, I have no idea.

I bought this Hydrangea a few weeks ago, mainly because we likes the foliage.

I re-potted it straight away, so I think that it is putting all of its energy into its root system, rather than producing flowers this year.

I am now seeing some signs of life in the Honeysuckle.

I sowed some Spring Onion seed in amongst the bedding plants, and they are happy.

How I managed to grow a Woodpigeon, I have no idea.

na you are having us on its one of your decoys:grinning:
Managed to mow the lawn this morning. It was longer on one side than the other but now nice and level. :D Topped up the bird feeders - although I think the seed feeder should be renamed - pigeon feeder. I don't see many small birds any more - even the robin seems to have deserted the garden. The magpies turned up as usual.
Dead headed the pansies, dahlias and petunias. Went to go out the front and do the same when it rained. So that will wait but I did water the front which, as I have said before, is under the eaves and doesn't get the rain.
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