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Pearl says hello to you all!
ahh bless give pearl a hug from me....your garden is looking good kat...my sweet peas are flowering quite well now and the plants in the water feature are doing ok and the wild flower seeds i threw in one of my belfast sinks are doing well but boy do they need a lot of watering..ignore the other belfast sink ive not planted that out yet and the third one ive got needs replanting soon


sweet  peas 3[.jpegwater feature 5).jpegwild flowers 3.jpeg
Arh, Lyn, I did see the wild seeds plants in the sink on another pic, nice, I've thrown some in a pot not too long ago.

I will pass on the hugs to Pearl, thank you both.

Yes I do like my garden, some things seem to be taking ages to come out, but I think it's still early yet, a lot of my plants were bought last year, so I don't really know them that well yet.

I better go and do some more watering!!!!!!!
Pressure washing the walkway round the front and side of the house today. All the various pots, troughs on legs, milk churn etc that live there all had to come off and be put somewhere out of range because I am not allowed to pressure water plants. Restrictions here mean that I can only use stored water, (rain water butts) for that job. Got through 250 litres, so had to pump some over from another container on the other side of the house to keep going. Now have to put all the plants back later this evening.
It needed doing though.

Very warm today, my patio is kept wet and the parasol is up for the dogs, lots of shade behind the cool pots for them too.

Thankfully Stratford upon Avon hospital was cool today. I'm back now, watering the gardens and houseplants.

I think I'll have to vacuum today, oh no!
Here in s/east Durham we have a abundance of birds, Blue & Great tits, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Sparrows, Dunnocks, Pigeons, Doves, greedy Starlings, & we had a Bullfinch pay a brief visit {first time i`ve ever seen one } Cherry trees are very poor this year & one of my apple trees seems to have lost the will to live. Haven`t been in the garden much past couple of months having fallen off a ladder & breaking a few ribs & other things, so, old people should not be up ladders !!
Hope you are OK now, but lay off the ladders, they are verboten to me.
Ŵe are in hosepipe ban land, my wife cries over the state of her garden.
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saw a filthey fox at the top of my garden, it comes and craps on the lawn and my dog rolled it some. i had to give the dog a good bath it did stink

Foxes are noisy and cause mess in gardens by breaking into rubbish bins, digging up flower beds and fouling lawns and patios. They can attack pets and carry mange which is dangerous for dogs. A more serious issue is that they carry roundworm (Toxocara Canis), a parasite that can cause blindness in children so be aware. so dont encourage them in yoy garden


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Pet dogs can also carry that roundworm Pete. Young children barefoot in gardens with pets are the victims usually they pick up the worms through their soles.
toxocariasis is caused by Animals with these worms in their digestive system they can pass out worm eggs in their poo. You can become infected if soil or sand containing these eggs gets in your mouth. Toxocariasis is not caught from fresh poo.
Roundworm eggs can also be spread by other animals such as rodents, earthworms, cockroaches, and birds. In these animals, the roundworms are merely transported, and do not mature into adults; if a dog eats one of these animals, the roundworm is able to continue its life cycle.
toxocariasis is caused by Animals with these worms in their digestive system they can pass out worm eggs in their poo. You can become infected if soil or sand containing these eggs gets in your mouth. Toxocariasis is not caught from fresh poo.
Roundworm eggs can also be spread by other animals such as rodents, earthworms, cockroaches, and birds. In these animals, the roundworms are merely transported, and do not mature into adults; if a dog eats one of these animals, the roundworm is able to continue its life cycle.
Yes, our skin is the largest organ, always best to protect it. I don't go on beaches anymore unless I'm wearing short wellingtons.
Just started to rain here. Cooler day today. Just some dead heading and watering for me today in the garden.

My honeysuckle has lots of flowers, I put two different colours in one pot and they are growing over a cane frame.

No sign of flowers even forming on my Honeysuckle, as yet. Too early.

Things are moving along, that said, and we are seeing some colour.

Birds are going mad on the feeders.

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