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Icknield Street

brillient pic this from ted rudges new book.....boy was i scared to walk through that bridge as a kid....

hi all..well i travelled back in time earlier to when me and out kid used to play in old buildings....i must admit this is the most dangerous thing i have ever done to obtain pics...the buildings are most dangerous...floor boards upstairs and in the attic are mostly gone.... wires hanging everywhere.. etc...to obtain entry we went round the back where some of the fencing was down...can you please bare in mind that if some of the pics are not to good its because all the rooms at the front where in complete darkness as they are all boarded up so i was just aiming my camera and hoping for the best.. i had it set on night mode and flash...

having said all that its the most exciting thing i have done in a long time and well worth it to capture what will surely be a thing of the past when the bulldozers move in...

the first pics are of the front of the buildings...then the back and finally the inside..


Sure I remember the 'New Rimini' Cafe,I used to pass that way to visit my dad at his work in Constitution hill.
Can anyone confirm it was called that back in about 1983/4 time please...or is it just my imagination?
brillient pic this from ted rudges new book.....boy was i scared to walk through that bridge as a kid....


So was I lyn, do you remember it had stalmites dripping. I used to run through afraid of being dripped on, or a train going over.
yes maggs i do remember now you mention it...and it had that certain smell to it...all that said i wish it was still there now....

Well Lyn, is was worth the rush and suffering getting through just to get down onto the Flat for me.
Thanks for telling me about this thread Lyn, some great pictures on here. Had the "pleasure" HUH!! of having to use the old toilets on Icknield street, on a driving lesson back in late 1970. Couldn't get out quick enough!! Reg.
Nasty Reg! To think when I lived there in the 1950's, we used to call them 'The Garden's'. However, I bet a lot changed between then and late 1970's.
Thanks for telling me about this thread Lyn, some great pictures on here. Had the "pleasure" HUH!! of having to use the old toilets on Icknield street, on a driving lesson back in late 1970. Couldn't get out quick enough!! Reg.

The Car or what Reg
The Loo Alf. Couldn't get back "in" the Car quick enough because I loved driving back then, I've turned full circle, got a weak bladder now. These days I can't get to the toilet quick enough!!.
Does any body know what that building was on top of the bridge i must have passed under it a thousand times and never gave it a thought until just

Are you talking about the railway bridge Mossy? If so I don't remember any building being on top of it.
I think the buildings Mossy is on about are part of the Railway depot. They had buildings to the left & right as you view the bridge. It's part of a trading estate now.

Apparently, planning permission has been granted for a Mosque, complete with loudspeakers for 'calling to prayer', to be built opposite the old Mint in Icknield Street.
Loudspeakers? What price a fancy apartment in that area now?
charlie...do you know extactly where its to be built???? just wondering if its dead opposite the mint or where those derilict buildings are that i went in...

Dead opposite from what I could understand in the Hockley Flyer, Lyn. Most people aren't impressed.
thanks charlie...if its to be where you reckon there are housing estates surrounding the area and i would not be happy if i lived around there...

hi aidan..sorry but that is religious content and not allowed on the forum so i wiill make no comment

Profuse apologies proffered - I was not trying to make a religious point - merely trying to offer the alternative view to the previous posts that the Qu'ran (and by extention call to prayer) is widely held to be poetry of the highest form https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qur'an#Arab_writing and influenced many branches of the arts over the centuries (Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's sufi inspired Qawwal songs such as Allah Hoo eg at Small Heath Park in 1989 https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4002924226524948790# comes to mind).

Agree that loudspeakers are not only cheating but very unfriendly to the neighbourhood - lets hope that sense prevails and they are not part of the design
really don't want to say too much BUT that was where i grew up ..remember the area so well...i just feel it's such a shame our history is going to be wiped out
thanks for that info dib...shame isnt it maggie...our dad and my grandparents lived in hingeston st at the rose and crown pub 1929/30...thank goodness for the old pics..its just about all we have left now...

many thanks for the input of he pics of the ickneild st blocks as i have great memories of that stretch
from my childhood days i myself like john was completely shocked to see the disapearing mint that had to b part of our birminham hearitage surely and along with the shops that have part renovated for what purpose i asked myself
why did they not do the rest of them ?. , may be just to smartn up the corner may be .
but ajoing those on the picture would have been very benifictional if they had restoed the very old little post office that was there from the dark ages it could have been profitable for them to have kept it in more ways than one
and still serve the commutity around at least from the local offices and the tennants from ajoing spring hill
and part of th higestion street and part left brook field commutity
at the end of that block was a car repair and sales guy which was on the corner , i knew the gentlemam concerned
he had a thriving bussiness and if my memory serves me correctly it was around 1969-70
when the council decided to slapp a conpulsury order on him o move out for a slum clearance order
and he had to move to the bottom end of trinty rd perry barr just by the traffic lightsof perry barr just under the fly over well that was way back them , and the property is still standing . why ?.
along with the rest of them even the old rimmell cafe that was next door or should i say a couple
of yrds from the stoddards butchers and slaghter house
as some one just mentioned about the corner cafe facing stoddards that was a very thriving good cafe chop ablock all day the windows was more or less steamed up all day long and brillent sarnies
that was also the very first to go beforethe car sales and it was a year or two before it in fact
and some one pointed out about theres always a fire in these old buiding the ones with history
well why .and how come , i know of another old building that was over the hundred yeas old
on the tyburn rd afew years ago that was set upon fire whilst delect and they demolished it
but it was empty for years years despite some-one put a new roof on it and left it empty for donkeys years
so i think questioneds should be asked or should i say at least food for thought
why are they being left for donkey years and falling into a bad state of affairs
to see these shopsin ickneild st being allowed to crumble
why start in twenty years or more clearing out these shops early than the planned bull dozer moving in
if they decided they gonna buld yuppie flats for the proffessionals i think they will fall flat on there faces
as you all know the jewerly quarter as failed to fill those they built there
but i say why did they not keep and renovated the old post office on ickneild street and why
most of all demolishened the mint our hearitage it was part of the jewerly quarterand it backed on to warstone lane
have a nice day every body best wishes Astonian ;;;
Maggie, it's also where I grew up and I am also shocked and saddened by this news, Well, it won't be a stopping off point for me when we come back to visit then, that's if I bother to come back at all from now on.
thanks dib..where about is that rimini cafe...must have been a couple of them around as that is not the ickneild st one....

On the corner of Hingeston Street & Icknield Street, opposite the old toilets....

The view is from Icknield Street, looking up the entirety of Hingeston Street.