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Icknield Street

morning charlie...seeing the back end of the num 8 reminds me of when we used to go to spring hill rollar rink...one of our gang had his own skates so he used to keep em on grab the rail of the bus and get a tow down to hockley flyover lol lol...

happy days...


Funny Lyn you mention the Back Of A Bus, it reminds me of my old bird The Thrush. ROTFLOL Max
One of the problem's here was the pig's were alway's brought in on a Sunday afternoon for slaughter on Monday. They were kept in Stoddard's back yard overnight. Where there are pigs, there are cockroaches. I know this from having spent time on a farm. We lived in the houses at the back of Stoddard's and we had the cockroaches in the back to back houses all the time....Truly awful and something I shall never forget.

There are cockers in Tenerife , that are used by ex jockeys to get around on. !!!
now now maxwell belhave yerself...cant use the hit on the head icon on this thread so count yourself lucky lol

thanks to phil we have a new pic of icknield street...

Fantastic Photograph, it would be cool if we could find out the name of the pub on the right, as we look at it, it looks as if its an Atkinsons house.
I have been trying to see what the name of the road is on the side of the pub, short name, so could be Park, Pope or Ford St.
I reason that the photo is from between 1934 and 1951, as the crossing only seems to have Belisha Beacons, but no Zebra, beacons introduced in 1934, zebras 1951. Max
hi max...the pub is the warstone and its camden st...you can just see the library up ahead...

bostin pic isnt it..

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Yes is a great photo, and i agree it looks like the Warstone, what was putting me off is in that in the previous pic there are no Belisha beacons , so obviously " Phils " pic is a much earlier one. Max
max, where did picture of The Gate Licensee H Walker come from and what year. My Grandfather worked for Mr. Walker in the 1920's. Was there any information on Mr. Walker?

max, where did picture of The Gate Licensee H Walker come from and what year. My Grandfather worked for Mr. Walker in the 1920's. Was there any information on Mr. Walker?


Hi Kath, the picture is from Old Ladywood Remembered by Victor J Price. The Picture is on page 63, and says that licensees names are taken for the year 1936.. But no information on Mr Walker sorry Kath. Max
Hi Kath
Harry Walker was listed as landlord in Kellys 1921-1938. He is not there in 1915 or 1939
another pic of icknield street...would like to find out what number this was but cant read the writing above the door then we could have a kellys look up...dated 1967

Have tried to sharpen name a bit. looked at all Icknield st for 1967 , but can;t find anything vaguely like it
Pure guess here, it seems to be on the level ground rather than inclined so my best guess would be the row of shops opposite the Mint.
hi there mike and lyn
I have been studying those picures of the two shops in depht
and i am of the conlusion that those to particular shops was forty to fifty yards past the mint
public house which as on the corner of hingestion street and ickneild st
i could not tell you the number of the shops but the first one was a kind of sweet shop
and fags the second was part of the other shop both cream in colour
and my conclusion is based that behind the lorry in the picture is a row of three older shops
that was never remoderernised with there dirty looking shops fronts
and it was all three shops was owned by the same family i went to school with the one lad
and my brother dave was also a friend of is is parents whom owned the first part of
the batch of three and there grand mother owned the other one
whom was in a wheel chair always had a blacket around her
they was second dealers whom bought any think a very good curious shops
they were virtuly facing the mint factory and just past them there was a very old one time off out door office licence which had closed down many years before
and then the back houses started again where the luckmans lived also micky overcroft both went to st mary school in aston
so if you look up the numbers for the second dealers shop and work back you should be able to calulate those shop numbers sorry i cannot recall the family name at the moment but it will come
and may i had years later they stuck a clock in for the number eight bus drivers right out side that two shops
and years later the first cream shop became a halla meat shop
best wishes Astonian ;;;
You’re not just a pretty face !! After your post I decided to check back before 1967 for the area opposite the Mint . No 204 is not mentioned in 1967 Kellys, but is in 1966. as Mrs Edna Groves, draper, which fits with what you can read on the sign. above the shop with the awning. That makes the shop to the left of it no 203 ,Miss K.Keogh, confectioner, and the two shops hidden by the lorry nos 205-6 , Thomas
Buffery , furniture dealer. Have marked no 204 on the map below in red. Possibly the given date is (at least) one year out.

hi guys ;
mags and mike ; first i have got to say i knew in my heart and sol that it was the postion of those shops
and the iceing on the cake was seeing the orinional shops of bufferys all in a very dirty state of repair from out side and of course inside there cramp condition mr buffery staretd as a furtitiure dealer but later on in years
they started the second buying and sellingamongest the furtitureand the end shop of thee free was either is mother or mrs buffery and she still kept her shop as old as she was in directly with really old furtiture
i think it that was old it would not burn on the bonfire we used to go to the school together [ ickneild st ]
i bought a bike of his mother for 7/6d half a kick in those days
thanks mike for running it through ;and confirming it
secondly i knew deep in my heart as soon as our little sweet mags read and cast her eyes on the pic i knew she would agree with me as she was almost close o the shop as lucky and crofty as she was virtualy living on the same block as the bufferys being behind
great stuf and thanks againfor all your memorys the times i walked all down from spring hl to get to the brook
if i had a pound for every day of the years i would have been a millionaire
i used to walk or run to schol very day of te week come rain or sun shine
and when the head master started to aked questions as to why i am late for school most morning
my mother asked for those old bus tokens which he actualy gave us so i would not be late any more
the head master was a mr kitchener a tall man with receeding hair ;and hi eputy was was a mr urch;
best wishes to you all and have a nice day ASTONIAN ; [ ALAN ]
thank you alan and mike for the help given on this one....where would we be without you both....

Yes absolutely the shop's opposite the Mint. I shopped at the ladies clothing shop on the right often.

Such lovely pics and memories for me. Thanks Lyn for putting them on.
I used to go to this pub with my dad and step mother on a Saturday night. There was alway's a sing song and a man on the spoon's. It is the Warstone at the top of Camden Street. Pope St was lower down Icknield St on the opposite side going beyond Bulpitt's.
Lovely photos! If that photo of the shops is opposite the Mint, that's near where my grandparents were living in the 40s, (6/224 Icknield Street), having been bombed out of Camden Drive.
Charlie, I am convinced that it's the little shop opposite the Mint. How I loved buying thing's in there.
charlie the numbers of the shops are from 203 to 206 so very near your grandparents...

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i would have been in there when you was there you must have been that little dolly bird i used to see there regular me and my old oppose was always in there playing darts at the warstone . and the old guy with the spoons
was always in the gate do you remember the little firtiture shop on the very corner with the gate pub ;
i think it was called holmes ; had some good stuff in there i think they was related to the homes on coventry rd facing the small heath park ;
up the side of the gate pub there was little back house and there gardens was well kept my friend john betts lived in those house ; and frankie bartlem lived down around the corner by the grocers
those were the days maggs ;keep smiling laugh and the world laugs with you ;cry and o cry alone
i learnt last night frm y young sister whom livesin west heath and my brother young brother roy had seen the obiturai
and cut it out and past it to her to send to me which states
my dear old friend and a friend of mossys had died the 31 of may and they burried him in witton on wednesday
he was younger than me and mossy ,i have em mossy but i do not know whether he had received it
i used to fetch his dads meat from stoddards
it goes to show you ; i personaly think your patteren of life is made out for you ;
still keep smlng my girl ;; all the best Alan ;; astonian ;;
Hello Astonian, well how about that then. I wonder if I was the little dolly bird you remember? It's a small world isn't it? I went to school with a girl who's surname was Bett's. That would have been Camden St school. Did John Bett's have any sister's?
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With reference to photo no#158. Just above the shop on the corner, opposite the Warstone pub, there used to be an electrical shop. They sold TV's and radio's etc etc. Well in 1957 I bought this radio from there. It takes massive batteries, which I would think are no longer available. It is a Pye. It was my pride and joy.
maggs thats wonderful that you still have the radio...wished i had kept half the old things we had....i am also enjoying reading the memories you and astonian(alan) are posting...keep em coming...

hi maggs john did have sisters it is the same john betts my old friend
he was a nice respectable family and our other friend lived down around inhingestion street
by the news agent on the corner of george st west
is name was terry silvester he later became the manger of walter smith the butchers on spring hill next to the libary
then he advanced to he walter smiths buther in the indoor market in the bull ring ;
so now i can place you in my eyes back in time i always thought i may have known you
from around brook fields do you ever recall girl called carol pagett she left george st west and moved up to
western rd just past the corner of clissold st cafe on the corner ;
best wishes alan ;;