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Aston Pictures

Is the pub on the last one The Smiths Arms, which (I seem to remember) stood on the corner of Winson Green Rd. and either Norman St. or Peel St? It's now 'The Old Smithy' i believe.
Or is it The Shakespeare, which was further up on the corner of Aberdeen St. (Or was it Heath St? .. told you my memory was shot!)
hi all..just another thank you for your help with the villa st pic ray posted the other day..i am posting it again along with one taken in the early 1900s..this was posted last year by phil and was my first one of villa st...the car on the left is parked outside the row of houses in the second pic....

good evening all
just been looking through all the aston photos that ray has posted and it seems to me that they ( the planning dept) totally destroyed a thriving community in the aston /nechells districts and also in most inner city areas ,the houses are run down and the streets were tatty but the people where the salt of the earth and that was all they had, sure when they were relocated to the new estates like my parents were to kingshurst, they had the nice houses with all amenities how many missed the community spirit that was about in the old end, and years later when i started work at Lh newtons nechells it still made me nostalgic to walk round the areas i new as a child . SIGHHHHH !
ps ray you should put the photos in a book you would have a winner there.
good evening phil...every word you have posted i agree with and i would think most of us do...folk didnt have a lot but boy what they did have they took pride in....can i draw your attention to post 189...this pic is of the street where i lived and was taken at the time i lived there...how many folk do you see outside these days sweeping the pavements...i rest my case....


Following from what you say about sweeping pavements. Not in Birmingham, but , when I was a kid it was expected that, after snow, every householder should clear the pavement outside their house. Now, as I understand it, if you do that and there is a later freeze and someone slips up, you are liable for damages for clearing the pavement in the first place
yes mike..i beleive that is so...our dad always put salt down after clearing the snow just to help stop it freezing over....how time have changed and not always for the better.....

Following from what you say about sweeping pavements. Not in Birmingham, but , when I was a kid it was expected that, after snow, every householder should clear the pavement outside their house. Now, as I understand it, if you do that and there is a later freeze and someone slips up, you are liable for damages for clearing the pavement in the first place

You could claim it was the slugs that had died as a result of the salt and therefore the slippery surface!

I'm the scourge of council and government busybodies and hit them with Ken Dodd's 'ticklestick'. Me and Ken Dodd share the same birthdate after all.

Here's a picture from the immediate post-war Margaret Rutherford film "Passport to Pimlico" where a South London borough declare themselves independent. We should do that up and down the country. In this scene the well-wishers are throwing gifts of food over the barriers to the stalwart uprisers.
lol richie..if ever you want to set it up put me name down for holding the frontline.....lol

hi barry...hope you are well...can you refresh me memory please....did i read that you once lived in hunters road or was that someone else....im sure it was a barry....lol

lol barry...sorry about that...i am sure its a barry...now i shall be racking me brains out thinking who it is..i may go back on some old posts....

thanks barry..i just wanted to let him know that ray was posting pics of hunters road..i would hate it if he missed them....

Hi all....just picked up this thread ,which is loooooonnnng...can anyone remember or does anyone have an old photo of Thimlbe Mill Lane please
hi suze....ray has posted some of thimble mill lane..i think they are on this thread but you will have to start at post 1 to find them...hope this is of help

New to this site some really great pictures on here ! my family lived and worked in Lichfield St number 67 they were Shoemakers not sure if it was a shop or just a house ? can anyone help !! Tina
I assume you mean Lichfield Road (rather than street). If you are talking post 1940, then no 67 doesn't appear in the directories (although 65 and 69 do), and so it was probably a private house. Earlier it was listed with various titles, including "portable buildings maker"
Hi Mike thanks for the reply i got that address from my great grandparents marriage cert, i've looked again the date was 1878 and it does say lichfield St ,Aston so maybe they made a mistake on it !! but thanks for looking for me Tina
Thank you John. For some reason I was assuming that it was later than 1878 as he period in question. In 1878 no 67 is listed as John Davis, bootmaker. It was either the first or second house on the north west side of the street. Attached is a map of 1832 (turned to approx. the north-south direction) showing the approx. position in red

Thanks for doing that Mike it's interesting to see where they lived Tina
Aston Pictures

I left Birmingham about 47 years ago and have just been going through looking at the pictures, they bought back so many memories. What a great collection, thank goodness someone kept memories. The Lichfield Road ones were great, my grandad lived in 2 back 96 Lichfield Road with his parents, if you Ray or anyone else has a photo of the court I would love to see it, my grandmother was bought up in Chester Street. Myself, I lived in Holte Road with my mom and grandparents. Went to school with Jean and Patty. Thanks for the memories. Denise