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Aston Pictures

omg ray...youve got another one of villa st....i wonder if someone can do a bit of magic on this one as i would love to get a better look at it to place exactly which end it was taken...looking at the houses i would say it was the end i lived..

thank you so much ray...

I've had to sharpen and enlarge till it pixellates like mad, but it looks like a painted 12 to me.

Hi Friends & mates.

Thank you very much for all thanks it's wonderful to think people some much from there living past.

Lets be honest we didn't have a lot, it makes you appreciate what a wonderful live I got down here in Devon, but I don't forget where my rootsare sad Iv'e nobody left in Aston but I've got memories.

thanks maurice....i am going to have to ask for some help here...if it is number 12 i think that it would have been at the other end to where i lived....near the bridge st west corner ...opposite farm st school...my first thought was that the number was 107 as the houses look very much like the ones opposite my house...racking me brains here to recognise the lady....


Maybe a high resolution scan might give us a bit more to play with, but as John says, it's on old picture and only so much you can do to enhance it.

Maybe one day someone will come forth with a whole box of pics of Villa Street and you'll be able to match it up on architecture!

omg ray...youve got another one of villa st....i wonder if someone can do a bit of magic on this one as i would love to get a better look at it to place exactly which end it was taken...looking at the houses i would say it was the end i lived.. thank you so much ray... lyn

Hi Lyn,
My attempt. I think it''s No. 30 but it's pretty blurry!
Keep 'em coming Ray!
hi john..thank you..ive had a better look now and i think the number is 107 or 109...i think the entry you see on the right led up to me mates joanie doyle and i am sure there was a little shop next to that entry....

could be my memory of course...i will have to show this to my mom.dad and brother....

Me again Lyn(got your name right this time),
I think it's a treble no. what looks like the tail of a 2 is in fact an underline,
It looks like 103 to me, but I'm probably wrong because it's only a guess.
thank you all for helping me the number...right ive had a good look and a think...i am convinced these houses are my end of villa st...it may well be 103 as the vine inn was 129 and i lived in the middle of these numbers on the opp side....i will try to get to the bottom of it..

Hi Lyn

I've just scan on 1600 as far I make out it is 109 it was taken in 1968.


hi john..thank you..ive had a better look now and i think the number is 107 or 109...i think the entry you see on the right led up to me mates joanie doyle and i am sure there was a little shop next to that entry....

could be my memory of course...i will have to show this to my mom.dad and brother....

ray...thank you...i was almost 100% sure of that...so you reckon 109 taken in 68...well my memory cant be as bad as i thought i was then...lol...i just sort of had a flashback when i looked at the pic...i must show mom and dad as we were living there in 68 and i feel certain they would know who the lady sweeping was...

cant thank you enough as if your remember when you first started posting your pics you found me 2 of villa st and said you had no more...imagine my surprise and delight when this one popped up tonight...never say never is what i say...

thank you again so much you are a star...maybe there is hope yet for one of the vine inn..

hi john..the pic you sent in post 196 with a bit of colour to it is great..i wonder could you post it again for me please but with the little square on it...

many thanks...

lol john...i was so excited at getting this pic that im afraid i was babbling a bit last night.....yes thats the one...many thanks for that....i was looking at it again and was thinking that the lady looks for all the world like she was going to attack the photographer with her broom...lol.....folk were made of strong stuff in those days..

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lol john...i was so excited at getting this pic that im afraid i was babbling a bit last night.....yes thats the one...many thanks for that....i was looking at it again and was thinking that the lady looks for all the world like she was going to attack the photographer with her broom...lol.....folk were made of strong stuff in those days..


....and the brooms were better made!!

lol john...i was so excited at getting this pic that im afraid i was babbling a bit last night.....yes thats the one...many thanks for that....i was looking at it again and was thinking that the lady looks for all the world like she was going to attack the photographer with her broom...lol.....folk were made of strong stuff in those days..

They certainly are a fantastic set of photos from Ray. Almost makes me wish I was from Aston myself!
I need someone to post a bunch of Winson Green pics. I don't seem to have any from my childhood.
lol richie...shes obviously looking directly at the photographer so going on that i would say he is standing at round about number 106 to 108

john...what roads/streets are you looking for...i will ask around for you......

Ta Lyn.... I lived in Blackford Street... just up from the prison, but i'd be interested in pics of the shops that were opposite The Smiths Arms on Winson Green Road.
Also Magdala St. Clinton St. Bryant St. Foundry Road School and Summerfield Park. (I bet you didn't expect such a list) {:o)
I'll have to get in touch with my brother and see if he has any.

Are any of these the location on Winson Green Rd you are looking for.



  • Winson Green, Winson Green Rd Nr Heath St .jpg
    Winson Green, Winson Green Rd Nr Heath St .jpg
    94.1 KB · Views: 28
  • Winson Green Rd 1960.jpg
    Winson Green Rd 1960.jpg
    88.6 KB · Views: 28
  • Winson Green Winson Green Rd (2).jpg
    Winson Green Winson Green Rd (2).jpg
    131.8 KB · Views: 27
  • Winson Green Winson Green Rd.jpg
    Winson Green Winson Green Rd.jpg
    82.2 KB · Views: 26

Are any of these the location on Winson Green Rd you are looking for.

Thanks for these pics, Phil. And after all that, I don't remember many of the shops! The first one possibly shows the barbers where I used to try and get a Beatle cut! If so, I think that was further down, just past the nick.

The only shops I remember are:
Dykes the bicycle shop,
Tong Kee, a chinese fish and chip shop, (We lived directly behind here)
Slaters, a grocery shop, On the corner of Winson Green Rd and Magdala St.
Crowders (I think) a newsagent/tobacconist and
Lewises, a sweet shop (used to spend a lot of time in there)
Further up the road on the other side was another newsagent, Blowers.

I'll show these pics to my brother and see if his memory is better than mine!
Thanks again Phil.