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Search results

  1. J

    Put a name to this Car

    A mate of mine had one of these in the late sixties/possibly early seventies....a whole load of second-hand pilots came over on a boat and were sold somewhere in the midlands.
  2. J

    Gudgeon family.

    Thanks Shera. It being an odd sort of name, I didn't think there'd be many about. I'm interested in a Mary-Ann Gudgeon...dating the latter half of the 19th, century, and possIbly into the early 20th. That's all I have at present. Ta. JohnO
  3. J

    Gudgeon family.

    Does anyone know of any 'Gudgeon' family in Brum ? Ta, JohnO.
  4. J

    Atkinsons Brewery

    What beer do people drink in Birmingham these days? Is it the one-size-fits-all Yorkshire rubbish; or foreign lagers? Up in the North-East we've now lost almost all of our regional beers; it's just John Smiths, Tetley, Stones or other similar invaders.
  5. J

    City Skyline 2010

    Having looked at all the pics, I'm afraid to say I don't recognise much at all. I was last in Birmingham in about 1974-5 and it's not only changed vastly, but some of the 'changes' have been yet changed yet again; and possibly more than once! Gawd but it makes me feel ancient! I did attempt to...
  6. J

    What Did You Want To Be

    It always worried me, as a child, that I had not the slightest clue as to what I wanted to be/do when I grew up. Indeed, I absolutely hated anyone ever asking me that question. I think I found the prospect of growing-up, or being an adult, rather terrifying. Neither could I see around me...
  7. J

    Got a puzzle here!

    Something I've never thought off before : if a child dies before his/her birth is registered, is a birth certificate issued posthumously??? And if not, would this have any affect upon a consequent death-certificate? Does anyone know?
  8. J

    Volunteer Transcribers needed please for Staffordshire Parish Registers

    There are lots of very talented, clever people on this site; I'm sure you will recruit several to your cause.
  9. J

    Volunteer Transcribers needed please for Staffordshire Parish Registers

    I am by necessity automatically precluded from volunteering, having none of the attributes required! :( But I DO wish you every success with your most valuable research! Regards, JohnO
  10. J

    Badge for Olddies

    I have a big, baggy Tee-shirt that reads '' IF THIS IS LIFE; IT AIN'T WHAT I SIGNED-UP FOR! ''
  11. J

    Posh Coffee Bars in Brum

    During the very late 60's/early 70's there was an antique shop come coffee bar. I can't recall its location, but it was pretty central. It was THE place to be seen; unless, that is, someone wanted to buy the chair you were sitting on! Does anyone remember its name???
  12. J

    Indian Hill Railways

    This series continues to delight. Such dedication and love for a public service! If only we in Britain had retained (been allowed to retain?) the same attitude. 'Steam buffs' must adore this programme; perhaps we ought to give-up our entire rail net-work to enthusiasts!
  13. J


    Onions also had pubs in the Wednesbury area too. Onion families were living in that area at least until the mid 1970's and probably still do (?) ....if I recall correctly, they were 'Catholics' ..... does that fit in with the Dudley Onions too?
  14. J

    Crest for Erdington

    I've cross-checked it against Fairbairn's ''Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland'' 1905 ed. It is exactly correct. You now have a ready-made (bespoke even!) crest for your bowls club...now you are bound to win! :D
  15. J

    Crest for Erdington

    Found it! https://www.myfamilysilver.com/crestFinder/crestDetails.aspx?id=145957&searchName=Erdington
  16. J

    Crest for Erdington

    Hi again, I'm having trouble with loading pages from the net.....this might take longer than I expected!
  17. J

    Crest for Erdington

    We try to meet all your Heraldic needs. :) What a coincidence - you just couldn't make it up! All I have to do now is prove it to you....and to first remember where I saw the damned thing too! I shall have a search about....so please bear with me, as it might take a while. Regards...
  18. J

    You cant Touch me Im Part of The Union

    You don't seem very clear as to what you do want; however, you can't have it every-which-way. Anyhows, it's not my place to lecture to the confused....ergo I'll refrain from further comment.
  19. J

    You cant Touch me Im Part of The Union

    Was that irony??? Just a moment ago you were prefering the ''down-fall'' of the state!
  20. J

    You cant Touch me Im Part of The Union

    Even if I tried really, really hard, I couldn't disagree wth you more!