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Search results

  1. T

    howe street

    Hello Jean B I lived in Howe Street until I was 5, that would have been about 1951, our family name was Forrester. I certainly don't remember the names of anyone there. Regards Trebor
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    Rewind The 60's

    There is a fabulous programme on all this week at 9-15 am called 'Rewind The 60's,' definitely a good watch to bring back memories of the 60's, worth recording if you can't watch at that time. trebor
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    H.P Sauce Birmingham

    Hello pam m, If you type in HP factory into the search engine on the forum site and the scroll to page 4, you will find a wealth of information abou the HP factory. Regards trebor (Rita)
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    Uffculme Open Air School

    Re: did any one go to uffcome open air school, think it was either Moseley or Kings h Hello Jule, If you go to the library you can get a bookout of the reference section titled 'A Breath of Fresh Air' it's about all of the open air schools that belonged to Birmingham Council, I think you will...
  5. T

    paper shop. howe st/curzon st

    Hello Astoness, Have you any idea when that photo was taken, I lived in Howe Street when I was a baby until I was five, and my grandparents lived in Curzon Street,. This was 1946 until about 1951.
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    Hello, my husband seems to think it was called Aston Autos Motorcycles, he thinks it was near to Dartmouth St, but on the other side, and may have been painted red. Trebor
  7. T

    Ear Nose and Throat Hospital

    Wasn't the ENT hospital on the corner of Newhall Street and Edmund Street, I had my tonsils out in there in 1953, and there wasn't a children's ward, I was on a ward with what seemed a lot of old ladies, probably weren't, but to a seven year old, they appeared to be. Trebor
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    Mrs. Cutts Grocery Shop

    Sue, wasn't the drapers shops named Bingham, I remember it because when sitting on the number eight bus, I would look at the name and think it rhymed with Gingham. Funny the things you remember after fifty years. Regards Trebor
  9. T

    The Secret Scriptures

    Thanks Alberta, I have just ordered it from Amazon, look forward to reading it. Regards Trebor
  10. T

    looking for a verse - Grief

    I hope no one was thinking I had written the poem about grief, I only located it for Bo. Trebor.
  11. T

    looking for a verse - Grief

    Hello Bo, is this the poem. Isn't grief meant to wane? And passage of time should ease the pain, So great loss pales, to sentimental chat, Romantized recollections, far removed from fact. Should I stick to the rules, and think of you less? Abandon all sorrow, would that be best? Allow daily...
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    Railway Hostels

    Hello dwilly, I think the hostel you referred to was in Devon Street, if you go to www.railchat.co.uk and type in railway hostels I think you will find lots of information about them. Regards trebor
  13. T

    Brown saddler

    Hello Ann, I hope this explains the question for you. ` black saddler` was a maker of cart, gig and other saddles in black leather, as distinct from a brown saddler who made riding saddles. Regards trebor
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    BSA, Armoury Road

    Hello Johnb, If you go to 'search' at the top of the page and type in BSA Armoury Rd, you will see lots of posts that will be of interest to you. trebor
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    A B row Aston-Birmingham

    I think you will find that Aston didn't belong to Birmingham many many years ago, and it was where the two borders were, hence A.B.Row. trebor
  16. T

    Cherrywood Road Bordesley

    Ellie, If you type Cherrywood Road into search at the top of the page, you will see some interesting facts come up about this Road. Regards trebor
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    Erdington Open Air School

    Hello Karen, If you go to Friends Reunited and find Frances Headford who wrote the book, you could send her an e-mail and ask if she has any more photographs, she was talking about writing another book about the open air schools, she may well have some more photos. Regards trebor
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    Unlock region code

    Dave, it actually works, YOU ARE BRILLIANT, you can't imagine how many e-mails I sent last night, and how many forums I looked at, it seems everyone was looking for this make and model, with no luck, aren't I the lucky one. I visit the Isle of Wight frequently to see my dad, my husband drives...
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    Unlock region code

    Thanks Dave for that, I did as you suggested, but it hasn't worked, trust me to buy one that won't do what I want. Regards trebor
  20. T

    Unlock region code

    Thank you LadyLinda, I have filled in the form and sent it to Toshiba, if I get any help from them I will let you know. Regards trebor